Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

congratulations with your achievement Mrs Physiotherapist!!! XD great job. I love the photo of Rocky.


I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me through a productive day while remaining clean and sober. I’m grateful for my recovery with its challenges and blessings. I’m grateful for All my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You rock. Ya you!!


I’m grateful for too much sleep.
I’m grateful for push button espresso in the morning.
I’m grateful for coffee.
I’m grateful I don’t drink.
I’m grateful for 1 Virgin Mary.
I’m grateful I’m not chompin at the bit for my next drink.
I’m grateful I’m casually cruising or walking the French countryside.
I’m grateful the weather isn’t too hot.
I’m grateful I can be around people that can drink all day and I really have zero desire to have a drink. I feel like I just don’t even care.
I’m grateful I still get bottle service. Like wine service they are so thoughtfully offering me my choice of different bottles of sparkling and still water. How fucking cool is that?!!
I’m grateful for baby’s first bath pics.
I’m grateful for pet pics from the vet.
I’m grateful for music.
I’m grateful for the cool breeze.
I’m grateful it feels like I brought all of you on this trip. I wish I could have. Maybe we should have a Gratitude Tour. We could call the boat
“La Reconnaissance” Maybe Jason could be our captain.
I’m grateful for swans.
I’m grateful for the acres and acres of Sunflowers :sunflower: It makes me think :thinking: of someone around here.
I’m grateful for our tour guide.
I’m grateful for all the culinary delights I get to have.
I’m grateful for y’all.


@Eric…thanks for thinking about us on your wonderful trip! Everything from the weather to the sights to the food looks glorious. Enjoy fully! You deserve it.


Good morning sober fam!

So very greatful for

My sobriety, day 86 free from weed and alcohol…this journey started by me committing to another 30 days but im greatful something was different this time and the draw to joy and clarity was strong
My hubby and Boscoe
Last night planning meals with the hubby, we’re both very busy and setting the expectation will avoid disappointment when dinner isnt ready when we get home
A productive work day
Sharing at AA
My sponsor
Waking up before my alarm
Everyone here sharing in their sober journies

Let us go out and slay the day soberly!


I’m grateful to wake up and read your gratitudes during your amazing vacation! Still green with envy and so incredibly happy for you at the same time :grin::hugs: is enjoy reading about your trip. I smile the whole way through. Thank you for sharing Eric :hugs:


Today I woke up finally out of my ungrateful funk. I’m really, really grateful for that. Between health issues and financial issues and family issues of a blended family with blended kids pitting the adults against the other kids I was feeling overwhelmed for about a week. After I commented in the check in post yesterday I realized how I was adhering to old behavior and hugging my issues. I’m grateful for the wake up call. Grateful to be sitting outside on a lovely Florida morning enjoying the sunshine and waking world before the heat drives me inside. I’m grateful I got a mostly decent nights sleep. I’m grateful I got a glimpse of the eagle pair this morning out being the rulers of the sky. They bring me peace. I’m very grateful for the love and support you guys have given me since I bared my soul yesterday. I’m grateful to know that I can come here with my test results and good or bad know that I am not facing it alone. I’m grateful to finally be grateful again. I hope you all have a blessed, grateful and clean and sober day. I love you guys! :heart:


This morning I’m grateful for waking up for what appears to be a learning day. My gratitude for this realization that there are no bad days, just good days and learning days. I don’t have to have any more “bad days”! I’m sitting here with my coffee and vape realizing that a very cool lesson is going to be added to my books, maybe even another level of spiritual awakening. I went from “why don’t I feel happy this morning, oh poor me”, to wow I’m gonna learn something really amazing today and instantly my mood shifted. This in itself I’m realizing as Im writing is a spiritual awakening, a paradigm shift! I’ve been coaching myself along my “learning days” the past few months trying to get this absorbed into my brain and through writing this I get to see that I have, today, put this into action in my life. What a gift! I did not have to do one hour of a “bad day”. I saw it as a learning day from the moment I started processing my feelings upon waking and daaaaaaang, I’m grateful for a learning day today! Truly if all days were just good days how would I get better, how would I level up, how would I transform my life into the life of infinite recovery that I want? Yes, ladies and gents, today I am GRATEFUL for a learning day.


What a beautiful post! I needed to see that this morning. Thanks for sharing :heart:


G’morning y’all :sunny::sunflower::yellow_heart:

I’m grateful I get to spend the day with the chicklets. We’re going to finger paint this morning, and I’m grateful for the new artwork I’ll have from them. :woman_artist:t3::blush:

I’m grateful I got to see Keely for her birthday. She’s so well balanced, a beautiful soul full of joy and kindness. I’m grateful she was brought into my life. I adore her. :heart:

A belated Happy Birthday to you, @M-be-free49. :partying_face: Your share is inspiring. I’m grateful you’re here. I’m also grateful for your pal with the cabin. It sounds lovely to have that getaway. :blush:

I’m grateful for quashing some old resentments that tried to come up yesterday. It hinders my growth when I let my mind think on things I have zero control over, so I just let them go. I’m grateful letting go of things that don’t nourish my life is becoming easier and easier.

I’m grateful to see @SassyBoomer. I’ve missed you here. :purple_heart::blush:

I’m grateful for the beauty in our world. I’m grateful we share the same skies. My heart isn’t lonely when I think of all of you. I’m grateful I’m sober.


Good morning all,
I’m grateful for the picture of the field of sunflowers I woke up to thanks @Dazercat!
I’m grateful to read about finger painting with the chicklets. I’m grateful that I decided to work with a different team today- very out of my comfort zone. I’m grateful it’s still cloudy this morning. And that I still have some coffee left to drink.
Everyone have a wonderful day :heart:


I’m so grateful for time with 2 of our grandsons. Im even more grateful these boys have an alert and fast acting grandpa that didn’t hesitate when the youngest, Wilbur, fell in the water and sank. I heard about it later. My husband was a bit shook up thinking about the what if’s, but the what if’s didn’t happen and everyone came home safe and sound and brought a fish home for dinner.

I’m grateful I have a job interview today. If they decide to go with someone else, thats ok. Ive prayed about it and asked for my highers will, not mine, be done. Im grateful that this day I can rest easy knowing in my heart that I will land where I am meant to.

Im grateful for the calm peace I have in my soul right now. Its not always this way, so I truly appreciate it when I have it. I have to work for it,and sometimes i need reminders what to do to get this peace back. Im grateful for those who remind me.

Im grateful for all of you, my friends both in and out of AA, and my family.



I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I measured the apartment. It is stressing me, really. But I’ll figure it out. I’ve scheduled an appointment for Monday for the new kitchen bench. I can do this.
I am again grateful that I don’t care a lot about Feng Shui, as long as my stuff fits in somehow I will be fine.
I am happy I only had to listen to a conversation between my colleagues in the office. It was more of a monologue. :crazy_face: I am grateful for recovery. I already learned so much and I am just a the beginning. Being grateful and humble.

I am grateful I have a seat in the train back home. I am grateful I can walk when German railway decides to switch platforms last minute.
I am grateful I have enough.

I am grateful that Paula and Dora found a new home. Sadly I cannot post videos here. But here new owner sent me a video from them in the garden and Paula sprinting off somewhere. Shortly after this Dora following her sister. I am so happy. Stupidly happy. Like a child. I am grateful sobriety is giving me back the ability to be happy about the small moments.


I’m grateful to God please help be my best clean and sober self while doing your will, just for today. I’m grateful for my recovery with its blessings and challenges. I’m grateful for All my family, friends, TS and the grati-dudes. I’m grateful for sunshine, blue skies, the sounds of the water and the breeze, very calming when I am able to just be at peace with it and enjoy the moment. I’m grateful for music and creativity. I’m grateful my record of employment arrived in the mail yesterday. I’m grateful for daily readings, prayers and gratitude. God give me strength and wisdom to work through and let go of resentments, defects and expectations. I’m grateful for humor and laughter.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are amazing. Ya you!!


More gratitude… :blush:

I’m grateful for ice cream, curly hair, and the cutest of smiles. I’m grateful for the little “big” things that bring so much happiness. :icecream::two_hearts:


Adorable! :blush:


I am grateful to be sober and to have gotten quite a bit of rest this weekend before heading into 4 overnight shits (i mean shifts! Must have been a Freudian slip) :innocent:

I am grateful that I am starting to send out some emails to therapists in the state looking for someone who can do online sessions. Everyone is pretty booked so it could take awhile.

I am grateful for the break in the intense heat. I am a fall and winter girl and I am personally looking forward to the cooler darker months. :fallen_leaf::jack_o_lantern::snowflake::snowman:

I am grateful for all of the inspiration I find on TS and ITR. Sometimes off this app and outside of mtgs, within my family I feel like the only one who cares about sobriety.

I am grateful to be here with everyone. :two_hearts:


I’m grateful for long chats with my daughters. They come and sit on my bed when they’ve finished work and chat about anything and everything, sometimes together sometimes on their own. It is so nice. I would never never have been able to do this a few months ago. By early evening I would have been past holding a conversation with anyone.
I’m grateful to be present in their lives and also my own.
I’m grateful to feel peaceful. No great shakes going on. Just plodding along each day, enjoying whatever comes up.
I’m grateful for not drinking today or wanting to.


Thanks Jen! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’m a fall and winter girl, too. :wink:


I’m grateful my health has been fully restored and I’m grateful I got the job :grin: