Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

You. are. a. rockstar.

1000 days - absolutely impressive.

But what is more, your story and the way you share your thoughts with others - be it in self-reflection or to help others - really has made/makes a huge impact on me.

Big, massive congratulations - and thank you so much for being here :heart:


Thank you!
I’m glad your here!
I didn’t catch on to how much feeding gratitude helps me for quite a while. I overlooked this thread for a long time. Its made a huge positive impact on my recovery and mental heath.
Your doing awesome!


She’s a beautiful lady Ray, God bless her :pray:. Thank you for sharing.


I’m writing my Gratitudes now because I still have a lot of work to do, will I finish by my deadline? We shall see. :thinking:

I’m grateful for my home and having the things I need. I’m grateful for food (@Shaunda I’m still guilty of eating pop tarts for a meal, just so easy!) One day I will post my pop tart on the foodie thread. :rofl:

I’m grateful for humor, I love to laugh, and I’m easily amused.

I’m grateful for Max and Riley who always get my jokes!

I’m grateful for all of you here, your support means the world to me.

@Daishippai where are you? I had a gif for your 50, or 55. (Or 1) Please come back, I hope your move to Switzerland went well.

@DryIn785 you’ve also been MIA, are you still staring at the tuna can? I’m sure Dana would post a new fish pic. :tropical_fish:

Have a good evening all, the CEO just zoomed me, ugh. Back to the computer :hugs:


I’m grateful for the simple things . I’m grateful I can walk past a liquor store and not even think about drinking. I’m grateful for new life problems because it means I’m progressing. I’m grateful for God keeping me alive through 12 years of madness . I’m grateful my story may help someone. I’m grateful for everyone who shares there story as I can relate to everyone. I’m grateful that even on my worst days of anxiety and ptsd I still feel like I can recover. I’m grateful for the roof above me and the food in my fridge. I’m grateful I can feel even when it hurts . I’m grateful to be sober . I’m grateful that in the 9 months I put the bottle down I haven’t had to go to detox , hospital , jail … I haven’t had to steal or lie … or run and hide … though these feelings can be so much sometimes and I feel like the craziest person in the world … I do feel I am recovering


Wow Ray!!! She looks amazing. What a blessing you still have her in your life. My Nanny lived until she was 92 and my Grandad until he was 95. I am so grateful to have had so many years with them. :two_hearts:


Today im super grateful for all the honest and sincere shares in here. They have really touched my heart.
I’m grateful court was short. Im grateful for an attorney that is smarter than I am. I am grateful that I dont have to think about it again until October 12th when we go to trial.
I’m grateful for getting up early, hitting a super early AA meeting, meeting with my sponsor, running errands with my husband, and seeing my counselor.
Hell, im even grateful for catching a man in an awkward act in the park I met my sponsor at :rofl: I’ll leave it at that. Ive had a good laugh all day about it though. Who says God doesn’t have a sense of humor. I will believe that embarrassing situation on his part was meant for me to walk upon to lighten up this day :sweat_smile:
I’m grateful for the opportunity to do some service work this evening.
I’m already grateful for the good nights sleep I feel coming tonight and the job I get to go to tomorrow.

Thank you all for being so supportive. :hugs:


Thank you for this post . It really helped me today as I feel l have lost my connection with God recently by trying to control everything. I have these same questions and worries about my future and what it will hold and what is my purpose? . Why did God keep me alive? . Thank you for reminding me that God has my back and has a plan and there is nothing to fear as long as I stay on the path . I hope you have a good rest of your day !!


Grateful that I was able to surrender today. Upon my surrendering I was able to make the right calls, at the right time and then I just sat. Grateful that about an hour ago I got a call from my recovery center that I was birthed from last April saying that although they are full to go ahead and bring my fiance in tomorrow straight from detox. It turns out being the 22nd graduate of a brand new facility has it’s benefits. Grateful that I can now FULLY relax and just bask in relief of not having to constantly be on alert of an overdose.

Grateful to love someone so much that I’m willing to go through hell or Highwater to make sure they will get a chance at life. Even grateful to have really, really, missed him the past 4 days because without great love I wouldn’t feel this pain. I’ve lost enough people I loved from this horrific shit to know just how fortunate I am to miss him while he’s getting better. Not because he already lost the fight.
As always, forever indebted and grateful to my Higher Power for coming through. Yet again. I sit in awe.


Congratulations on all those days, and thank you for being here with us!


Thank-you and Thank you for being here!


Today I am grateful for my dog.

He is keeping me active and motivated. I’m sober, I’m feeling good, and the weather has been nice enough to get out daily and walk.


…and thank you, Jason!

Agree with you - I was a gratitude skeptical and each day I realize how powerful it is.

The minute I put energy into thinking what I should be grateful for, I sometimes find a million little things that are miracles in my every day life. And sometimes I need to dig deep. Those times it has the power to change my mood, my perspective, my actions and reactions.

So here is [a diet 7up, iced coffee, iced tea, sparkling water, orange juice, insert your favorite] to three days, a week, a month, four months, 1000 days…and counting, one day at a time…


I’m grateful to live 500 miles away from my family. Too much drama, toxicity, and energy sucking for my liking.

Also congrats @JasonFisher! 1000 days!


Nice one Jason.
I’m grateful that I sat and went through all my expenses for last year and I think I have actually done it! It was my first year being self employed so a bit daunting working out what is allowed and how much. I was probably too conservative but that’s ok. I’m grateful for YT videos.
I’m grateful to be sober, that job would’ve been way worse whilst drinking!
I’m grateful I’m feeling good, content, happy.
I’m grateful :sparkling_heart:


Grateful today for a full night’s sleep.

Grateful for using HALT to figure out the best way to address uncomfortable feelings (and realizing that T is something I’ve ignored for hm…30 years? Sleep is precious)

Grateful I’m getting back the energy to prioritize a short run or brisk walk in the mornings. Running is vital to me and setting it aside for too long inevitably sends me into a downward spiral. Better a short, slow run than no run.

Grateful for my fluffy dog.

Grateful my kids sent me no news the past few days. Means they are well and having fun.

Grateful for my hubby, my rock.

Grateful a bad work situation is teaching me a lot. To stand up for things I believe. To be patient. To be proactive towards things I can control. To let go (this is something I’m still working on) of things I cannot control. To try and not be resentful. To try and see things from someone else’s perspective, when I don’t fully comprehend the way they act. To grow from this experience.

Grateful I have the freedom to look for work somewhere else. May take 3 months, 6 months, or longer. But I’m working towards it and it makes my every day much better.

Grateful for you all. For your stories, advice, support…you are a wonderful group. Thank you for being here. :heart:


Morning sober fam,

Im greatful for…

My sobriety
Everyone who reached out here to share their love during my low period
This practice, hoping it will spark some positive vibes
My hubby and Boscoe
My folks, their bickering makes me chuckle
A job that pays the bills
My basic needs are met
Everyone here sharing their sober journies

Let us go out and slay the day soberly


Today I’m grateful for my best friend and partner, my wife. My wife and I are 11 months sober today … 1 year, which seemed impossible, now is well within reach!


Congratulations to you both on 11 months!!! Thats a huge milestone!


@AScott Congratulations! That’s AWESOME!! This is so inspiring to me! You guys are rock stars! Thanks for sharing and sending me some extra hope this morning!