Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

I am bit over 9 months sober. This milestone is somehow more meaningful to me than the other 8. My first therapist once said to me, that people who managed to last 9 month without alcohol didn’t have a drinking problem. That made total sense to me and I really wanted to get there to prove I was not an addict. You can probably all imagine how that went. I tried for years and never lasted longer than a week. I struggled and struggled and hated myself for not being able to walk away from that first drink. But I was certain, once I made it - all would be good.

Now I am finally here - sober for 9 month. I suspect my therapist really didn’t know much about this disease. Or maybe she did and had some elaborate plan. Either way, I am grateful her remark send me down this path of sobriety. It made me want to reach for something, that wasn’t easy to achieve and that could not be done without putting in the work. I actually had to humble myself, listen to what others had already learned and figure out, what would help me stay sober. I am grateful I got to understand that 3, 6 or 9 months (or years) without drinking are a remarkable thing to achieve, but do not mean, I am not an alcoholic. Thank you guys for helping me get here (and further). :orange_heart:


I’m grateful to have my quiz completed early this morning with a passing grade of a B. I’m grateful I was able to wake up early feeling clear minded and ready for a new day. Grateful for breakfast and coffee prior to taking my quiz. Grateful I have energy to head to the outlet mall and get some winter clothes like sweaters and jeans for my daughter as the weather starts to cool down heading into fall.
Thank you for another day. #8days


@Soberbilly may I message you privately about EMDR? I’ve got some questions, looking into this for my daughters.


Yes of course

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I am grateful I have hooks sunk into my twinnie outside of the forum or I would probably be panicing a little after his post.

I am grateful that my days of isoltaion have passed and that I am feeling pretty good. So good that I participated in my first silver smithing class today and made my very first ring! I am proud of my accomplishment even though theres a mistake (dragon scale). I am grateful for my recovery and that it allows me to follow my dreams. My whole life I have wanted to make jewelry and my whole life I have been banged up on drugs. I am grateful that I still have some life left and that I can spend it doing all the things I missed out on.
I am grateful for the feeling of working with my hands and the energy that pours from me into my creations. Maybe thats why I scalded the silver… too much energy. :wink:

I am grateful that I can watch tv with my kiddo today in bed like we usually do I will just stay masked up. I am grateful that tomorrow is a holiday and the school starts on Tuesday. Bring on Grade 11!!! Woooohooo.


Congratulations on 8 days J. And welcome to the gratitude thread.


I’m grateful and congratulations on
ODAATs Franzi.
And another move😱 You are incredible!! I’m so glad you’re here with us. I hope you get to settle in for a long long time. I know how exhausting it is. Especially when you do it frequently.


Thank you Eric. Yeah, moving is exhausting. I think 2 moves before I said I’d move into a tiny house. Problem is that it’s so difficult to get a piece of land here where you could put it. :confounded:



Short one this early morning. Grateful for my being humbly Grateful in each moment :pray:

God Guru And Self Are One


I am grateful to God thank you for loving me. I am grateful for recovey. I am grateful for ALL my family, friends, TS and the grati-dudes. God bless you all. :v:& :heart:

p.s. You are awesome. Dont forget. Ya you!!


I’m grateful for 25 days of being AF.
I’m grateful to be at work getting time and a half.
I’m grateful it’s slow.
I’m grateful to be making this easy money.
I’m grateful to be in good spirits this morning.
I’m grateful for a new chance at life.


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