Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

Feel empowerment for being bk, stopped my head making all my descion and allowing or trying to allow my tru self to emerge its a tough one but I’m grateful to I have the opportunity to try❤️


I’m grateful we made it to Frankfurt without issues.
Thinking of my favorite German friend :kissing_heart:
I’m grateful I made my first transatlantic flight sober.
I’m grateful for no speed limits. Weee!!!


Woohoo, bon voyage Eric. Enjoy your stay in France and all the excellent food and cheese :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Are you heading to Paris or making a stop in Strasbourg first? When I am in Ulm: there is a direct TGV to Paris in less than 5 hours. :upside_down_face:


That is epic! Enjoy your trip! :heart:


I made a mistake yesterday. An honest mistake, but pretty bad. I’m grateful (strange as it sounds) that I made the mistake sober. Yes, I forgot something pretty darn important and now have to fix a mess, but it was an honest mistake, and not something I forgot because I was drunk. And I have a clear mind to figure out how to fix this.

Grateful for the remainder of the summer.

Grateful I’m home unpacking and doing laundry. It’s wonderful to travel, but it is also wonderful to come back home :heart:


Good morning all,
I’m grateful for the gorgeous hot pink and orange sunrise I’m watching from my porch swing. I’m grateful to also see lightning from a storm off to the left side. Maybe we’ll finally get some rain! I’m grateful for our home, and my family. I’m grateful that taking the step to cut back at work some has really improved my mental health. I’m grateful that I didn’t panic and try to immediately grab back the extra hours when my husband left his job recently. I can get them if I need to, but I’ll wait until it’s necessary. I’m grateful that like @anon74766472 says, we have enough. Our idea of what is “enough” may change over the next weeks and months, but for today we are fine. I’m grateful there’s threads on here for everyone, and just about anything. The amount of support I see is amazing.
Everyone have a wonderful day :heart:
Enjoy your sober travels @Dazercat! Just think of all the memories you will make ( and keep)!


That is just the cutest. Is he looking for worms? Or beetles for Kevin Snickerdoodle Cadbury?


Good saturday morning to ya sober fam!

Im greatful for…

My sobriety, day 83 free from weed and alcohol
The joy, happiness, and excitement outweighs the fear and anxiety
The hubby and Boscoe
Waking up fully rested, spending some family time with hubby and Boscoe
Working on my patience daily
Hubbys new used car
Having my basic needs met
Aa fellowship
Everyone here sharing their journies

Let us go out and slay the day soberly!


I’m grateful for that laugh this morning. No speed limits :rofl:


Good Morning! :sunflower: I’m grateful it’s Saturday. I’m grateful the storms didn’t scare Max last night. I’m grateful for my home and having the things I need. I’m grateful for having a job that allows me to work remotely. I’m grateful for Max and Riley for all their love and humor and they don’t look at me like I’m crazy when I talk to myself. I’m grateful I have food in the fridge but wish I’d stop thinking a pop tart is an acceptable meal.:thinking: I’m grateful for Stella telling me about diamond painting, which has become my new hobby, that replaces my previous hobby of drinking. I’m grateful for everyone here that has supported me and helped me get and stay sober. :blue_heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::pray::sunglasses::tulip:


I’m grateful for this group
I’m grateful for friends in AA who notice when I’m struggling without me saying a word.
I’m grateful for an out of the blue invite to go boating today with AA friends because they think I need it.
I’m grateful the invite was extended to my husband even though he is not in AA and they all know he drinks.
I’m even more grateful he said yes. He is so exhausted after work and usually comes homes to drink and Netflix from the couch all day. I have missed him this summer. So I cant put into words how grateful I am he said yes! It will be so nice spending some time with him outside of this home
I’m grateful little phoebe is being nice to me again. Im pretty sure she manipulating me so I will keep putting her on the comfy bed at night. Its working lol
I’m grateful my anxiety is calmed down a bit this morning.
I’m grateful one of my reading gs hit me straight in the heart and seemed to be written just for me just for this day.


Good morning, its so beautiful out!!!

I have been sitting here reading through everyone’s gratitude and sometimes I have a hard time pinpointing specific things I am grateful for. I always want to say " My life" or "My Recovery " which of course I am grateful for but it’s way deeper than that.

I am grateful that I seem to have lost that desperate need for things, that feeling of “I can’t live without…” It’s been replaced with a much calmer feeling of “I don’t want to Iive without” .

I feel grateful when I can listen to my heart and use my voice. Something was said to me this morning and I could have easily taken it personally, let it get away from me and sat in it for too long in my head. Instead I spoke up and as I spoke I could immediately feel the difference in myself compared to all the years of my past. I am grateful for that feeling.

I am grateful that I do not abuse my family and their time anymore saving my sorry drunk ass therefore I do not feel guilty for asking for some help so that I can have a night off.

I am grateful for courage, others and my own. Courage is one of those things that comes straight from the heart. When I witness a person completely exposed, being so vulnerable… well to me there’s nothing quite as courageous.

I could go on and on and on for all the things I am grateful for today.



I’m grateful to God please help me stay clean and sober while performing your will just for today. I’m grateful for my recovery with its blessings and challenges, new and old. I’m grateful for All my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful that I am going to try and find the words, strength and wisdom to start a new thread or add to an exisiting one. I’m grateful for music and creativity. I’m grateful for daily readings, prayers and gratitude. I’m grateful I read every post on this home thread, I may not always comment or reply or tag whatever but know you all matter so very much.
God bless you. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are star, a great big fucking shinning star, so glow on and shine bright. Ya you !!


Ha, yes his name is pretty memorable :blush: sounds like a fun day in the garden :sparkling_heart:


I am beyond grateful and soooo full gratitude for TS and giving me a safe space to open up about my son.
I am grateful to God for giving me the strength to open up about a painful time
I am sooo grateful for everyone who posted on my thread I recently posted. I just felt so much love and gentleness and kindness from everyone. The relief I feel is something I can’t even describe.
Grateful beyond words for TS :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Congratulations on 90 days! Fantastic! :hugs:


I’m grateful to be on vacation. Can’t sleep, jet lagged I guess even though I stayed up 30 + hours. I’m grateful I can get in some gratitude now I guess. I’m grateful I’m retired and even though my life now seems like a permanent vacation it’s not really. So I’m grateful, and today, very excited, about being on Holiday, as they say over here in Europe. I’m grateful I’m not wasting my time downing beers from one sidewalk cafe to the next. I walked all over Strasbourg yesterday and saw these 3 beers being served in the warm sun thinking. Those beers wouldn’t stand a chance against me. As a matter of fact I would have ordered 3 beers for myself. because at a French sidewalk cafe you got to stock up. Who knows if that waiter will be back.
I’m grateful I’m sober.
I’m grateful my body feels great ! Today.
I’m grateful I’m not nursing a transatlantic hangover :face_with_head_bandage:
I’m grateful I really have no idea where I am or where we’re going. I’m grateful I got us here. I’m grateful the rest is out of my hands and I haven’t got a clue what’s gonna happen next.

I’m grateful I still feel like a kid with all my energy on vacation. I might even go for a walk about while everyone else gets there hours of sleep in. I’m grateful I’ll wait til it light out.

I’m grateful I didn’t have desert last night. Not just because I don’t want to break my streak. But I was full after dinner. Why would I want to order dessert?
I’m grateful my wife ordered the Pig Knuckle. OMG it was so good.
I’m grateful for the culinary delights in store on my trip.
I’m grateful for my blessings.
I’m grateful this gratitude list has nothing to do with you know who or you know what? :thinking:
@Tragicfarinelli :wink:.
I’m on vacation. Other people can drink on vacation. I don’t have to or want to drink or care about any one else’s drinking. I’m grateful I forgot to pack my fucks to give @JasonFisher about someone else’s drinking :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: while on my vacation. Left them all at home. I did drop a few on the airplane. But they were my last ones :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’m grateful for you all.
:pray:t2: :blue_heart::heart::fr::pray:t2:

Insert your own quote here.
I might have forgot to pack them too :blush:


I needed a wonderful day! The last few days I have been struggling.

I’m so grateful for the day with my AA friends and my husband boating on the flathead lake, jumping into that cold refreshing water, enjoying the sun, the wind and just relaxing and being at peace in the moment.
I’m grateful my husband stepped out of his comfort zone and got to see that we in AA still like to have fun and “party” we just do it without booze. Im grateful he had an awesome time and now will be more receptive to joining other sober events and invites.

I’m grateful I didn’t have to be in control of everything today. I got that invite this morning after my morning read and meditation. I had surrendered again to my higher power and asked for help, I simply prayed that my higher power knew what I needed and I asked for it to be shown to me. Im grateful very shortly I after got the invite from a concerned friend.

I’m grateful for @Dazercat , Eric and getting to enjoy his vacation.

I’m grateful for @I.cant.We.can always reminding us in one way or another we are shining stars

I’m grateful for @Its_me_Stella and sharing

[quote=“Its_me_Stella, post:1546, topic:142542”]
I seem to have lost that desperate need for things, that feeling of “I can’t live without…” It’s been replaced with a much calmer feeling of “I don’t want to Iive without” .
[/quote] that really hit me.

I’m grateful for @maxwell, I enjoy reading your posts, and no pop tarts aren’t the best meal but hey, better than booze right? :wink: im glad the storms didn’t bother max last night.

I could go on and on but I think I have enough already.

Have a wonderful evening friends. :hugs:



Grateful for you and your words too. :pray: :orange_heart:


I love this…it’s exhilarating to feel like that again: the excitement and the energy of a kid.

If you’d like a pop culture quote to borrow while on vacation, I offer Elton John’s song, interpreted by Johnny the gorilla in Sing (one of my favorites!)

“Don’t you know I’m still standing better than I ever did?
Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid” :notes:

Have a fantastic holiday!