Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

I’m grateful @Its_me_Stella really means it since she sent those air hugs twice. Or am I so jet lagged I’m seeing double.
I’m grateful for this group of homies.


Wasn’t sure which one to like so I liked them both too! :joy: K this belongs in derailment.

G’night, Gratitudes. Hugs to all who need them. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful your here @maxwell :hugs:

Im grateful That @Dazercat made it home to his animals safe and sober. Was your bobcat happy to see you too? I imagine him purring and walking between your legs and brushing his back on you every time he walks through while you drink your coffee and post memes.
I also imagine him biting when you try to pet him, so don’t pet the bobkitty. I’m also not 100% convinced its not that squirrel from your old neighborhood that shapeshifted into a bobcat. The ears look suspicious. We should name him Chupa. Short for chupacabra :rofl:

I’ve had anxiety the last couple of days. This place always helps me. I’m feeling better! Im ready to tackle the mountain of things I have been procrastinating this week.

I’m grateful for another sober weekend. I’m grateful I’m not going to be hungover tomorrow while I tackle that mountain.

I’m grateful for this place. I’m grateful for my online homegroup.
I’m grateful for my history here. I’m grateful that the internet never forgets.
I read my alcoholic fisherman thread all the way through today. Its all here. The good the bad and the ugly. My ups and downs. My highs and lows. Its all here.

I always think about journaling, but never get beyond thinking about it. Its cool to have that thread to reflect on.

I’m grateful that I no longer trick myself into looking for fun in a bottle!


My mind is already in a jet lagged void.
Im grateful I’ll snap out of it tomorrow.


Way to go dog girl! Wowza! So grateful for her good sense of smell!

Doing the hard icky stuff at work, especially hr stuff just sucks all the way around… I hate those situations. Way to go for tackling it! You can’t eat an elephant in 1 bite. ( not that I would ever eat an elephant) small bites out of a large task or overwhelming task is still getting it done. Way to go recognizing all the uncomfortable feelings and how you would have drowned them out in the past and how you don’t have to choose that today!

I’m always grateful to read those stories. Every. Single. Time.
It inspires me to press on.
So thank you! :hugs:


Hi Emm, wow. Your dog girl knew what she was doing today! I love reading your shares.

My dog boy (Max) digs his heals in when he doesn’t get a treat after going to the bathroom. I had new security lights installed this week. The electrician set the front to always be on after dusk, and shine brighter if movement. We haven’t had a front light in awhile.

I took Max out, he did his business and I realized I forgot his treats. Also noticed the bright lights at my door had attracted every single bug in the universe, it looked like a museum exhibit. There were bugs I’ve never seen before.

Max’s 23lb self turned into a 100 lb stone statue, not moving until he got his treat. Being blind, he didn’t see my fear of the variety of bugs at our front door. Flash forward, I grabbed him and tunneled through my front door. Max got his treats safely inside. I’ve since changed the setting to only light if movement .(No bugs)

Thankfully no bears, but grateful to your dog girl knowing to take a different route. :hugs:


So grateful to read the shares this morning. Sending a huge hug to @maxwell and @Shaunda - and anyone else who wants one.
I’m grateful to do stuff. I used to have a list of things to do at the weekends, some would be jobs, some would be nice things that I wanted to do. Often I’d never get round to them and choose other ways to spend my time.
But now I’m thankful that I actually can get stuff done.
I’m grateful a goldfinch came to my bedroom window feeder yesterday morning, it made my day. I got a picture of him looking right at me, bit blurry but that’s ok.
I’m grateful folks on here are showing me how it’s done, thank you so much :sparkling_heart:


I’m grateful for this plan.

I’m grateful my wife asked me about going to my meetings Sunday and Monday. I’m grateful I told her I’m taking it one hour at a time and thanked her for asking. That’s a summery of my answer. It was a nice chat.

I’m grateful wifey apologized later on, separate conversation, about how worried I was about her on the trip. I’m grateful this lead to a nice or rather civil conversation about drinking.

I’m grateful she asked me if I struggled on the trip. Being around people drinking 24/7. I’m grateful that was so thoughtful of her. I’m grateful for those firsts. I’m grateful she didn’t fall down the spiral stairs on the boat when I left her upstairs to drink with the others. I’m grateful most nights she came down right around when I did. I’m grateful for my wife. I’m grateful she just got up. And I’m grateful I actually want to talk to her. I’m grateful that ought to hold me the week :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’m grateful to watch the night slowly turn to dawn. Especially with all the clouds.

I’m grateful for Daisy cuddles and purrs throughout the long night of trying to sleep and get back to normal. I’m grateful for how cute and excited Minnie is now that we are home. And all the others in their own special way where I cannot possibly list them all here.

I’m grateful for all the sober sleep I got yesterday and last night and that maybe today I am baaack!!

I’m grateful for my big ass shower. Not the brand name :wink: I just have a big ass shower and after European baths and tiny boat showers I’m grateful I didn’t kill myself.

I’m grateful I got Daisy purring in my lap again.
I’m grateful I’m not drinking today and I’m probably not drinking tomorrow.

Im grateful when a gratidude asks for help we got your back the best way we can. And BTW Maxie I think it was Stella who said. Asking for help is HUGE, look at you go girl!! Im grateful you asked for help. It is huge. And it’s definitely ok. And it’s really smart.

Im grateful I got my gratitude in before we walk the dogs first thing this morning.
I’m grateful for Storks.

Oh oh oh …:scream::scream::scream:…… I grateful my daughter told us she can feel Gus tapping inside her. It’s very faint of course at only 16 weeks I think. But something or rather someone is inside there. :sob::sob::sob:. Oh yes here come the grateful happy tears. I can’t believe I didn’t lead with that.
Im grateful here we go again💕

We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.
Cynthia Ozick


I’m grateful for this mornings reading.
I’m grateful for waking to the birds :bird: singing to me.
I’m grateful for the angry chihuahua phoebe who snuggled me all night last night. She does love me and when im sick or hurting won’t leave my side. She will probably bite me later if I try to give my husband a goodbye kiss :rofl: shes moody like that.
I’m grateful I have a meeting with my sponsor today.
I’m grateful for the very small AA meeting last night and that the first 15 minutes it was just me and 1 other member. We had a good talk.
I’m grateful for the wake up call I had to get sober again.
I’m grateful for these forums. When I reach out there has always been someone who extends a lifting hand with suggestions, experience, hope and concern.
I’m grateful that today I understand there’s nothing a drink or a drug could make better for me today.


(Emm)…thanks for sharing and talking it out…and for not drinking!


Maxine I just saw this! How are you? I’m a bit late but I’m still sending u so many hugs :slight_smile:


Hi, I have just seen your message about needing hugs.
I hope you managed to get to speak with someone. Apologies as I hadn’t seen it sooner.
How are you doing now?
Are things still rough or are you feeling a bit better,?
Iv had a migraine today. Trying to get gone but it’s tough this one. Thinking it hasnt helped last 3 weeks me jumpin in the gym and swimming twice a day everyday like I’m in bootcamp.

Anyway enough about me mine is a just a headache. How are you doing :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:


Thanks everyone for sending hugs and reaching out, it means so much to me and I’m grateful I have you all here with me. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

I’m taking a quick break from work, have some huge deadlines I need to meet this week that’s stressing me out, but I’m grateful I have a job.

I’m grateful I don’t plan on drinking today.
I’m grateful there’s no vodka in my house.
I’m grateful I have somewhere to come when I’m feeling blue.:blue_heart:

I’m grateful for Max and Riley always being close to me. :dog::smiley_cat::purple_heart:

I’m grateful for each and everyone of you, no matter if you’re on Day 1 or 10,001. I learn from you every day, for that I’m grateful. :heart::tulip::blush::pray:


Continuing the discussion from Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery:

Waking up this 137th day with my daughter, grateful for this 3 day weekend we got to share.

Grateful for the talks we’ve gotten to have, every weekend she’s come in the last 4.43 months the talks have gotten deeper, more meaningful.
Grateful to my recovery that Im getting to KNOW this little human again. To like her and really know her not just love and miss her from my addiction.

Grateful for this thread that when I wake up with a little discord going on I get to focus on what’s good and important and get the good feelings going on again.

Grateful that my fiance is waking up (or maybe not so much actually waking up, lol) to his 2nd full day in detox and in the beginning of his journey of recovery. Grateful he chose life. Grateful he’s going to give clean living a chance!
Grateful that we’ll get a chance at a life together, grateful that my eyes are open and I understand that there are absolutely no guarantees, but at least we will have a fighting chance now.

Grateful that I have the wits and tools to forge through the chaos of my clean and sober house, that Ive learned glass wall meditation and am learning to keep others energy out of mine. Grateful to be placing and enforcing boundaries with those who do not serve my well being.

Grateful to wake up clean and sober, grateful I’m determined to go to bed clean and sober.


Hi! I hope the headache goes away real soon. :pray::heart::tulip::hugs: Love the boot camp reference. :joy: Hopefully you can rest soon and let your body heal.:running_man::swimming_man::yawning_face::sleeping:


I just put a casserole in the slow cooker this morning and going to have some soon it packed with vegetables and some chicken I feel my body needs it.
How are you doing ?


I’m grateful to God please continue helping me stay clean and sober while following your will for the rest of today. I’m grateful for my recovery and yours. I’m grateful for All my family, friends and the grati-dudes. I’m grateful to be employed at a fun spot. I’m grateful it’s a new month. I’m grateful my health has improved a little since working here and getting medication for my stomach issues. I’m grateful for music, humor and laughter. I’m grateful for daily readings, prayers and gratitude. I’m grateful to be going home to my place tonight. I’m grateful I enjoyed the last three nights in the country watching Blackie.

I’m grateful for showers after smelling like lake all day.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are a star @maxwell shine bright. Hugs. Ya you!!


How to start a grateful post when you’re feeling…off? low…? I guess that is the whole point of this gratitude thread though… :heart:

I’m grateful I had a tough day. Sucks, but will make me appreciate the morning tomorrow better.

Grateful when I went to IT with a stubborn laptop that refused to start I saw the date and realized it is my brother’s birthday. Called him and joked about getting older and about tough days at work. It was good :heart:

Grateful for my husband, who has my back. And is binge watching Stranger Things with me :heart:

Grateful for my dog, she’s always cuddly and just the best.

Grateful my boys are having summer fun. Miss them terribly.

Grateful for 120 days today. Things were tough today, but I’m grateful they were not made worse by alcohol.

Super grateful for all of you. Your posts, sories, advice inspire me, teach me, humble me. Thank you all for being with me for all these 120 days (and counting)

much love to you all :heart::heart::heart:



@desert_rose that is truly my best time to write a gratitude post. Writing out what I’m grateful for when I’m stressed, down, or craving 100% gets me out of my head and puts things in perspective.