Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

Congrats on the new job @Shaunda !!!


Congratulations on both!


I had my intake appointment today with the eating disorder clinician at the hospital. It was quite the intake, lots of questions which I wasnā€™t prepared for. I purposely went in unprepared, if I had spent anytime thinking about what today would have been like I probably would not have logged onto that ZOOM appointment. I am grateful that I have been gifted the pause in recovery where I can sit with a question for a minute before I answer it. Not to think of how I will answer it, instead to let everything settle. To let all of the emotions that questions raise float back down to their appropriate places. I am grateful that I can respond today instead of react. I am grateful I have been placed with this particular clinician who is a Trauma Specialized Counsellor and has facilitated DBT in the past for many years. When she said to me that she likes to deal with the problem at hand and that ED is a symptom of the problem I knew we were going to get along great. I am grateful that she is not down with old school ideas around addressing ED. I am grateful for her experience, encouragement and gentle guidance.

I am grateful for a partner who is caring, understanding and is active in recovery. I am so grateful for him.


Iā€™m grateful today was a better day at work. Iā€™m grateful for people who work in HR and for their support. I apparently have grounds for some kind of formal complaint situation against a co-worker. Iā€™m grateful I can take some time to discern if that is what will be best for me, for the situation, ā€¦even for her. Lots to ponder thereā€¦

Iā€™m grateful I had yesterday off. It was my bday gift to myself! Time. Wow, is that ever the most precious thing, hey? So much time I wasted, being wastedā€¦ But yesterday? A sweet gift of time to myself. There were intense thunderstorms - beautiful. I made sweet potato shepherds pie. Read my book. Lotsa walks. Started to post here, but passed out and woke up with the light on, my iPad on my chin, and my tea cold. I do love the shameless delight of waking up after passing out sober!

Iā€™m so grateful for all the birthday well wishes here. For being able to show up here with my words and honesty and feel seen and heard and understood. Best gift ever. :wink: For your kind words (not tagging anyone) Pandita, and Alisa (happy everyday!), Shaunda, Franzi, Tragicfarinelli, Stella, and Carolyn. And Lisa, Jason, PinkyP, Faughx, Peace, and Sunflower (I always forget the 1 and some other sunflower must be scratching her head!).

Iā€™m grateful itā€™s never too late.

Iā€™m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:

@Dazercat, yes please to Gratitude Tour! Je parle un peu de Francais! Ok, not really too much, but I can order coffee like the best of them! :laughing:

@Shaunda - congrats on the new job and renewed health!


This pic makes me melt faster than ice cream! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Iā€™ll betā€™cha sheā€™s smiling so big cuz she sees you smiling all of your love and gratitude to her. :wink: :orange_heart:


Hey, thatā€™s so good to hear. Well done.
:sparkling_heart: And also, great news on a clean bill of health x


Iā€™m grateful to support a good friend while on vacation. I hope to see you around :wink: Iā€™m gratefully flattered how someone would want my advice.
Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m not drinking today.
And Iā€™m probably not drinking tomorrow.
Iā€™m grateful to finally be up early and have my coffee and TS time. Devotionals might have to wait til I get home.
Iā€™m grateful some people seem to genuinely enjoy my trip posts. Iā€™m grateful I love sharing it.
Iā€™m grateful I get to do this trip. Itā€™s sure been awhile.
Iā€™m grateful for our tour guide.
Iā€™m grateful he showed me what to look for and how in some art. And most importantly he doesnā€™t overwhelm me.
Iā€™m grateful for Chef Louie.
Iā€™m grateful for the captain of the boat.
And the nice ladies that look after our every need.
Iā€™m grateful for my home group.


Gratitude Tour - I love it :sparkling_heart:


Good morning sober fam!

So very greatful todayā€¦

My sobriety
My growth in recovery
My hubby coming along with me on the sober journey, better late than never
Boscoe, even though hes not chilling with me this morning
My aunt has 30+ days of sobriety, never thought this was possible but she had a health scare
Being of service to other alcoholics
Peace with missing the reunion this year
Productive week at work, holy shit i cant believe its only wednesday
Waking up 1 min before my alarm :slight_smile:
Daily gratitude to get my mind right
Everyone sharing their sober journies and making me feel less alone in this struggle.

@Mno for teaching me how to attach gifs!!

Let us go out and slay the day soberly!


Hi everyone :revolving_hearts::tulip:

Iā€™m grateful Stella shares her ED efforts with us. Iā€™m finally coming to terms with the fact that my lack of drinking has shifted into another issue. ED is definitely a symptom, and I know admitting thereā€™s a problem is going to be my first step in tackling it.

Iā€™m grateful I have the time and headspace to work on myself. I never truly had that until I got sober. Some days I donā€™t know what to do with all the realizationsā€¦ I should have left my first husband long before ten years, I shouldā€™ve stood up to my mom when she was so ugly to me, I should never have taken that first drink to drown the struggles. I had strength back then, the same as I do now. Iā€™m just grateful that sobriety is allowing me to utilize that strength rather than bury it.

Congratulations on the new job @Shaunda! Iā€™m so happy for you. :blush::yellow_heart:

@M-be-free49, you might be on to something. When I have the girls, I smile so big and so much my face hurts! :joy:

Iā€™m grateful for yā€™all. I truly appreciate the way we can share here. It helps to know Iā€™m never truly alone. Iā€™m grateful for that. :heart:


Iā€™m grateful to God please help guide me to be my best clean and sober self while following your direction, just for today. Iā€™m grateful for my recovery and its blessings and challenges. Iā€™m grateful for All my family, friends,TS and the gratidudes. Iā€™m grateful I got dog cuddles all night and woke up to dog kisses. Iā€™m grateful I got to take the dog home and can get ready to enjoy the rest of the day. Iā€™m grateful theres a AA meeting this morning. Iā€™m grateful its not to warm yet. Iā€™m grateful for my health and my families and friends health. Iā€™m grateful for daily readings, prayers and gratitude. Iā€™m grateful for humor and laughter.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are Awesome, donā€™t forget K. Ya you!!


I am so grateful for the words of congratulations and encouragement on this,my home thread. :hugs:
I am grateful that one day at a time I did not have to take a drink for 2 months
I am grateful that I am learning that I dont have to argue with everyone I disagree with, especially board members of my R.O.C.
I am grateful that it is becoming slightly easier to shut my mind down from imaginary arguments in my head.
I am grateful for family that supports me both in my recovery and financial hardships.
I am grateful those financial hardships have an end date within site now! :partying_face: :confetti_ball:
I am grateful my higher power is stearing this boat when I remember to surrender.
I am grateful my husband has spent the last 4 days bombarded with family lol even though he is exhausted now. Im grateful I know him well enough to know he will want his couch time today and I will leave the house and let him just enjoy it. :wink: we all need downtime.
Iā€™m grateful that im ever so slowly learning patience. Thatā€™s a hard one for me.

Thank you everyone for all the encouragement and support. :hugs:

Edited to add the picture :wink:


Huge congrats on 2 months!!! :partying_face:



Congrats @Shaunda for two months free from alcohol. Keep going :slight_smile:


Congratulations on your two months! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::sunny::innocent:


Two months is great. Nice to see you participating here regularly, keep working on that patience and donā€™t stop now.


Big congratulations!!! :tada::tada::tada:


Started the day with the wrong foot, alarm didnā€™t ring, dog ran away, had another tough day at work - bad boss kind of situatuon.

Grateful that I had the chance to call my mom and dad during the lunch break to vent. Super grateful that some very complicated external problems they had for maybe 10 years seem to be finally getting close to a resolution :pray: I want so much for them to have peace of mindā€¦

Grateful that in the middle of chaos and internal fury Iā€™m finding ways to cope that bring me calm and remind me of the good fortune I have in my life. My health. My family. My hubby. A job that pays the bills. My dog. My choice to refuse to let a drink impact these good things I have.

Much love to you all :heart:


Good Morning,

I am grateful for this day
I am grateful I got to wake up
I ma grateful for my childrenā€™s health
I am grateful for my health and my S/O
I am grateful for all the goodness God shows me every day
I am grateful I have a HP I can lay my worries to and know he will give me peace
I am grateful I have matured and learned new coping skills for tough times
I am grateful I still have my grandma today
I am grateful she is in good spirits
I am grateful I have this community to share with
I am grateful for my sobriety
I am grateful to give myself grace and understanding
I am grateful I can be grateful

:pray:t3: :white_heart:


Hi I was just thinking about you @ShesGotMoxie and
@Its_me_Stella and @Blondie1x @Dazercat
Today Iā€™m gratefull to be celebrating my 300 days and I wanted to thank you all because my first few weeks here, you guys are who I remember being so welcoming and kind.
And without this community I know I wouldnt be sober, so I wanted you to know I am very very gratefull for your kindness and heart warming welcome, not just to me but to everyone here.
Thank you so much.

P.s there where another couple of people I just cant remember there usernames, if it is you know I am gratefull for you too.