Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

Grateful for my coworker showing me how to tighten a doorknob.
Grateful for my mom for feeding me.
Grateful for therapy. An uneventful day. For a conversation with a property manager where i got what i needed. For no desire to use. For changing emotions and being ok with solitude.


Congratulations on 120 days!!! :partying_face: thats absolutely awesome!


Congratulations on 120!! Thatā€™s worth celebrating! :partying_face: :heart:



We wrote very similar posts! :joy::joy: We even used the same :partying_face: emoji, made me smile. :blush:


Thats cuz weā€™re super cool :sunglasses: :smirk::rofl:

Iā€™m grateful we can be silly too :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :crazy_face:
Youre awesome Maxine :hugs:


Right back at ya :100:! :star_struck::tulip::sunflower:


Today Iā€™m grateful that even though I woke late I was still able to make my 6am virtual workout.
Iā€™m grateful that I started a new puzzle to keep me entertained.
Iā€™m grateful for the long glorious nap I took earlier.
Iā€™m grateful for yā€™all


Good evening all,
Iā€™m grateful for an easy day at work. Iā€™m grateful I was able to get the oil changed on my car. Iā€™m grateful for the day to day conversations with my kids and that I am not to doggy, hungover, or preoccupied with the next drink to really take part. We laugh a lot more now. All of us. Iā€™m grateful that my dogs are always so happy to see me. Iā€™m grateful for exercise and the mental boost it gives me. Iā€™m grateful for my family and my porch swing- I just love that thing.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


Good evening.

I had another amazing day, paddle boarding on the lake with my man friend and our dogs. It was perfect, the weather was not as hot as it has been the last few days and I am very grateful for that. Our afternoon plans were interrupted by a phone call from his youngest who was feeling unwell, long story short the youngest ended up at urgent care and the middle child ended up in a rear ender. I am grateful both of the boys are ok, and that the older ones truck was fixable at the scene. I am grateful the boys (17&20) still call their dad for help, and I am grateful that he is a super dad.

While they waited at urgent care I was at home reading infront of a fan. I am grateful for books and fans, for snoring dogs and cold water. I am grateful for people who share their favorite things, (books, movies, jeans, restaurants, musicā€¦). I am grateful for the words essence, thrive and stardust. I have had a favorite word my whole lifeā€¦ Egyptian; I love the way it feels when my lips make the letter combination. I am also grateful for the word Egyptian.

I will use the last of my energy to change my bedding because I am always grateful for crisp, line-dried sheets. I love the way they feel, and smell. Am hopeful that tomorrow will be the only day I have to take laundry to the laundromat, I am grateful I did mine last week.


Thank you! :hugs: Another smile tonight. I was reading some posts and received an alert, when I clicked on it I knew I already read this earlier. Then I remembered you tagged me as @maxine you must have updated it to @maxwell (so will I now get an alert from myself? :joy:)

Iā€™m sure I confuse people with the Maxwell/Maxine :grin:. Then having a dog Max. When the rescue contacted me with a dog Max, it was faith. :innocent::pray:


Yes I realized the typo and updated. Grateful you are here and that you got Max, very fitting.


Oh my so thankful everyone is ok at the end of it all :hugs:


I know getting a dui is awful butā€¦ im so eternally grateful I did.
2 weeks before I got my first dui I called the non emergency number for a ride to the hospital. I was drunk and desperately needed and wanted to detox. The hospital gave me drugs and sent me home. 2 days later I was drunk again.
My husband who never goes to the doctor called me 2 weeks later from the er with chest pains and an extremely high blood pressure. I was drunk. I panicked and jumped in the car to get to him fearing I would also loose him. Ive lost a son, my favorite uncle, mother, father and emotional support dog of 11 years all in a 7 year span. So Iā€™m a little scared of loosing people. No excuse to drive drunk. I hit a parked car and gratefully did not injur anyone. My husband ended up being ok.
My point is this. Without getting that dui I would have continued trying to slowly drown myself in liquor. I would have slowly tried to kill myself and join my family. I was drowning in self pity and waisting my precious life that I am so lucky I get to live when so many of my family were deprived a life so young.
Today and everyday since that day I have gotten and stayed sober and I have been grateful for the dui. I am not court ordered to be sober yet. In fact I go to court for this tomorrow. I am at peace with whatever happens.
I am simply grateful that my higher power stepped in and opened my eyes because I was begging for help when I couldnā€™t help myself.
I felt compelled to share this tonight. I dont know why but I did. If it is off topic im totally cool for it to be moved to a more appropriate thread. It was just laid on my heart to share this experience.
I never thought I would be a person who got a dui. And I certainly never thought I would be a person that could find gratitude in it and that it could save my life. I no longer live every day in self pity and despair drowning out all the pain. I get to wake up and live my life for me as well as for my family. For that I am truly grateful.


I am grateful that you are staying sober Shaunda. I am also always grateful when I see newer members start to settle in and their walls start to slowly crumble away. I am grateful you feel safe tonight and were willing to share some of your painful truth. I am sending you a lot of love and strength.



Thank you its been a process. Im grateful to slowly start opening up more and more with people here. I really wasnā€™t expecting the genuine concern and outreach from this community when I first started looking around and reading. The more time I spend on here the more I find. Im very thankful to have found this app and have access to all this support.


Grateful for my years of recovery and the strength is giving me to live a life i always wanted, last five years lost my two older brothers and my identical twin brother ,im still here and out of the four of us i was the sure bet id go first but as i said getting sober and working a program into my life saved it ,miss the guys everyday fond memories 70 now and i visit my Aunt in her nursing home shes 101 +. as she says life is a gift , wise old beautiful lady .x


Thank you so much, Shaunda! Your support and insight means a lot to me :heart:


Thank you so much, Maxineā€¦just like Shaunda, I look forward to your posts and am happy to have you back hereā€¦you all are amazing :heart: And looooove Snoopy!


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for

My sobriety, 93 days and rising
Getting my 90day chip from my sponsor last night
Staying on top of bills
Perspective that my hubbys life is more precious than the $5k hospital bill
My hubby and his choice for sobriety
Boscoe and his love
My parents for watching Boscoe while we are are work
Everyone sharing their sober journies here.

Let us go out and slay the day soberly!


Good morning all,
Iā€™m grateful to be up early even though this is a morning I could have slept in. Iā€™m grateful my big dog Luke woke me up several times to go outside- better than waking up to a mess to clean up. Iā€™m grateful for coffee. Iā€™m grateful that my husband starts a new job today- new possibilities for him. Iā€™m grateful for love and forgiveness.
Everyone have a wonderful day :heart: