Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

Grateful to wake up to my 139th day of a clean life that I’m falling in love with.

Grateful that upon waking I remembered my “tiny habit”, the Maui habit, and when my feet touched the floor I raised my hands and said “Today is going to be a GREAT day!”. Grateful for the actual laugh it gave me, even now 20 minutes later I still have the giddy feeling that it gave me.

Grateful that the broken down, lost, and sad girl I was 139 morning ago had one moment of clarity and made the decision to break the cycle I was living in. I wish I could go squeeze that girl and properly thank her! Grateful I had one good decision left in me that morning. Grateful beyond measure that that one good decision has catapulted a whole string of good choices into effect.

Grateful for neuroplasticity, and meditation, and recovery.

Grateful for my employment today. Grateful that although I could not take the day off I am able to hire an Uber to pick up my fiance from detox and take him to inpatient this morning. So very grateful I’m not having to stress out about how I’m going to hustle that ride, that I can just pull out my debit card and order one from my phone. Grateful that I have 4.53 months of recovery and paychecks so his foray into recovery will be that much easier and softer without the constant stress about HOW AM I GOING TO PAY FOR THAT. Grateful to be able to give back to him in this little way.

Grateful for a morning where my spirits are so high, the coffee so sweet, the sky so blue and bright.

Grateful to be alive and living my life to my fullest today. Grateful to wake up clean and sober, and to KNOW if I continue doing what I’m doing right now I will be going to bed clean and sober tonight. :purple_heart:


So much to be grateful for.

I’m grateful for one more clean and sober birthday.

I’m grateful for my son being in recovery.
I’m grateful for technology so I was able to video chat with my son this morning. I’m grateful I was able to share with him that I’m being tested for cancer and be sure he had the strength to take it. I’m grateful I was the one to tell him instead of him hearing about it from another family member. I’m grateful I was able to reassure him that no matter what we will be ok.

I’m grateful for the fitness thread. I really enjoy my early morning walk with the dog each morning. It’s great to be motivated about something again.

I’m grateful for my family. They are supportive and not treating me like I’m fragile lol. I’m so grateful to be living in a four generation household. Lots of us living here but it feels right. So many families are fragmented these days.

I’m grateful for door dash :joy: I treated myself to an egg McMuffin and a sweet tea for breakfast. Not especially healthy but if you can’t let go on your birthday then when can you?

I’m grateful for this app and all you lovely folk working so hard to live a better life. I enjoyed scrolling the selfie thread today and putting faces to names.

I hope you all have a wonderful blessed day clean and sober :heart:


Congratulations to you both!!!


Wishing you a happy, healthy, amazing birthday and year ahead!

Thank you for being here :heart: Value your stories and perspectives immensely!


I’m grateful to God please help me remain clean and sober while following your will, just for today. I’m grateful for my recovery and yours. I’m grateful for All my family, friends,TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful I can be honest and work on letting go of the rest. I’m grateful for showers and coffee. I’m grateful for music. I’m grateful for daily readings and prayers.
God, please give me strength, take away this anger and all the other defects. Shine your healing light through me, let it keep my darkness at bay, help me find peace and love and be of service to you and your people. In your name I pray and remain your humble, loyal and loving servant. Amen.

Happy Birthday @SassyBoomer

p.s. You are awesome, keep moving forward. Ya you!!


I’m grateful for yesterday’s sunrise.
I’m grateful for last nights sunset.
I’m grateful for this morning’s sunrise.

You know, I’m grateful for so much after doing this gratitude practice for 944 days or so. It reminds me of a story I’ll share. I’ve been blessed to have been able to travel many different places in this world. I’m grateful my mother instilled travel in me as a way of learning life. And education through travel and living different places if you will. One of my favorite trips was to the Greek islands in 2008. We were on the island of Patmos where John the Apostle was exiled. And where he got his vision for the book of revelation. Oh, I think it was the most beautiful island in the world on the Aegean Sea. I’ll never forget it. Every church or cathedral or bar or restaurant or house you walk out of there was probably a beautiful view of the Aegean Sea with all the cruise ships and fishing boats. And I’m pretty sure some mountains in view too. It was the most gorgeous place I’ve seen. I was talking to a shop owner and told him how beautiful Patmos is and what a pleasure it must be to wake up every morning and see all this beauty every day. I’ll never forget, he says, “after awhile you take it for granted.” In such a casual way. Like meh 🫤 you get use to it. For some reason I’m grateful I remembered this story today. And I feel with my practice of gratitude that I’ve instilled in my daily routine I’ll never be that guy. I am grateful for each and every sunrise or sunset or flower or bunny or clouds or ponderosa pine or my dogs face. Or a cat on my lap. It’s really a beautiful thing. I’ve always had a pretty good appreciation for things, especially the God created things. But it just seems so different now. And I really like it. So I think I will just continue to let gratitude work it’s way in me and keep me on my sober path.
And that’s my gratitude for today.
And I’m sticking to it.
And I’m not going to take any of it for granted.


Grateful that I spent the last couple months carefully planning the next week and a half so that I could have a “vacation from life”; i.e., to clear my schedule of all obligations outside of personal and household needs. Basically, I planned a “staycation” where I could focus on cleaning and organizing my house, gardening, resting as needed, etc. I’m grateful that my current life and work situation actually allows for the possibility to have actually planned and taken this time.


Thanks very much. I appreciate that. Grateful for the cross eyed selfie recently btw.


I’m grateful for my dogs and their love.
I’m very grateful for @anon74766472 understanding and wisdom over the past few days.
I’m grateful work wasn’t terrible today
I’m grateful Eric shared that story.


I’m grateful God gave me another day . I’m grateful for a roof , food , running water , and electricity. I’m grateful for music and movies . I’m grateful I’m part of a community where I can speak freely. I’m grateful I won’t be Judged. I’m grateful there is help for my problems . Most importantly I’m grateful the liquor store sign Makes me sick now and the sign now says … the ruin everything store !!! I’m grateful there is hope .


I am grateful to be sober. Feeling a bit low today but I know it will eventually pass.

I am grateful for my sig otha and for how supportive he has been with everything that has been going on the my Mom. :heart:

I am grateful September is around the corner.

I am grateful that I have a short work week, very grateful.

I am grateful to be here with everyone. :two_hearts:


I’m grateful I finished 1of 3 deadlines this week, probably the most important. I’m grateful I took the garbage out. I’m grateful I didn’t drink today. I’m grateful for Max and Riley keeping me company. :dog::smiley_cat::blue_heart:


Before I forget… HAPPY BIRTHDAY @SassyBoomer :birthday: wishing you many more happy, healthy and sober birthdays to come :hugs:

My day got away from me…
Tonight im grateful I didn’t sleep through my alarm this morning. Lol
I’m grateful that I get to adjust to working again after not being able to work for a year…
I’m grateful that while soon I will get to start cleaning up the financial mess that was created from the last year, I dont have to live in worry about that today. They can’t eat me right? Thats what my mama used to always say.
I’m grateful I got off work early enough to attend a meeting today and will go to sleep tonight with a sober mind and without binge eating today.
I’m ever so grateful for my daughter and my husband, warts and all.
I’m grateful for the opportunity for personal growth and the tools to work on my character defects. Self analysis and getting to root causes and then deciding what parts I desire to keep is empowering.
I’m grateful for all of your shares, especially when I dont have time to type my own. I have time on breaks to read yours and its so inspiring and keeps me going so Thank you :hugs:




Great job making that deadline Maxine! High five!
I’m grateful you didn’t drink today also. :hugs:


Thank you @Chiron and @PinkyP

Happy Birthday @SassyBoomer

I’m grateful to be able to reflect on my past today without beating myself up over things that I wish I would have done different. Instead of beating myself up over it, today I’m able to appreciate the lesson and try to practice what I have learned.

I’m grateful for clarity. I’m grateful I don’t blame myself for things I had no control over today. I’m grateful to accept responsibility for the mistakes I’ve made. I did the best I could with what I had to work with.

I used to blame life. Life is hard! Life sucks! I have spent so much of my life not appreciating life, not seeing its magic. I’m grateful that recovery has given me the ability to look beyond how hard it can be. I’m grateful I can see the pleasure and not focus on the pain. Drugs and alcohol used to help me with that. Until it turned on me. Then, it would take a perfectly good day and twist my perception. It would make me focus on how hard life is. How much it sucked! It made me focus on what I didn’t like. Who I didn’t like, and how much I didn’t like it.

If I was “rewarding” myself for a good days work, or a successful fishing trip, or whatever the excuse of the day was, that I justified “rewarding” myself with a drink. Once the alcohol started entering my bloodstream it often changed my focus to how hard life is. Then, I would drink at the things that made life hard. My boss, the X-wife, the evil step dad, my traumatic childhood, the economy, whatever or whoever was getting my attention for life being hard that day. It told me I might as well be a drunk.

Alcohol made it so I couldn’t do anything positive about it. I either got so drunk I couldn’t feel, or my rebellious nature would act out. I would pour gasoline onto the fire and make life even harder. Today I still have my rebellious nature. I’m grateful for it. Its one of my favorite qualities about myself. Alcohol made it reckless. Clarity of mind and being sober keeps me in check. I laugh about my ideas instead of acting out on them. I no longer wake up to OMG I cant believe I did or said that. I no longer have to clean up after myself. Recovery gives me voice of reason. Alcohol feeds voice of destruction. I’m grateful for voice of reason.

I shared a few weeks ago how I quit a fishing gig because My buddy was being reckless and making foolish decisions on the water. He talked like he wanted to get clean, but clearly wasn’t. Then, I got on a different boat right in front of him the next day. That’s my rebellious nature acting out in a positive way. I was laughing my ass off as we launched to boat. I also protected myself. I quit putting my safety in jeopardy because I don’t think he was sleeping in between trips.

In the past I would have rolled with it. I most likely would end up not sleeping in between trips.

I’m grateful that I sleep in between trips. I have been sleeping really good. I’ve been having vivid dreams. I’m grateful for good sleep.

After we got back from the trip I ditched my buddy on. I got fired from that boat because the boat owner had gotten the wrath of my drunken Facebook messages six or seven years ago. I was wearing my headcam, and it was recording. He was shaking mad, spitting. He said word for word what I had told him. I wont say it here because its pretty offensive. I watched the footage earlier. It was really funny. I thought he sure is lucky that I quit drinking. That footage would have ended up on Facebook that night.

He deserved what I told him. Alcohol gave me the courage to say what needs to be said sometimes. reflecting on it sober today. I’m glad I don’t do that anymore. I’m grateful that voice of reason keeps me in check. I deleted the footage after a good laugh.

In the end it all worked out for the best. My buddy running that boat is spun too. He is another person who talks like they want to get clean, but isn’t there yet. He runs with all the tweaker scum. I saw him sneaking rips of his spoof pipe. Its sad. Both of them are people I like and care about. I cant save anyone. I’ve already done what I can. I’ll keep doing what I’ve been doing. Living by example. If they reach out, I’ll be there. I wont place myself at risk doing it. I’m grateful to understand healthy boundaries.

I haven’t talked any shit about them. Its a small town. People are nosey. As a drunk, I loved talking shit! Today I just say I’m a free agent. I fished with them for fun. Its none of their business. Even with my previous employer. I don’t have to tell people I got tired of fishing with a reckless drunk. I’m a free agent is simple, and its the truth. There aren’t any follow up questions. It doesn’t pour gasoline on the fire. I’m grateful I have learned an easier way.

Yesterday I reflected on a lot of things. What my first day of coming too was like. I was miserable! I was in paradise. I spent the entire day walking on eggshells. I heard about what a jerk I was all day. I was feeling sorry for myself. Life is hard! Life sucks!

Today, I feel grateful. Life is hard, it does not suck! Life is awesome! I’m grateful for a huge shift in perception. I’m grateful for voice of reason. I’m grateful to be in recovery!


Hi Maxine,
I’m afraid that I’m not really deserving of any gifts (however nice it was of you to think of that) since I too have had to reset, after foolishly giving in to a bit of “peer pressure” and having a glass of wine the other day. Oh well… I’m not too upset with myself about it (though it’s obviously my fault and not that of anyone else), I’m still pretty happy that I got over fifty days.
So… back to my second day… SIGH :roll_eyes:


The only day that really counts is THIS day. Im so glad you didn’t stay “out there” and are back. :hugs:


Good morning sober fam,

Im greatful for

My sobriety, day 95 free from weed and alcohol
My hubby and Boscoe
My mom and dad watching boscoe while were at work
Sleeping thru the night
Hubby doing the dishes and making dinner tonight
Everyone sharing their sober journies here.

Let us go out and slay the day soberly


Good morning :yawning_face:

I’m grateful today I get to go to work and be amongst society. Fun y how your perspective changes when you are stuck at home for a year lol

I’m grateful my daughter didn’t wake up “swinging” when I woke her up at 6am lol we don’t wake up peacefully in my family. Genetics :sweat_smile:

I’m grateful for all the amazing and courageous firefighters, both on the ground and in the air.

I’m grateful for the miracle of the events that had to happen for the 12 steps to come about back in the 30’s and im grateful to learn about AA’s history. It has impacted so many lives, not just alcoholics.

I’m grateful for quiet time for readings and meditation.

I’m grateful I will have time after work for a meeting and a group conscious meeting.

I’m super grateful my town isn’t full of smoke even though I can see the fires over the mountain.

I’m grateful for all of you and your inspiration :yellow_heart: