Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

I am grateful to be sober. I cannot believe sometimes how I wanted to cure my day to day problems and all the other things with ethanol.
I am grateful that I could reverse/correct all I the things I fucked up yesterday.
I am grateful that my grandmother didn’t get hurt when she fell last night. I can admit here that it’s so far away from me at the moment emotionally.

I am grateful for a calm week. It’s too hot anyways.
I am grateful for fresh water.


Yes! @Its_me_Stella I LOVE clean sheets!!


I’m grateful I slept from 8-5 last night :scream: Good grief I must of needed that.
I’m grateful I got our new dentist scheduled for today.
I’m grateful we tested negative for COVID yesterday. Will test again today before going to the dentist. We’re feeling fine it just seemed to be the right thing to do.
I’m grateful our pets are so forgiving and lovable. They are like we’ll be good; don’t ever drop us off again :cry:. I’m grateful Alice looks really good considering the vet could not give Alice fluids for the ten days she was there. :grimacing:. She didn’t loose any weight, for that I’m so grateful. She didn’t get a fun
“I Love My Play Time” report card. :smirk_cat: Like all the others did. I’m kinda grateful Alice showed them who’s boss.

I’m grateful my wife got all the laundry done and put away and clean sheets and all vacation stuff put away.
I’m grateful we got a lot going on this week. Kinda. I’m grateful it’s stuff we need to get done.
I’m grateful for my HOA but they kind of suck. But they’re just doing their job and we have a beautiful community.

I’m grateful I was happy to see my wife this morning and talk with coffee and get the dogs walked and put my morning routine to the side.

I’m grateful I went to my Al-Anon meeting last night. It kind of sucked too. I’m grateful I think I know all about the tools of Al-Anon and 12 steps but I don’t know shit. I especially don’t know shit about the traditions and frankly didn’t care. But. I’m grateful I did keep and open mind. I did learn something. I will give them a few more chances before I cork off and look for another meeting.

I’m grateful I got Alice on my lap.
I’m grateful I think about gratitude all the time and I want to write this and I want to write that and oooh I can’t wait to write……. But I never remember it. So grateful all this is even more new gratitude.
I’m grateful for my attitude of gratitude.
I’m grateful for Minnie’s face. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. It’s the cutest face in the world.
I’m grateful it’s kind of a grateful chore to keep up on this gratitude thread these days. I’m grateful I do and it’s such a powerful tool. I’m grateful for y’all. :kissing_heart:

“Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam, Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home.
John Howard Payne**


Im grateful for this day.
Im thankful for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Im thankful i finally got good sleep last night. Im thankful i am 7 days clean!


I’m grateful you shared more of yourself here Shaunda.
What Stella said goes for me too.
You are definitely in the right place.
I’m so happy you are here. And I feel you are very on topic. Exactly spot on topic :hugs:
Prayers for you and your hearing tomorrow.


Hmmm…I have ALOT to be thankful for! Today though, I am grateful for a healthy work environment and the people that come with it :slightly_smiling_face: and I’m SUPER grateful for the opportunity to join my church this coming Sunday!


Hi Shaunda, I’m grateful for you, being you :heart:.

I’m grateful you felt safe enough to share part of your story. I myself, understand the cement walls I’ve put up over the years.

I’m grateful I call you my friend. :hugs:

This is the one thread I read most, and I’m usually behind, and sometimes jump around, but helps me get through my workdays. I always (try to) read your shares.

You’re a special lady! :star_struck:


Four months! :muscle: AWESOME!!


Your aunt looks just splendid!! So sorry you had to live to see so many of your family go before time. :orange_heart:


One Week! :boom: :muscle: Nice!



I live in an ROC resident owned community. Our board members are… well, I am practicing gratitude for them and the “work” they do.
I’m a work of progress not perfection :wink::grin:


Awwww thank you Maxine :blush: I regard you pretty highly and am pretty grateful for you!


I cant imagine your loss but I’m grateful for your share.
I’m super grateful for the share of your auntie. My goodness! 101! She is stunning!


1,000 days ago I woke up with my last hangover! It was a good one too. Good as in miserable. I’m grateful I remember it so vividly. I didn’t remember the day before. I didn’t even know where I was when I came too.

I realized where I was. I was in Hawaii. I stood up and my girlfriend was in the bed. She looked scared. Scared of me. I’m grateful Its been 1000 days since I made anyone I care about scared of me. Im grateful to remember everything I have done for the last 1000 days.

The only people I have made scared of me are the people that I bought drugs from. I intimidate them if they make eye contact with me when I see them around. They don’t make eye contact with me anymore. I’m grateful for that. They want nothing to do with me anymore and visa-versa. I haven’t done any street drugs for 1200 days. I’m grateful for that.

Alcohol is a very powerful, unpredictable, legal and socially accepted drug. Its just as dangerous. I’m grateful for a better understanding of that today. My last drug street drug experience was terrifying. I didn’t black out. I remember how terrifying it was. I’m grateful for that.

I haven’t made an ass out of myself. I haven’t done anything I’m ashamed of in 1,000 days. I havent had to listen to anyone tell me about all the shitty things I said to them during my black-outs.

I’ve come to terms with things that I use to drink over. I feel and process my feelings instead of run from them. Its not all fun and games. Its worth it!

I can hold my head up high today and proudly say that I don’t drink anymore. Most of the world doesn’t really give a shit that I don’t drink anymore. My online homegroup does. So does my in person homegroup. I’m grateful for support and I’m grateful for all the awesome people I get to celebrate choosing life with.

I’m grateful for 1000 days of healing. Physically, mentally and spiritually.

1,000 days ago, I felt like I wanted to die. Today, I’m grateful for life!

It was one of the worst days of my life. It was self inflicted. Im going to make today AWESOME because I can! So can you! :muscle:


All I can say is WOW Jason! It’s going to be awhile, but hopefully I will be able to post something as incredible as this one day. I loved reading it, gave me goosebumps.

Wait for it… Do I have any gifs for you? :thinking:

Mil 1000


Of course I do!! Have an Amazing day!! :hugs: :star_struck:


One day at a time. They add up faster than it feels like they do! I’m grateful for you and that your here! :hugs:


Thank you @Dazercat, Eric. I am grateful for all the support and encouragement I have received from day one posting in this group! You all have welcomed me with open arms and I truly appreciate that!

@JasonFisher, wow! What an inspiring testimony of sobriety and gratitude! Congratulations on your milestone achievement but more so… Congratulations on finding your true self and saving your life.


I am grateful to be sober and to have gotten A LOT of sleep last night.

I am grateful for my sig otha and how he helps around the house and takes care of the yard on top of working 5.5 days a week. He has great work ethic. :heart:

I am grateful that fall is coming and a lot of my favorite cooking takes place then. :fallen_leaf::fallen_leaf::jack_o_lantern:

I am grateful to read everyone’s inspirational stories and milestone achievements. You are all kickin butt and I am happy to be here with you. :two_hearts:


I’m grateful to God please help me be my best clean and sober self while following your guidance just for today. I’m grateful for my recovery with its challenges and blessings. I’m grateful for All my family, friends, TS and the grati-dudes. I’m grateful I have been able to keep my place clean and for fresh laundry. I’m grateful that the power went out and that got me a day off. I’m grateful for daily readings, prayers and gratitude. I’m grateful to see milestones being accomplished @JasonFisher 1000 days, awesome job, very grateful for your experience, example, support and determination. I’m grateful that everyday is a blessing for each of us, reading all the shares about loss, reminds me of mine and how I can live my life clean and sober to honor those I have loved and lost.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are a great big beautiful freaking star, shine bright. Ya you!!


Thank-you! I relate to how you are grateful for your DUI. The event and all the problems that come with it suck. The lesson is priceless. If we learn from it.

That’s the tricky thing about addiction. Do we learn from it or do we allow it to continue to destroy us?

I had already created problems in that relationship drinking before. It played a big role in my decision to get sober. My last drug experience was also a big incentive. I can think of a bunch of other times during my eight year long relapse where my drinking had caused me enough grief to want to quit.

I was unable to fully commit to recovery again. I couldn’t, or wouldn’t stay sober for long until I created another disaster that made me think about getting sober again.

I lived in that vicious cycle way longer than I had to.

This trip to Hawaii was paid for with money I had saved from drinking. It was another chance to try and find happiness with my dream girl. 24 hours after my first drink. I ruined it. I was not feeling grateful. All the progress I had made with seven months sobriety was shattered.

Today, I’m grateful for it. It feels like the final lesson that I needed to learn. It humiliated me enough to surrender completely. I no longer think I can have a couple of drinks ever. I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything fun anymore like I used to. I don’t question whether or not I’m alcoholic. I knew the meth made me crazy. I knew the cocaine made me crazy. I held onto the illusion that alcohol wasn’t as bad as those. For me it is. I relapsed from 18 years not doing meth or cocaine because I was drunk. I dabbled in opiates. When I drink I lose my voice of reason. I become a different person. I see it all clearly. I see everything clearly now. Im grateful for that.

I had to learn the hard way. I used to resent that. Today, I’m just grateful to have learned!

My relationship didn’t work out. I’m OK with that today too.

@I.cant.We.can Thanks Brian! I have much respect for you. Sober warrior! Im grateful to share this path with you!