Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

I’m so grateful for the last few days I had. Tonight, it’s quiet out, calm - no wind, and the temps have cooled down. I’m winding down now too, feeling pretty calm myself after the storms of this week.

Shit was still flying at work on Friday/yesterday morning before I turned my phone off for the day. Grateful that I can do this. Grateful that some agitating stuff on the personal-life-front didn’t agitate me. Whether personal life or work life, I’m grateful I’m getting better at discerning when to enter the storm and when not to. (We’ll get this right, @desert_rose! Grateful for your shout out!). Grateful for my therapy yesterday. For walks with pals here and chats with pals afar. For time to myself. Grateful that I don’t want to drink - either in the company of others or on my own.

I’m grateful I can look ahead at some decisions I will be facing and not feel anxious about them. I’m grateful the tools of recovery are also the tools of life!

I’m grateful for salted dark chocolate. Yum.

I’m super grateful for this home thread, for all of you, for this practice - and how it spills over into other rooms and corners of my life.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:

EDIT: @Dazercat? How’s this for a quote…
Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude.
A.A. Milne

And this too…


Love them both. I knew I could count on my Homies
All three of them. :blush:


I’m grateful to read Eric’s gratitude when I woke up, you always make me laugh.
I’m grateful to read @desert rose and @M-be-free49 's quotes - perfect!
I’m grateful to be heading out soon with my new walking group, the Ramblers, looking forward to meeting new people. Definitely grateful it’s a nice day here.
Grateful things are quietening down for me, its been busy lately with stuff going on, time to work on my bank balance!
Grateful to be healthy and happy :sparkling_heart:


That’s the spirit…pun intended.

Holidays are awesome. For the small details. Not what the guide book tells you. Go forth Sober and find all the secrets! :heart:

I must admit I laughed at the beer thing. They were no doubt in a pretty glass as well, 200 ml each… Gotta love the French :pray:



Good midday @all here.

I am grateful today I am at peace and happy enough in my tired body. That I’m not looking out into the world with dread but with something like a flicker of confidence or faith that things will be ok, that it’s not all nothing and all up in flames all the time.
I’m grateful I can forgive myself that even in my gratitude the Old Thinking still always comes up and needs expressing. The How It Used To Be inside my head. I’m grateful that I’m creating distance between the Old Thinking and what there is now. I am grateful that change is possible. Palpable. Proven real.

I’m grateful I had an early night last night and time to chat with my goodhearted coworker. I’m grateful she’s a rather interesting and inspiring person.
I’m grateful that this morning my anxiety felt so low I took public transport and took my girls to a different part of town for their park walk which they just adored. I’m grateful that when I got really anxious, I recognised that and dealt with it fine, rather than not knowing what that was, not accepting it and berating myself in my head.
I’m grateful I’m awake, cos I have nightmares every night these days. I’m grateful my back is better, it was sore yesterday. And I’m not feeling sick anymore. Which I did yesterday.

I’m grateful I’m in a good place. I’m grateful for the ppl of TS.

Shine brightly or lowly today, ppl. Enjoy this day.

Edit to say:

This is something I can feel on a deep level for me like a promise. I feel this shift in my relationship to my partner and in many relationships I have with things, activities, how I want to be. This is like a rolling stone, this feeling. Thank you Stella for your unreally wise words!


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for the nice afternoon yesterday with my home group. Although we didn’t talk a lot as we did a city tour and going to an ice café afterwards.
I am grateful that I can pay with my phone in most of circumstances. Today I forgot my wallet and only had some cereal bars with me. The weather was fine but it really makes me nervous to be without food in the middle of nowhere. The only possibility would be to turn off the insulin pump. I was glad I found a gas station to buy ice-cream :see_no_evil:
I am grateful that many things made sense to me today. I do a lot of thinking on my bike. I tried to be understanding for myself and it’s hard to not fall into the excuses and justification way of thinking.


Im so very greatful

Im greatful for this gratitude thread and all the growth and positivity i see
Im greatful my hubby is doing the sober thing too
Im greatful Boscoe only barks once when he wants to come in from outside
Im greatful for family
Im greatful my sponsor has invited me to a few sober parties before we go over step 2/3
Im greatful for AA fellowship
Im greatful for TS fellowship
Im greatful i have 12 weeks sober. That shit is crazy! It seemed out of reach early on but its amazing what taking things ODAAT can do.
Im greatful for little things that bring me pleasure
Im greatful for everyone here sharing their sober journies.

Let us go out and slay the day soberly!


Good morning all,
It’s sprinkling here! I’m grateful I can sit on my swing under the porch with my coffee and smell and listen to it. I’m grateful we slept in a little- my husband hasn’t been sleeping well lately. I’m grateful that I have plans to meet my sister for lunch and do some shopping with her. I’m grateful I’m learning to be ok windows shopping and not buying, it doesn’t take away from the experience. I’m grateful to read about lake days, travels to France, ice cream from gas stations, phones turned off, and all the other life things shared on here. I’m grateful I have a home group like you guys.
Everyone have a wonderful day :heart:


I’m grateful you felt safe enough to share your son with us- he’s a beautiful, smiley boy!:heart:


Yes! Congratulations on ( hang on doing the math :joy: ) 3 months sober!
12 weeks! Thats huge!!!


G’morning y’all :blush::revolving_hearts::tulip:

I’m grateful for what seems to be a turning point in my marriage. I’ve recently been teetering on the edge of leaving, but the talk I had with him a few days ago must have made him think. I didn’t talk about leaving, but I’m sure my words conveyed that I was simply done. The past 9+ months of sobriety have been lonely, and hopelessness has been a near constant companion. I’m grateful I can see a change for the better in our conversations. It’s a start.

Thanks for the sweet words @M-be-free49. I’m grateful for you. :blush:

I’m grateful I enjoyed the patio yesterday. I don’t want to say I’m finally getting over myself, because I won’t make light of how hard getting and staying sober has been. But I am grateful for being at ease out there without having a drink in hand. I’ve come a long way.

I’m grateful @Shaunda’s husband had some sober fun. I love boating! So happy y’all had a good time. :sunny::sweat_drops::speedboat:

I’m grateful CDOT has been working all summer to improve the highway. It’s smooth as butta now! The freeze and thaw up here really takes a toll on the roads. I’m grateful for highway construction workers.

I’m grateful for rain, too. @Sunflower1 I love the smell of it, and I’m glad I didn’t go inside when it started to sprinkle yesterday evening. I just sat there for a few minutes, enjoying the drops falling on me and all around me. The sound of rain hitting the leaves of my plants makes me happy. I imagine they’re singing. :cloud_with_rain:🪴

I’m grateful for you all and so thankful to have this space to share. Happy Sunday! :heart:


Oohhh im so grateful to be reading your post this morning! I’ve kept up with how difficult it was for you to enjoy the patio since I joined and my heart is happy for you that you were able to even if it was just for that time. Progress not perfection!
I’m also grateful and feel happiness in my heart reading about the turn in your marriage. I pray it continues.


I’m grateful to God please help me be my best clean and sober self while performing your will just for today. I’m grateful for my recovery with its challenges and blessings. I’m grateful for All my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful that the doctor told me I have Crohn’s disease after my endoscopy Friday so I can try to manage it and that they gave me meds. I’m grateful I can admit it still fucking sucks. I’m grateful I have been surving with it for years already. I’m grateful I mailed my birth certificate information again and hope they will aprove it this time. I’m grateful my ROE from the job I left on May 25 is apparently due to arrive this coming week. I’m grateful for tears and that I generally feel better after, lots of them lately aroung my health and lady friends though and its exhausting. I’m grateful for the summer job I have and that I can almost run it myself now. I’m grateful for music and creativity. I’m grateful to be exercising a little again, just did a tiny bit of man yoga to loosen up before my work day. I’m grateful for the pets I get to play with, walk and cuddle in my building, at work and some of my twelve step meetings. I’m grateful for daily readings, prayers and gratitude. I’m grateful that school is 44 days away, yikes the countdown starts. I’m grateful for @M-be-free49 and her incredible support, and laugh
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Don’t forget to smile and breathe, it feels good and looks great on you. Ya you!!


Thanks so much, Shaunda. :kissing_heart::heart: I went out on the patio again today, and it started raining… again! Maybe I’ll start doing that when we need rain. :joy: I’m hoping things keep getting better in my marriage, too. I’m seriously so over the problems. Thanks for your sweet self. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Only day 2 for me. But I am grateful because it could have been Day 0. I am grateful that I made this decision. Went to bed early yesterday and I’ve had 9 hours of good sleep. I feel much better physically today. I’m grateful because I’m going to have a shower and actually enjoy it, while yesterday I had a shower only to wash away those horrible feelings that day 1 brings with it. I am grateful because this afternoon I have a flight that will bring me home to the life and people I love.


I’m grateful for getting to fully be with my son in the moment today, giving him my full attention, took him swimming yesterday and had a pj day today, so I’m grateful to still have that chance to have all these great moments and other moments to come. I’m blessed


Not sure this is the appropriate place for this post, but since I’m brimming with gratitude today, and since this is my “home thread”, this feels like the place.

I’m grateful I acknowledged to myself, 59 days ago, that I needed sobriety – that alcohol would rule my life if I let it. The first six weeks were tough. I felt like I was out of breath, chasing my sobriety and barely keeping up to it. There was the ever-present dialogue throughout the day, me telling the cravings I would not give in after work. Eyeing my then-beloved’s drink (3oz of rum in each? but who’s counting…) in the evening when he left the room for a moment. Considering a sip, though I hate rum. The dinner party/gathering we went to where I didn’t drink, but longingly sniffed the wine, and when the host poured us all a shot of her homemade crabapple vodka/whatever, I let it touch my lips, licked them, pretended I didn’t like it and gave it to my beloved, secretly wishing I had shot it back.

It all felt so tenuous.

But, those days were fruitful too. I’m grateful I can see that now. I came back here. I doubled down on counselling with new honesty. I started Recovery Dharma, going to 3 online meetings each week in my Sangha (group) and attending other meetings as well. I accepted that I couldn’t do recovery and stay in this new-ish relationship, and was relieved when he, in turn, accepted a job in another city. He left a little over a month ago, and we had our break-up conversation some 3 weeks ago, which I thought went well.

(TW): Only a few days later, break-up rehash conversations happened, while at work even. He said words (ring, future, disappointment, heartache, etc) and I went back to the place in my mind where I fuck up everyone I meet and everything I touch. Fucked up if I stay (though I did briefly consider this route, becoming the co-dependent wino stepmom), and fucked up if go (so destructive am I). No mental escape from either, and on the way home from work, I picked up a craft cider, a bottle of prosecco, and a bottle of red. Got home and drank the cider. Surreal. I stopped. Grabbed the dog girl’s leash and headed for our trails. Walked. Cried. Back home and called my pal with the cabin. Booked an SOS with counsellor. Bathed. Poured the wine down the sink. Both bottles.

And something in me shifted.

I woke. Worked. Went to my Dharma mtg. Had my counselling session. Disclosed it all to them.

Some might call it a slip, unworthy of a reset. But I was grateful to reset. Like I said, something in me profoundly, pivotally shifted when I poured out that wine. One of the Dharma friends said “we don’t lose what we’ve already gained” and I heard those words differently than I have before. I was no longer chasing after my sobriety. Rather, some 8-plus months ago, I threw down my work gloves, the shovel, and walked off the job. 59 days ago, when I came back here, I thought I was starting over. Breaking new ground. But after pouring out that wine? That felt like coming back to a job already started, waiting patiently for me. The gloves are already broken in and they still fit. I’ve upgraded the tools, and will continue to for the rest of my life.

And so I chose my date, and reset my counter on July 7 – pretty much 8 months since leaving here, and six weeks after returning. It might sound silly, but I’m so proud of the last 17 days. I’m grateful for them. I’m grateful for the shaky six weeks before them. For the sober stretch I had before that. I’m grateful that this has been my journey. I’m grateful for the pair of my Dad’s work gloves I have, all broken in, reminding me I can do this.

I’m grateful today I woke up with a smile. I’m M-be-free 52 years old today! I’m grateful it’s the third birthday I’ve celebrated sober. I’m grateful for calls and texts from pals today. I’m grateful for my mtg tonight. I’m grateful that covid meant I had to make new traditions on my birthday, and it turns out the dog girl and I like to split a soft serve ice cream cone once a year on this day! (Not gross, when you consider I’ve kissed boys in my life.:wink:)

I’m grateful I wrote a list of 52 things I’m grateful for in my journal. I’m grateful this thread made the list.

I’m grateful, as always, for another day. :orange_heart:


Happy Birthday, M! :birthday:
Sharing an ice cream cone with the dog girl sounds like the perfect way to celebrate. :blush:


Happy Happy Birthday! :birthday:


Happy 52nd birthday have a great day :sparkling_heart: