Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

Such a beautiful post. I can really feel the gratitude reading it. Sounds like a fine present to yourself on your special day. Wishing you a very happy birthday :cherries::icecream::birthday:


Iā€™m grateful to be on vacation.
Iā€™m grateful itā€™s not a hall pass to drink 24/7 anymore.
Iā€™m grateful I got a full nights sleep.
Iā€™m grateful Iā€™ll be able to get a 3 mile walk in.
Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m handling things the best I can. Especially those things that are out of my control.
Which is basically everything. But especially some other things that are REALLY out of my control.
Iā€™m grateful to be waited on hand and foot. For a week. Itā€™s nice.
Iā€™m grateful when I donā€™t feel like chatting with the group of other people I can go off by myself and find a spot for quiet peaceful self time. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™ll be taking a lot of me time if I feel like it.
Iā€™m grateful for the lovely crew thatā€™s taking care of us. Iā€™m grateful they all speak English and they all have different accents.
Iā€™m grateful for my blessings.
Iā€™m grateful to share them here with ya.
Iā€™m grateful for chef Louie and our mysterious Belgium chocolate of the night.


Iā€™m so happy for you! Youā€™ve written a beautiful testament to your sobriety, your commitment to it, and your desire to have it. I love what you wrote, and love your attached picture with your fatherā€™s gloves. Wishing you the best for each day coming, days where you will feel grounded and good. What a gift youā€™ve given yourself. Be proud of yourself. So much of what youā€™ve written I can identify with. Happy belated birthday, happy every day.:purple_heart:


This was a pleasure to read. So beautiful. Good for you. :heart:


a very happy birthday to you!


Good Mid-Day my friends.
I am grateful today to finally be passing on to another text source that seems very promising for my thesis. I am grateful for the joy I find in working, though it is very conflicted for me, emotionally, and I am still pretty blocked. I am grateful to be on this journey now, slowly slowly skimming down the mountain of this blockage. the last few days I have attempted to not hammer myself into the work, but easing. staying with my feelings, not avoiding them all too much. taking rest when I need, attempting to find a medium that works. rather than total subjugation to stress and the mindset of alarm. I am grateful this idea came to my mind, I am considering if it is an option, some more sustainable way to live. as Stella said above, ā€œto have lost that desperate need for things, that feeling of ā€œI canā€™t live withoutā€¦ā€ Itā€™s been replaced with a much calmer feeling of ā€œI donā€™t want to Iive withoutā€ā€. The calmness this brings, the agency and the feeling of having a center where I am, where I live, around what does me good. this is really eye-opening. it has come just at the right time where I am attempting to be more with myself, accepting of what is, not clamouring for how things should be. finding more peace. which I am also grateful for.

I am grateful for coffee, the absence of headaches (first day in two weeks), time to work, a scented candle I bought for myself and thatā€™s burning on my desk. I never allowed myself to have one bevor, they were useless and frivolous. grateful I can come away from these old judgements and allow myself to enjoy. the little flame helps me concentrate I feel. grateful for all my beautiful house plants that I love to look at.
grateful my dogs are groomed (by me) so theyā€™ll look their schickest when we will be going to that bbq later. grateful I am working on finding inner space to allow my young friend to make her own (bad man-related) choices. grateful I am sober and sane so I can be there for her when sheā€™s ready. and I can see right through toxic men, manipulation and fakeness. and I can have the resolve not to lose my sanity over other peopleā€™s pain and badness. grateful for the serenity prayer.

grateful for the ground I am making.

enjoy this day ppl, shine brightly or lowly today.


Good morning sober fam!

Im so very greatful forā€¦

My sobriety, 85 days free from weed and alcohol
No using dreams last night, atleast none i remember
Waking up rested before my alarm goes off
Allowing myself rest this weekend
Mom sending updates from the family reunion
My hubby and Boscoe, we are a pack
Personal growth through this sober journey
Every one of you who shares in your sobriety journey

Let us go out and slay the day soberly!


Happy Birthday :tada::birthday: Iā€™m so grateful you are hereā€‹:heart:


First happy birthday :birthday:
2nd, not gross at all. Share your ice cream with your doggie :yum:
3rd. Thabk you for so in deapthly sharing that journey. It really touched my heart this morning. Thereā€™s always someone out there that need to hear our story.
Iā€™m grateful for you and your story. :hugs:


Happy Birthday M :pray::sunflower::innocent:
Thank you for sharing your story with us, honestly. I love the mataphor.


I am grateful to be sober.
I am glad the heat will be over tomorrow for some days.
I am grateful I donā€™t stress myself atm. There is less must and more can.
I am grateful I read here and I can relate to many people.
I am grateful I donā€™t see anything positive in drinking anymore. The fight is over. I surrendered. These small things were not logical for a long time. Once I felt it, I felt free.
I am grateful there is a HP I believe in. Somehow. Somewhere. No need to discuss this or justify. Itā€™s for me and the gift of sobriety feels like this. Staying sober is of course my work.
I am happy for the series I am watching atm. From time to time I see the news and feel: no, close your eyes. Itā€™s out of my control really.

I am grateful I have enough.


Good morning all,
Iā€™m grateful for the beautiful sunrise on the drive to work. Iā€™m grateful we got some rain yesterday, and that me and my husband went on an evening walk in it. Iā€™m grateful that I feel good today- balanced, content. Iā€™m grateful that I know it wonā€™t last, but neither will any of the other feelings that replace it. Iā€™m grateful me and the kids did some meal preps yesterday. Iā€™m grateful for me kidsšŸ˜Š. And my husband.
Everyone have a wonderful day :heart:


@M-be-free49 Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful year :partying_face:


I am grateful to be sober and to have tonight off to rest and catch up on sleep.

I am grateful to be able to spend sometime with my sister.

I am grateful to know that if this anxiety doesnt improve soon I can talk to my doctor.

I am grateful to be here with everyone. :two_hearts:


I am exploding with gratitude!
My physical therapist said I ā€œgraduatedā€ today and have been approved to go back to work full time!
Yall! Iā€™ve won mylife back after suffering what seemed like a lifetime the last year! I pushed so hard the last 2 months with p/t, cutting meds with certain side affects and the results are I fawking won! I owe that win to my higher power, I surrendered it all to my higher power and it has shown me it will heal me!
Rocky came to visit this morning

I think he was secretly telling me he knew what was in store for me this day! :rofl:

Iā€™m grateful for the family reunion we went to last night. I had a moment of weakness when a cousin of my husbandā€™s offered me a homemade huckleberry daiquiri but I managed a very weak voiced " no thank you, im off alcohol these days" im grateful she understood and didnā€™t offer again.

Im grateful I went to a place and spoke to them about the rejection of my previous application and told them my availability has changed. They told me to reapply. So I did. I will ve grateful if they accept or deny either way. My higher power knows where I need to be.

Thank you for listening and being so supportive

Edited to add that within 2 hours of resumbitting my application i was called for an interview tomorrow morning. :grin:


You sound like youā€™ve had a great day. Hope it keeps getting better :sparkling_heart:


Happy birthday beautiful soul. :star2:
From one avatar to another. :heart:


Good morning fam-dam. :sunflower:

Yesterday was magical, the whole weekend was actually. I am grateful to be present in my body so that I get to witness the gifts of recovery in my life and the life of other recovering addicts. Simple things, a motorcycle ride along the ocean with friends and lunch on a patio in the sun. I am grateful that I didnā€™t need to worry about my man friend drinking and then riding his bikeā€¦ or that any of the people I was with would drink and ride. I am grateful that people kept saying ā€œWhat a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon.ā€ and it warmed my heart because I know very well how each of them have spent many, many Saturday afternoons. What a gift we have been given today.

I was blown away yesterday when I asked my daughter to join me at an NA picnic and she said," Sure." It was the first time sheā€™s ever come to an event She even played badminton and ate some food with my sponsees. I broke into tears today when I told her how grateful I was for that and how it had made me feel. I want so badly for her to see how good life can be for us now, all she knows is a mom who couldnā€™t leave the house due to anxiety and depression. She barely knows the recovering me and I hope that yesterday is the start of her joining me in life. I am grateful for the program of NA and DBT for helping me become a better parent.

I am grateful that there was an appointment available for my kiddo to take her learners at 1:15 which gave us enough time to go for lunch. Tomorrow is my intake appointment with the eating disorder clinic and my monkey mind keeps telling me that I can cancel it because Iā€™m ā€œdoing okā€. I am grateful I know better and that I trust my intuition. I am grateful that I am doing better, and that I was at least able to order from a menu without having anxiety, today.

I am grateful for my feelings, to feel them, to understand them and to finally love them even the uncomfortable ones.

:orange_heart: :seedling: :dizzy:


Insanely grateful to wake up to my 130th clean day, with my youngest daughter. I was apart from my daughters for 4 years, thatā€™s when I found opiates, and their graciousness and willingness to let me be present in their lives overwhelmes me at some moments. This is one of them. When I feel so stinkin grateful to just be alive and to get a second chance. Life, if Iā€™m willing to put the work in, is so good.


Hello friends, I come with great joy to resume my gratitude list, I was on vacation and my ungovernability and procrastination was stronger and I lost my good habits, today I decided to return to them and discipline myself with what does me good, by the way I turned 3 years clean last month :smiley: today I have 1141 days clean and serene thanks to the will of my superior power.

Today I am in gratitude that I am clean, that I have not used substances and that I live a different lifestyle.

Today I am grateful that my higher power is very compassionate towards me and has a lot of love for me. how obfuscated, obsessed, and neurotic I was at work, everything was easier when I left it to his will and did not give up, I understood the value of effort and the serenity that is doing things for the right reasons without rewards or recognition.

Today I am grateful for having a roof, a meal on my table, and the bed I sleep in, I bought it with my honest seventh.

Today I am grateful to have people who care about me and are interested in me, thanks friends @Dazercat and @Erntedank.

Today I am grateful that I have a new sponsor and I am in a step study, I just finished a meeting we are in my first step and today I cried and vent some things that I did not remember but that make me value being in recovery, I already have to work plus my character flaws and ungovernable life.

Today I am grateful that when I look in the mirror I see myself with a little love and I no longer insult my reflection.

Today I am grateful that I can contribute at home and I have the good will to help my parents

Today I am grateful that I signed up to go to a Narcotics Anonymous convention, it is my first convention and I am glad that the decision to go was made.

Today I am grateful for being here writing this list of gratitude and sharing it with you, identifying myself with yours, and learning to grow together.

Today I am grateful because yesterday I laughed a lot listening to a comedy monologue, I had a lot of fun and I liked doing other activities and not just obsessing about my work.

Today I am grateful because today was a very complicated day but it was a good day.

Today I am grateful that I wrote to mom and dad and sent them a picture in my new work uniform and they were very proud of me.

Today I am grateful to understand that being well with my family, social acceptance and having a job is not recovery, that my recovery must be deeper, with myself inside with humility and acceptance.

Today just for today I have not consumed
good night friends.