Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

Wow Congrats on your 300 Days!!!


Congrats on your 2 months sober!!!


Hellz yeah! Congratulations on 300 days :clap: :partying_face:


Today I am simply grateful for the strength to face my shadow. To look into the darker parts of myself unafraid, with absolute faith that I am doing the right thing.

I am also grateful for this quote.

“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” ~ Jesus


Powerful stuff!


Today I’m grateful to be part of my son’s graduation in Manchester. 2 graduations in a week! (my daughter’s last week) It was lovely and of course I’m very proud.
Grateful not to suggest nipping in to every pub we passed. Also grateful not to wish the day to be over to get home to drink.
I’m grateful for not drinking today or wanting to :sparkling_heart:


Awesome work on 2 months! :clap: :confetti_ball:


I am grateful to be sober and well rested.

I am grateful to have food in my fridge and lots of booze free drinks on hand.

I am grateful for a noticeable decrease in last weeks anxiety. Soooo grateful…

I am grateful for my family and especially my sister who is always there to listen to me when I am struggling. My Mom used to but she is too sick now, just so glad my sister and I have eachother.

I am grateful to be here with everyone. :two_hearts:

@Twizzlers congrats on 300! Whoop whoop :tada:


Great number, and great job. Read you supporting people often, thanks for that. Not everyone makes it that far. 300 days in a row. Keep moving forward. Grateful your here.


I am greatful for the deep conversations that I have with my friends.

I am greatful to not be stressed out of my mind and be sleeping relatively better overall for the last few weeks compared to the last few years.

I am greatful to have gotten over the new and improved Covid varient and that no one in my family got really sick.

I am greatful to be spending a lot of time with my children and for getting to see them smile at me.

I am greatful for my iced coffee.

I am greatful that I am still alive today.


I’m grateful to read milestones!
@Shaunda 60 days! :muscle:
@Twizzlers 300! :muscle:
I’m grateful to read everyone’s gratitude lists. It reminds me of all the things I am grateful for. I relate!
I’m grateful that Eric has been sharing his vacation photos. It makes me grateful that he thinks of us while he is on vacation.

I’ve been in a bit of an anxiety funk! Its familiar anxiety. Anxiety, as I step forward into my new sober life. As I step into making my dreams a reality. I’m grateful to know that this too shall pass, because I’ve been through it. Its the same old fears, the same old worries I’ve been feeling since March. Feelings that I keep coming to terms with and moving past them. I’m grateful to have learned how to not let anxiety paralyze me anymore.

I’m grateful its not impending doom anxiety like I felt when I was drinking and for the first few months after I quit.
I’m grateful for a beautiful day.
I’m grateful for my health, both mental and physical.
I’m grateful I haven’t been struggling with any desires to drink.

I’m grateful to not be under a drunken skippers thumb anymore.
I’m not under anyones thumb anymore! :muscle:
Especially under King alcohols thumb getting squeezed to death under the illusion that I’m trying to have “fun”! :muscle: :muscle:


So many great shares!

I’m grateful @Bootz made it home safe.
I’m grateful for @Its_me_Stella quote today, Its resonated with me throughout the day.
I’m grateful for @Peace decrease in anxiety
I’m grateful for @ssteve recovery from covid and decreased stress
I’m grateful @JasonFisher has learned how to not let anxiety paralyze him. ( still working on that myself at times )
I’m grateful @Dazercat is enjoying his amazing vacation and taking us along so to speak.

I’m grateful for all of your shares, these are just the ones that came to mind right off the top of my head.

The things I’m grateful for in your shares either bring my heart joy or help me learn or ponder something about myself. The words in this group support and uplift me in a wonderful way and also make me stop and look within myself. I truly appreciate that. No doubt that was redundant :rofl:

I’m grateful my husband cooked me an amazing dinner tonight to celebrate my returning to the work force. Its not just about me going back to work though, it’s about me being physically well enough to rejoin the world again. I have tears of joy just thinking about it.

Have a wonderful evening everyone and thank you for all the support :hugs:


Thank you Shaunda.
You brought morning tears to my eyes. I’m grateful to see gratitude work, especially in newer people on this thread, and so happy to feel you are getting better.
I’m grateful I’m sober.

I’m grateful I’m up and my fiends are off on a walk.
I’m grateful I get to have my me time with out them.
If anyone knows the Berenstain Bears books, I’m reading or living the one about Too Much Friends and Family. :scream:. I’m grateful I’m sober and it is soooo much easier to just let people be and not be judgmental and bitch and complain. I love them no matter what. But there is a dynamic when you live with people in close quarters for a week. It’s just much nicer and easier for me when I’m sober. Even if they all drink.

I’m grateful for music and cruising on the locks through the forest.

I’m grateful My swollen ankles aren’t swollen this morning. Maybe just a little. I’m grateful I didn’t panic about it last night. Maybe just a little.
I’m grateful for our wonderful chef and captain and crew that work so hard at taking care of us.

I’m grateful I won’t be drinking on the wine tours of Alsace today. I’m grateful I won’t have a whole bunch of bottles that I’ll have to figure out how to pack in my suitcase or even worse spend thousands on shipping home. And then wonder WHY did I buy all these! :grimacing:

I’m grateful for the old time glass making show we got to see yesterday. They were/are quite the crafts men and women artist. It was so beautiful to watch. And HOT :hot_face:

I’m grateful for learning and living the history of Alsace and Lorraine and for the old fortress wall we climbed that divided the two.

I’m grateful you all are still here.
I’m grateful I’m sober. Yes again.
I never thought I could ever do a trip like this sober.
I’m grateful I’m sitting right next to an open bar, all inclusive, at 7 am, and there is no desire to ruin this sober buzz I’ve been on for 937 days. Im grateful there’s no desire to “get my moneys worth,” just because there’s an open bar 24 hours a day :scream: I’m grateful I know I couldn’t do that without you all. And this is where I’ll tear up again Shaunda. Because if it wasn’t for you guys this would not be possible. And I’m so grateful and thankful I found this safe place.
Gratitude Is Everything!


60 days!
2 months!
Congratulations Shaunda.


Good morning sober fam!

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, day 88 free from weed and alcohol
My growing spirituality and belief in my higher power
My sponsor and her guidance
My hubby and his sobriety
Boscoe and his affection
Getting through my day of hypomania
Nightly meditations thanks to the Insight Timer app
My family is safely back from the family reunion
My basic needs being met so i can focus fully on recovery
All my missteps which have brought me to this point and claiming to be a greatful recovering alcoholic
This forum and everyone sobriety.

Let us go out and slay the day soberly!


Hello good morning friends, I decided to change, today I start earlier because I am having problems at work for being late, honestly I am very sleepy and I have a hard time getting out of bed, I usually do this list at night after my exercise routine to which I just got back on that too.

Today I am grateful to open my eyes, and to be clean, without a hangover and not wanting to die, with a little laziness, but changing that laziness for goodwill helps me grow.

Today I am grateful for giving my self-esteem time to take care of my body in a healthy way and do physical exercise, understanding that it is part of that affection that I give myself for taking care of the house that my crazy mind inhabits and not for vanity, well a little because I do not enter in the work uniform HAHAHA.

Today I am grateful for the love of my parents, because they are alive and I can tell them that I love them, without shame, without guilt, without resentment, looking into their eyes.

Today I am grateful to improve the relationship with my younger brother, teaching him how to design plans for sanitary facilities, and he can work with me, today improving our relationship is an amendment that I owe him.

Today I am grateful for realizing that I need to change more and feel encouraged to do so that there are habits and character defects that harm me, that make me neurotic, obsessive, last night in my meeting of steps I remembered that I must give up, that I must stop fight with the world with others, the surrender is with myself and that stubborn and obsessive head that refuses to let go,

Today I am grateful for feeling good about my recovery,

Today I am grateful to have a plate on the table and to have chosen something healthy to eat.

today I am grateful for having a commitment to myself and my higher power to value being alive and receive life as a gift of love, to be serene by his love and empowered to live life as it is. Today I want to be alive and I am very grateful for that,

Today I am grateful for not isolating myself from people for not believing that I am alone, for forcing me to speak what hurts me, my insecurities, my fears, my frustrations, my shortcomings and having friends who listen to me and do not judge me.

Today just for today, it’s a great day I haven’t used and I don’t feel like I need to use.

thank you have a good day or a good night hugs to the heart.

PD: I apologize if the writing is not good I speak Spanish and google translator does its job like this.


I am grateful for being on day 510. I am grateful for the positivity of this thread. What a picker-upper!! Thanks for all the shares!


Making me tear up again :sob::hugs:
I’m so happy and grateful for your shares and that you are sharing your vacation gratitudes with us. The struggles are there even on an amazing vacation, but you my friend are not staying stuck in them or using them as an excuse to drink and for that example I am truly grateful!


Heck yeah!! I distance myself from fiends whenever I can!!


I’m grateful for the fog lifting more and more each day as I’m able to look inward more and more each day.
I’m grateful I dont have to hide my character defects in disgust but can acknowledge them not only to myself but to others. I dont acknowledge them proudly but I dont acknowledge them shamefully either. They are a part of me and while some of them are useful to me, they are not useful to me when I go overboard with them.
I’m grateful for understanding people in my life who offer me forgiveness when I allow one of my defects to get out of control. Im grateful that today I am able to catch myself and rein it back in and quickly own my behavior, apologize for it, surrender to my higher power yet again and continue to work on this flaw within me.
I am grateful for morning readings and time to meditate on them letting them sink into my heart.
I’m grateful for another chance this day to be a better human than I was the day before.
Have a wonderful day out there friends :hugs: