Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

Grateful for food
For a kind therapist who has good values
For the ability to cry and feel things
For whats left of my mind
For a nice conversation
For everyone wearing masks at the last event i went to.
For being a better painter than before.
For a new house and the privilege of new things
For my family and friends and loose connections and slivers of hope.


Hey Gratitudes :heart:

Weird because it says itā€™s been hours that some one posted on this thread. Iā€™m asking for a gratitude hug please. Iā€™m only allowed to tag 10. Anyone else not listed, please reach out with hugs if you want. Been a real bad day, l love you all :hugs:


:heart: :heart: :heart:


@maxwell keep ya head up



You got this hang in there


You too luv :rose::tulip:


I adore you :star_struck:


Infinity hugs your way, friend!

Your words in your earlier post landed in me so warmly:

No pressure to share your story, but know that I am grateful for you and your presence here. It has already helped me!
I believe you are here for a reason too, that we all are. Iā€™m glad we are here together. :orange_heart: :pray:


Sending huge hugs!!! :hugs: we got this, together we got this. :heart:



Every one of your posts is like a deposit into my Gratitude account! Please post whenever you feel called to post - please.
Iā€™m so glad today went better at the class. Iā€™m grateful for your courage to share there and here too. :orange_heart: :pray:


I am so grateful you are here Maxine. I always look for you to post. This has kind of become a sort of " online meeting " for me if you will. When I dont see your name I feel like something is missing. Then I start wondering how you are doing? After a few days I get nosey and have to start tagging you.
You are appreciated, cared for and missed when not present. Your words are inspiring, uplifting, genuine and frequently funny. ( I spy on other threads ) lol
Iā€™m truly grateful I get to know you if even only through these forums. I hope your day turns around, if not tonight then I pray tomorrow mornings day break brings a fresh and more positive day for you. :hugs:


Thank you! That touched my heart, and for that I am grateful.
Its amazing how a day can go from heart wrenching to peaceful and serene. :heart: lots of talking, step work, meetings, finding gratitude, prayer and helping newcomers and im calm and peaceful in my heart again.


Thinking of you Maxine :heart:
I hope your night is getting better


Hey Maxine.
Whatā€™s going on?
Looks like Iā€™m late but grateful you reached out. I know this is the gratitude thread but if you need help we can be here for you. I donā€™t think anyone would mind helping out a fellow gratidude


Hi Shaunda, youā€™ve made my night! :heart: Your words mean so much to me! I try to always be an upbeat person and if I ever touch someone or bring a smile to their face with my goofy sense of humor, Iā€™m blessed. Thank you for reaching out to me when I need it. xo :heart: :hugs:


Oh absolutely! You are important! Not just to me either! I can see many others here are very grateful to know you on here. You are important to us!
And youā€™re funny, so thereā€™s that :crazy_face:


Hi Miranda, it is now. :heart: Iā€™m grateful for you, and I hope your weekend was good :hugs:


Hi Eric, Iā€™m glad youā€™re home safe! I loved your vacation pics and canā€™t wait to see Minnie in the home cooking thread again. :blush:. You didnā€™t miss anything, Iā€™m just reaching out for some love and GRATEFUL for it (donā€™t want to get tossed in the void again, lol) :heart:


Iā€™m grateful for the day I had. I couldnā€™t sleep last night, knowing I was facing a tough task today. Iā€™m grateful for the memes thread when sleep doesnā€™t come. Chuckling out loud and waking up the dog girlā€¦ sure beats trying to wine myself to sleep. Grateful I have given that upā€¦

Iā€™m grateful for the dog girlā€™s good sense/scent. She refused to walk on our favourite trail, the one we do each morning. Itā€™s actually an important part of my day. Call it God or Higher Power or Universe or whatever you want - but I get on that trail and set my intention for the day, talk to the trees and listen to the birds and I would say the whole walk is a prayer. But not today after she dug in her heels. We changed up our route and got home to a text from my neighbour - two bears spotted earlier this morning! Iā€™m grateful to live near nature, and Iā€™m grateful the dog girl and I missed out on those bears!

I set aside this afternoon to tackle the yucky HR paperwork related to the toxic work situation of the last few weeks. Forms to fill out with my perspective of the incident. Itā€™s one of those damned-if-I-do/damned-if-I-donā€™t cases. I kept popping out of my desk chair. Water. Wordle. More coffee. Memes thread! Avoid. Avoid. Avoid. Restless avoidance. Though I didnā€™t get an urge to drink, I quickly realized that had I anything in my frig/cupboard, Iā€™d have started day-drinking to ā€œmore effectivelyā€ avoid and escape the yuckiness.
Iā€™m grateful I could see this.
Iā€™m grateful I just decided to do the paperwork in smaller chunks.
There was also some gelato. And going to bed shortly! No more powering through stuff with ego in full force and ā€œrewardingā€ myself with a buzz.
Grateful I know that I would not want a drink today, but about 900 of 'em.

Grateful for all you Gratidudes - your presence and words and honesty and courage.

Iā€™m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


See? You just gave me a chuckle, in the midst of whatever you are going through right now, and for that I am also GRATEFUL!
One more hug to you :wink: :orange_heart:


Maxine, I am grateful that you are reaching out. Itā€™s important to use the tools we are given in recovery and youā€™re doing just that! I am grateful that you feel safe enough to say ā€œIā€™m not ok, I need help.ā€ That takes a lot of courage. I am grateful that you have so many amazing people that are here walking beside you on this journey. I feel blessed to be one of them.

Here comes your hugā€¦
