Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

Grateful for the family holiday. Now I’m traveling back, while my husband takes the boys to summer camp. Grateful they will have a wonderful, fun, muddy, rough-blankets and smelly socks, running around and making new friends kind of month :heart:

Grateful I’ll see my little dog and give her cuddles and attention, since the family will be away. She will pee in my bathroom floor as soon as I walk through the door. It’s her way of saying “how DARE you leave me behind for two weeks?” She’ll cuddle with me after a while. I think she is part cat.

Grateful for you all. I can’t believe it will be 4 months AF soon. You have no idea how much this forum has helped me.

Have a wonderful day :heart:


Grateful for country walks


I am grateful to finally admit that I need help with another addiction. I finally have all that weight lifted off my shoulders! Im grateful for makeup (seen in the photo :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:) and I’m grateful for smiles.

Im also grateful for @Butterflymoonwoman Who has been so sweet and kind and encouraging to me. Thank you so much :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Ur so very welcome my friend :slight_smile: thank u for the beautilful shout out! At one point in my life I actually was attending SLAA mtgs. So I sort of understand I think the feeling being hesitant about admitting something that others may judge u on. But it’s an addiction like any other addiction and I honestly feel like its used in the same manner say as drugs or alcohol or gambling. In addiction we use things to try and make ourselves feel better (but instead it causes us alot of pain and suffering). Ur not alone! And I’m so glad rhat u finally got that sense of relief :relieved:


This morning I am grateful to read through all of your gratitudes. It has helped me more than I can put into words. I am struggling and your words are encouraging, especially the ones dealing with living with partners who still drink or use. So thank you for sharing those gratitudes. I needed to read them this morning and am truly grateful :hugs:


Thanks for the tag Faugxh.
I’m very grateful for you. :hugs:



Really thinking about it, gratitude is an abstract object like love or anger. Concretely defining it is a right difficult task, but we all at one point have felt that warmth in our chest, and have heard internal dialogues of gratitude. They are buttery and sweet.

Maybe it’s definition is just that, in it’s barest essence, simply a good feeling. Fleeting, sometimes unkempt. To solidify it into consciousness is a practice more than anything and as addicts, I think we’re pretty familiar with practices.

Yet, as an addict in the trenches, I think it’s difficult to ascertain the feeling part of gratitude. Everyone understands the concept, but without that feeling, it’s hollow and distant. Like reaching for a branch to pull us out of a torrent of shit, but it’s metaphorical bark is slippery with liquor.

The problem with abstract objects is their hard to be actionable. Someone saying “accept and love yourself” is typically great advice, but what does that mean? And how does that work?

I think the practice of gratitude is similar. It takes being in charge of many moving parts, and is a different process for everyone. It takes courage, hope, love and acceptance and all these other abstract concepts to get to that feeling.

I think all of you here are practitioners of the abstract, courageous, hopeful, loving, accepting and grateful.

I’m grateful for this community, my friends, family, and the ability to feel grateful for everything that’s positive in my life. I’m grateful for the courage to change, the ability to accept my past and current circumstances, my hope for the future, and the love I have for myself again.


Hi everyone :revolving_hearts::tulip:

I’m grateful a late start is better than no start. I’m grateful for a good night’s sleep all the way up to 4am. I’m grateful I’m not grumpy.

I’m grateful I’m in a cleaning mood today and I’ve been gettin’ stuff done all morning. I’m grateful for the washer and dryer, “clean” cleaning supplies, and the vacuum and hand vac, which comes in handy for the little messes my chicklets leave. :upside_down_face:

I’m grateful for the meditation on surrendering to the light that @Its_me_Stella shared. I listened this morning and it was inspiring. Thank you. :blush:

I’m grateful for oxeye daisies. They’re considered noxious weeds, but they make summer so much prettier. I’m grateful for clear rivers with rocky bottoms. I’m going to leave y’all with a poem I wrote not long after moving to Colorado. Have a beautiful day. :green_heart::blush:


Those unhurried days are upon me,
When silent paths feel my feet once more
And my spirit awakens at Nature’s dance.
I smile a hello to my faithful tree friends
While composing a tune with joyful songbirds.
Deaf and blind to ignorance and darkness,
My soul drinks in the honesty of this landscape.
I merge with the light, mingle with the liquid,
As the music of the Uncompahgre River
Becomes my summer voice again.


Good Morning,

Haven’t been on this thread for a while. Not because I haven’t been thankful but I have also spent less time on the app. Nevertheless I do make sure to Give my thanks to the Lord for all his blessings and help through my journey.

I am grateful today that through his word I was reminded this morning that I (you) are not what our damage past has done to us. We evolve and can heal those parts of us to give the world a better version of us with love and compassion.
I am grateful for technology because it has given me a way to have access to this community that has been so helpful to my sobriety. Because it has allowed me to find Podcast that feed my ear with sobriety talk. because it has given me the ability to access Podcast that give the word of God when I choose to tune in whether it be during my morning commute to work, or on my way back home.
Grateful for that accessibility.
Grateful foe all the financial stability I have had over the years now
Grateful for stable work
Grateful for my children and my SO
Grateful for my sobriety journey and all the things I am learning through it about myself and others
grateful for another day of life

:pray:t3: :white_heart:


Good morning.

I am grateful for the beautiful day I spent at the lake with Nugget yesterday paddle boarding and swimming. I am grateful that I was able to resist the urge to defend my “Pitbull” to some ignorant passersby. There have been times in my life where I took other people’s lack of education and/or complete stupidity personally, I would get defensive and start ripping assholes at the flick of a switch. That slowly changed to a feeling of needing to educate everyone and I also took that upon myself, taking the time to talk to people and find out their “why”. Most of the time I walked away from those conversations still feeling defeated and as if I had gotten nowhere with the close-minded individual. Since being in recovery I have learned to seperate my shit from other people’s shit!!! I am happy to say that 3/4 of the shit I used to take on was not my own… what a relief. I am so grateful for the lighter load I carry now. I am grateful that I have come to realize I can not fight everyone’s wars for them, that getting absolutley enraged only makes my life uncomfortable and doesn’t affect the problem at hand. I am grateful for the clarity.

I am grateful for self awareness and the idea of setting boundaries with myself. It takes a lot of practice and quiet time alone to be able to recognize the different voices of my unconscious. At times my mind can sound like an off key choir made up of a bunch of stories I have heard from my past. I am grateful that when my mind is trying to take over my heart fights hard. These days my heart seems to be winning, I can get caught in obsession but I don’t completely unravel. I am grateful to see that even if I am not feeling 100% when I keep doing the next right thing I can make it through. " Just don’t stop," My sponsor has told me, “just don’t stop.” So I don’t.


I’m grateful to God please help me be my best self while remaining clean and sober performing your will just for today. I’m grateful for my recovery. I’m grateful for All my family and friends and the gratidudes. I’m grateful my parents got me safely to the hospital. I’m grateful I made it to a AA meeting this morning it was a great meeting. I’m grateful that the women outnumbered the men 11-7 we all commented that may be a first. I’m grateful that I am next in line for this endoscopy. I’m grateful that means I can eat soon, getting cranky with this no eating for over a day now. I’m grateful I weighed myself on the quality hospital scale and I think I am at a healthy weight. I’m grateful for music and creativity. I’m grateful for humor and laughter. I’m grateful for daily readings, prayers and gratitude.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are amazing, smile. Ya you !!


Grateful for feelings and emotions. Raw, unfiltered and overwhelming as they may be, they are still there and that’s beautiful.
Grateful for understanding by now that the “switching off” of feelings is just my safety switch preventing a meltdown in my mind once they get too overwhelming.

Grateful for persistance.

Grateful for the newborn ability to be amidst a group of men without the lifetime-known proces of comparing, insecurities and negative feelings - last week I finally got to the point where I can look them in the eyes without feeling that inferiority. I don’t have to be one of them anymore and that’s still difficult, but relieving.

Grateful for the confusing experience of true love for a person I’ve only seen once. Drowned in her eyes and wished I could stay in there forever. I honestly haven’t got a clue whether she’s in transition or not or ever will do so, and I don’t care either. She’s perfect regardless what her biology is.

Grateful for the violins and pianos playing a duet again in my life for a week by now. Never had heart and mind that long synchronised.


I’m grateful for you! Thank you for loving the breed and trying to educate others.
I was gonna add a picture of my neela but started to cry looking through the pictures. We laid her to rest last June.
Im truly grateful for those who love “pibbles” as I call them lol

Edited to add, I used to get duper defensive but my neela taught me to just let her prove them wrong.


Evening gratitude,

Im so greatful for

My sobriety, day 82 free from weed and alcohol
A lovely lady invited me to a sat ladies meeting
Working from home today…i believe everything happens for a reason, well let Boscoe out and there was a heavy gas smell. Called my neighbor and they had forgot to turn the propane off last night, saved some lives :slight_smile: and houses
Cancelled our outdoor concert plans its 97 rn
Time to unwind and paint
No rush to make dinner
My hubby not drinking
Boscoe love and cuddles
Missing the family reunion, its best for my sobriety
Everyone sharing their ups and downs of their recovery journey
TS fellowship

Still time to slay the day soberly!


This evening I will be grateful that I have a husband and daughter that love me, warts and all as I love them, warts and all.

I will be grateful for the opportunity for service work.

I will be grateful for the hateful stubborn chihuahua who walks so slowly and stops for so long on our walks I have to pick her up and carry her cuz she’s that stubborn. :rofl: I’m grateful she hasn’t bitten me for 2 days now. On a roll here lol

I’m grateful for the home we live in, even though it takes a lot of patience ( a virtue i dont possess ) to deal with the nosey board members of our resident owned community. Im still grateful.

I’m grateful im learning its not manipulation to be pleasant and friendly to people I HAVE to live near and deal with. It’s being a grown up. Lol I used to just avoid them.

( being hopeful here ) im grateful there are still about a 2 dozen apples left on the tree that rocky hasn’t either eaten or knocked off for the deer to eat. ( just leave me 1 or 2 rocky please :pray:)

I’m grateful im sober today.
I’m grateful I chose not to drink last night or this morning when I was ready to give up.

I’m grateful for all of you.


I am grateful to be sober. Feeling anxious but I know it will pass. I just HATE it so much! I have been stuffing so many emotions down for awhile now and this is the result and drinking could follow if I am not careful. I need to explore the idea of therapy again and or journaling. I am not great at accessing what is really going on with myself all the time… odaat.

I am grateful that tonight is my last night of work and I am hopeful all will go well. :crossed_fingers:

I am grateful my Mom has had a decent week and that my parents have good a/c.

I am grateful for Emm’s shout out, the fur babies say hi back atcha! :blush:

I am grateful for all the gratidudes and hope everyone has a safe, clean, and serene day. :two_hearts:


I’m just grateful I woke up and didn’t need a drink.

Edit - notice I used the word need. I still want to drink, 22 months and the thought of getting wasted sounds so nice… BUT… its just a thought and I don’t need to.


Thanks so much! :kissing_heart: Oxeye daisies are my youngest daughter’s favorite flowers. I tell my future son-in-law she’s a cheap date. :wink:


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful my tiredness is not from drinking.
I am grateful for Bettina’s playlist. I don’t know her but I enjoy it for my workouts. :upside_down_face:
I am grateful for the rain we had and the wind going through the apartment.
I am grateful for the friends I have.
I am grateful for better communication with my mother.
I am grateful I have enough.


I’m grateful to be sober.
I’m grateful to feel content being sober.
I’m grateful that its been easy for me to stay sober this summer.
I’m grateful for creativity. My creativity is flowing.
I’m grateful for inspiration. I find inspiration everywhere.
Being alive is inspiring. Because I’m sober. I was not inspired by being alive for many years swimming in alcoholism.
I felt guilt, shame, remorse, regret. Those feelings aren’t very inspiring.
Today I feel proud!
I feel gratitude!
A lot of gratitude.
I’m grateful that I pulled my head out of my ass before it was too late. Its never too late unless your dead. My alcoholism tried to take me there. I’m grateful to have escaped!