Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

Waking up to my 140th day clean and sober I am grateful that I remembered my Maui habit again when my feet touched the floor. I am grateful that I heard from my fiance last night, amazed that I could hear the sobriety in his voice (that is a real thing) and relieved that he truly seemed content to be there in inpatient. Grateful for the peace that I feel that maybe, just MAYBE the worst is behind us and hoping there is healing and happiness on the horizon. Grateful for the little clips of moments I’m starting to envision where we’re both working our recovery and our collective children are settling in for the ride. Grateful for the paradigm shifts I’ve experienced that are allowing my heart to see the beauty to be instead of the tragic circumstances they will be blooming out from under.
Grateful for beauty from ashes.

Grateful I woke up clean and sober and grateful to know if I keep doing what I’m doing I’ll be going to bed clean and sober tonight. :purple_heart:


I’m grateful there was no sunrise it was just dark clouds and lightning this morning.
I’m grateful for a walk in the light rain with the dogs and the dangerous weather looked pretty far away.
I’m grateful for the wake up morning time with my wife.
I’m grateful my wife didn’t drink yesterday. I know my happiness can’t revolve around her drinking or not drinking and I’m not keeping track but it’s pretty obvious she didn’t drink yesterday. But in all honesty it does make for a nicer relationship. Or let’s just say it’s easier to put away the resentment machine.

I’m grateful for the spaghetti I made last night.
I’m grateful the new dental visit and cleaning went well yesterday and the day before. They all seem very nice.
I’m grateful my cardiologist in Santa Monica gave me the name of a real good cardiologist here in Scottsdale and I got an appointment to establish myself. I’m grateful I’m proactive in getting all this stuff done here. I’m grateful for all my doctors I did have in Santa Monica.

I’m grateful the HOA approved my gutters.
I’m grateful my pool guy finally fixed the leak and light this week. I’ve been calmly texting him and calling him way too many days wondering why it hasn’t been fixed yet.
I’m grateful I don’t get all worked up like I use to dealing with people and HOAs and doctors office. I’m grateful I just keep thinking they are doing the best they can and I’ll just call them or text them again tomorrow.

I’m grateful this gratitude thread is going gangbusta’s.
I’m grateful it’s my home group.
I’m grateful we’re going to see my granddaughter.
I’m grateful to know if Alice can last ten days at the vet and not loose any weight and she looks good. Then she should be good for 5 days. Especially if we give her fluids the day we leave and the day we pick her up.
I’m grateful drinking is history for me.

As an emotion-virtue, gratitude disposes us morally to act right and emotionally to feel right, to do good as regards others and to do well as regards our mental condition.
Sam Shoemaker


I’m grateful for your shares here Darci. And praying for you and your family to get this great gift of sobriety, clean and sober.
I’m grateful I’ll be googling that Maui habit. :thinking:


We can be sober twins again! :grin: I’m glad you’re back. :hugs:


Quick gratitude. I’m grateful for Riley waking me up after I overslept because I was up late. I’m grateful for my job being remote and flexible. I’m grateful I got the extra garbage out just in time this morning. I’m grateful for Max just being Max. I’m grateful @Daishippai came back and is not beating himself up. If I beat myself up every time I relapsed I’d be a walking bruise with eyes. I’m grateful for all of you! :purple_heart:.


Grateful for my job for now, and this work site. Grateful for my mom, and her cat, and my cats.
Grateful for 3 days clean of instagram lol. Apps stay deleted!
Grateful for the core strength for ladder work…on stairs :scream:
Grateful to know in march i will be one year sober and if the rest of the worst happens, i will have that.
Grateful for paint! All the types.


We most certainly can. I was only mildly annoyed with myself, but that passed fairly quickly.
Now I’m targeting two months… better than last time !
We can both do it !

The move back to Switzerland is progressing, now I just have to sell my house in Italy (on the block, now), and then I’m back here full time. I have rented a flat (and office) from October 1st, so I’m pretty happy about that too. Still, I hope that the place sells quickly (obviously).
Still darn hot over here, but it’s supposed to get somewhat milder starting on Saturday… good thing too, I have to go back to Italy for a bit !!

Have you told me in what part of the US you live ? I imagine that it’s pretty warm there too.


Good Morning,

Grateful for the 52 days I have been free of alcohol
Grateful I am starting to feel good again
Grateful I have today to work on myself
Grateful I choose to fill my time with positive things
Grateful for the time I spend with my grandma
Grateful for those who have reached out to me and offered their prayers
Grateful for my children and their health
Grateful for the great opportunities I have been given in life
Grateful I found this community for support
Grateful for the wonderful weather we have today
Grateful for the word
Grateful for the beautiful scenery pictures members post in this community for it shows me the wonders of God daily

:pray:t3: :butterfly:


Look at you one daying at a time towards triple digits!!


I am grateful to be sober.
It’s good that we are so many here now that I cannot even read all posts.
I am grateful I joined a new meeting some months ago. I was sceptical but I want to go most of the times. It’s a routine I want to have in my life. It’s been hard today again with someone talking about her best friend having OD.
I am grateful that soon I will leave this job here. I set my expectations low for what is to come. Here I am done. I am a bit scared of my last day. I hate saying goodbye.
I am grateful I had three people today that are interested in the apartment. I still hope that I can get off the rent for half September. If not, I won’t stress.
I am grateful I got to feel a somewhat strange feeling after my intense feelings these last days: no urge to run to the shop and buy chocolate or diet coke. It was so new, I couldn’t believe it when I walked by the soft drink section.
I am grateful I accept what my boos wrote me yesterday and I am fine with it. I’ll only do the minimum until I leave this company. I won’t engage anymore. Fine by me.
I am grateful it’s going to cool down.

I am grateful that @Tomek is still with us. I can only imagine what you are going through and that decisions like these can be overwhelming. I think you are doing great.


Very difficult day. I haven’t cried like this in a very long time.

Grateful for my husband, my rock.

Grateful for my kids. Love them more than anything in the world and would do anything to ensure their well-being.

I’m grateful I don’t drink anymore, or today would have been the beginning of something truly awful. I said this out loud to my husband, and I meant it. I’m grateful I was able to process a bad situation and make urgent decisions with a clear head.

Everything will be ok. Things will look better after a full night’s sleep.


I am grateful for the good day at work today.
I’m grateful for the laugh provided by @Dazercat and his meme. I needed that laugh so bad!
I’m grateful that I’m about to make my last jeep payment! Very grateful and happy about that! Since I’m WFH she should give me many years of no payments.
Like everyday I’m grateful for my dogs especially this goofball. He used to hate snuggles (I think it was cause he was a street dog) but over the years he has learned to accept them. I love hugging his big body. So comforting


Aww. The Wolf made the gratitude thread. I’m always grateful to see The Wolf. I didn’t know he was a goofball :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: and I’m always grateful to bring a smile or a laugh. Give Wolfie a hug for me. :hugs:


I’m so grateful for my new job. I talked to a few coworkers about how exhausted I was and why since I have been homebound for a year and just able to leave my home the last 2 months. I was struggling the last few hours and they happily sent me home. They don’t want to loose me and think I’m a great asset already.
I’m grateful to hear that and grateful for the grace extended to me as a new employee.


LOLOL! This gave me my morning belly laugh - days ago now! Grateful to you, and @Shaunda too, for your kind and heartening, and humourous replies. But no, I think I’d take bears over bugs galore! :rofl:


I’m grateful I don’t drink. This week (and the two before it for sure) would have been a messy streak, methinks. I’m grateful I feel relieved that I don’t drink. Grateful I’m getting better at recognizing when my mind is in “run! escape!” mode. It still does that. Grateful for the tools of recovery.

I’m grateful I got to work from home the last few days. Today it rained all day long, and it’s cool out too. Feels early for fall, but I’m grateful I could be all hunkered in my little home, sipping tea, enjoying the company of the good dog girl all day, listening to my tunes, making yummy things in my kitchen. (Oh, and the part where I’m not bartering with myself all day about when I can pour the first drink.)

I’ve got a week of deadlines too, @maxwell. I’m grateful I’m taking a break now to get caught up on this thread, and wow is there a lot to catch up on! I’m so grateful for all the genuine, heartfelt posts.

  • I’m grateful for @JasonFisher’s 1000+ days. I am better for knowing you, and your story too. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one! And yes to “Life is hard! It does not suck!” Beautiful.

  • I’m so grateful for @Shaunda’s post about her dui. Working with my counsellor and in recovery meetings, I am coming to be grateful for my addiction. It’s not an aberration, a mutation, from my Plan A of a life well-lived. It is the path I’ve taken to get to here, to today. And with all its mountains and molehills, today’s sober day is the life I’ve been craving.

  • I’m grateful for @anon74766472’s strength in the face of what sounds like so much change. I’m always grateful to read your posts.

  • I’m grateful for @Bootz’ words: “I have a self-cleaning house! And it reflects my spiritual condition over time. I’m grateful!” This! I have had this, and am having it again!

I’m grateful I came back. I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:

Happy Birthday @SassyBoomer. I’d bake and bring you a peach crisp if I could! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Greatful Zelda’s kidneys are holding, and that despite a worsening thyroid, I have treatment options for the old princess. Also grateful to know that if/when it starts to work I can feed her less because, omfg, does this thin little creature eat a lot right now. :sweat_smile:

(Proof of sadness because her human won’t feed her a whole case of wet food per day. :laughing: )


I am grateful to be sober and settled into the work week.

I am grateful that my sister and I have planned an overnight get away soon which is something to look forward to.

I am grateful for my sig otha and that he makes me laugh regularly. :heart:

I am grateful for nature… trees, grass, rivers, waterfalls, beaches, and soooo much more… how lucky are we…

I am grateful to be here with everyone. :two_hearts:


Good morning sober fam,

Im greatful for

My sobriety, 96 days free from weed and alcohol
Getting past procrastination and fear to start my fourth step
My hubby and him joining me on a sober journey
Boscoe cuddles
A solid 8 hours of sleep
Waking up rested and a little more energy than the day before
Made it to friday and have two days to do what i want, not hungover or wasted
Limited cravings and the strength to get thru
Fellowship with other alcoholics
Everyone her sharing their sober journies

Let us go out and slay the day soberly.


Good morning, super :yawning_face:

This morning I am grateful my brother in law is ok after a driving accident in SLC on their way home. Everyone is safe and for that I am truly grateful.

I’m grateful for @M-be-free49 and saying And with all its mountains and molehills, today’s sober day is the life I’ve been craving. man oh man did those words hit me on point.

I’m grateful I was outside when a deranged hoodlum rogue squirrel almost jumped on poor 8 pound phoebe. That wasn’t rocky. Rocky messes with her but never gets closer than 3 or 4 feet. This one was aggressive. I walked right up to it shaking my finger in its little rodent face saying " no you naughty little squirrel, we aren’t mean in this yard." Little sucker stared me down like it was contemplating attacking me. Then scurried up my apple tree and ate an apple just staring at me like, go ahead lady, just try it. :roll_eyes::rofl: it was an interesting minute.

I’m grateful I work with understanding people that don’t want to loose me and see my work ethic after only a few work days, who appreciate my customer service skills.

I’m grateful for meditation :woman_in_lotus_position:

I’m grateful for tradition 12 in AA ever reminding me to practice humility and place principles before personalities.

I’m grateful for all the courageous people on the ground and in the air fighting the fires not just locally but everywhere. Lord knows I’m to :chicken: to do it.

I’m grateful for step 4 in AA and self analysis. May I continue to see where I can better myself daily.

I’m grateful for all your shares even though I don’t have time to reply to or quote them all, I am still able to read them all. You all encourage and inspire me all through my day. :hugs: