Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I have only 2 more workweeks in my job here.
I am grateful I have more 9f adult adult conversations with my mom. I can feel she is glad she can to to me about my grandmother. Her decline is awfully fast. Each day she loses things visibly. Due to the speed of these things to happen we don’t have a nursing home yet. My mother met her in front of the house without a key and not knowing her own name.
I am grateful I have worked on my relationship to my mother. I am grateful we can speak openly about most things.
I am grateful that it’ll cool down tonight and won’t be above 30 degrees next week!

I am grateful I am an recovering addict. Really. I feel connected to myself atm more and more. It’s strange.

I am grateful I slept better this night.


I’m grateful I woke up and as soon as my feet hit the floor I said to myself. This is going to be a great day.

I’m grateful I might just be depressed today. I cannot seem to snap out of it. I’m grateful I got all the tools for my codependency issues and Al-Anon meetings and gratidudes and the thread I don’t use enough. But it isn’t working. I’m grateful I’m just going to have to feel like shit currently because it’s too fucking hard to not feel like shit when your loved one just keeps drinking. I’m grateful I know this is ok. I’m a fucking human with feelings and it hurts today. No, right now it hurts. It might not hurt the rest of the day. As a matter of fact I might feel better after this gratitude list. I might not. I’ll just have to see what my day brings. But it’s going to be a great day. Because at the end of it. I’ll be sober As Fuck

I’m grateful when my wife asked what’s wrong on our dog walk because I’m quiet I said the classic response. “I’m Fine.” :joy:. Then a few minutes later I thought I blew my chance to talk about how I feel. I’m grateful I realize, you know what? “I.” Very important here. “I didn’t want to talk about it!” And your know what Eric? That’s ok! I’m grateful I don’t think I’ve ever thought that before.
I’m grateful maybe I’m trying too hard. I’m grateful maybe I just have to feel like shit and it will pass eventually.

I’m grateful for Insight Timer. I searched “Codependency” and I got lots of hits on it. I’m looking forward to trying more different meditations.

I’m grateful there’s a new Recovery Show podcast I can listen to when I’m willing.

I’m grateful to be sitting outside listening to my waterfall with saguaro and mountains and my little Sancho. Benson :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m grateful the slice of mole my dermatologist took off my back was. “Just A Mole.” I’m grateful that 45 minute drive to his office was for good news.

I’m grateful for the couple of huge beautiful cactus flowers that bloomed last night and will be dead tomorrow. I’m grateful it still amazes me how big and beautiful and how much energy that bloom must spend to just die within 24 hours. I’m grateful the desert ecosystem is totally mind boggling to me. I’m grateful I don’t know what God was thinking. I don’t understand how anything survives and grows in the desert. I’m grateful I don’t have to know. I’m grateful today I will just let the mystery be.

I’m grateful my wife did such a great job giving Alice her fluids yesterday. I’m grateful she thinks I do more of the work than she does. I’m grateful she sticks Alice with the needle. No way in hell I can do that. I’m grateful she does all the cat little. I’m grateful she did all the dishes last night after I cooked. I’m grateful my wife didn’t kill me after I cooked that tofu last night. I’m grateful I live to cook another day.
I’m grateful for you all and this home group.
Thank you :pray:t2:

Just for today I’m……
“Love yourself just as you are.
Melody Beattie



The new one needs a name :chipmunk::hugs:

What about Boris? Isn’t that the mean one in Rocky and Bullwinkle? Or whatever the wife’s name was, maybe Natasha?


I’m grateful the little turd didn’t bite my finger :rofl:
I was thinking scrappy :facepunch: :sweat_smile:


Today I am grateful that I’ve learned to set limits on work. Before sobriety I was working 12 hour days on many hours on weekends. I did not go on vacations and worked when I was sick. I’ve never refused an assignment and always completed to the best of my abilities and most of the time successfully.
What did this get me? While a steady job and adequate monetary compensation were achieved, the duties of work constantly contended with family. How did I cope with this for 30 years? Alcohol. Alcohol to relieve stress, celebrate success, blanket emotions, aid sleep by passing out, contend with awkward social situations, cope with loneliness, relieve non-work boredom, solve marital problems.
Today I am grateful to be able to say No to my bosses on yet another priority issue and to meeting through lunch today and working late tonight and on the weekend. I am grateful to be having lunch with my daughter, talking tonight with my sons, to playing house with my wife this weekend. I am grateful to be not doing any work until Monday morning and i will not be hung over. I am grateful to not need alcohol to live my life this weekend


@Dazercat my heart goes out to you Eric. Sometimes that’s all we can do is sit with the emotions and feel them. I used to drown those feelings out with booze until the booze made them feel worse. I’m grateful neither you or I have to do that today.
I’m so grateful for your share today. Its difficult living with a partner, spouse whatever that drinks to excess. Addictions hurt not only them but others around them. Just the same as my addiction hurt not only myself but all those around me.
Big hug to you my friend and I’m grateful that you know these feelings will pass. :hugs: doesn’t help when you are sitting in them but there is some comfort in knowing its temporary, at least I find there is.


I’m grateful for my walk.
I’m grateful I had a good cry and told God I didn’t want to live like this anymore.
I’m grateful the Insight Timer didn’t load on my walk.
I’m grateful I listened to the first half hour of the Recovery Show podcast.
I’m grateful God gave me exactly what I needed. EXACTLY what I needed. I don’t know how he does it.
I’m not stupid. And I know codependency is not healthy. Not a bit. The first part talked about how codependency is an addiction. I seriously don’t think I’ve ever thought of it that way. It’s a fucking addiction too :man_facepalming::sob: Maybe I knew that. I don’t know. It it was a :bulb: moment.
I’m grateful for
“God, Help me to see this differently.” I might just have to say that 50 or 60 times today.
I’m grateful I feel so much better. PRESENTLY.
Thank you Shaunda.
I’m so grateful you found our home group.


Grateful for this unexpected day off on my 141st clean day. Grateful I actually took a power nap and now feel ready to do all that is necessary today. Grateful my sweetheart has stayed put in inpatient even though he is still going through withdrawals and is able to see that this is temporary. Grateful that when he calls me with such issues Ive been able to hand it over to God and not sound the alarms for a national emergency. Grateful for the calm and wisdom to see that this is his to deal with, I can help and support but I CANNOT DO IT FOR HIM.

Grateful that it is still summer. Grateful that it is payday. Grateful I have three days with large pieces of time for step work.

Grateful that I am now ok with being on my own for a three day weekend, grateful that I have people who I love around me at this point in my life to make it a shock to my system when I look around and I’ve got some solitude. Grateful for all these different emotions the last couple of days that are new in sobriety, grateful that Ive been able to realize that emotions are simply messengers and I just need to feel them and figure out what they are telling me. Grateful that the days of fearing and running from any kind of emotion are in the past.

Grateful that I woke up clean and sober this morning, grateful to know that if I keep doing what I’m doing I’ll be going to bed clean and sober tonight. :purple_heart:


Good Morning,

I am grateful I am feeling joyous
I am grateful I still have my sobriety
I am grateful to God for giving me the strength daily
I am grateful for my mother
I am grateful she has become my grandmother’s full time care giver
I am grateful that my mom’s company seems to be doing good for my grandma’s emotional state
I am grateful she has started treatment
I am grateful for my family
I am grateful for our mini getaway
I am grateful for today’s day of work
I am grateful for my boss
I am grateful he is so understanding
I am grateful he appreciates my work and that he’s happy with my work delivery
I am grateful for this site, this group and this thread.

:pray:t3: :white_heart: :butterfly:

@Dazercat Hi eric,

I hope you are feeling better. Sending all the positivity your way. Grateful your post always speak to me.


I’m grateful it’s Friday. I’m grateful I got enough done at work this week, not as much as I would have liked tho. I’m sad a friend/co worker put in her notice today. I’m grateful I got to know her. When I interviewed her 4 years ago, I thought she talked too much. I’m grateful I trained her and watched her advance in the company. I truly wish her the best.

I’m grateful I picked up my weekly groceries. I will try to eat more than pop tarts and granola bars.

I’m grateful that @Lovelyoutlook is having a good day, I think about you and your Grandma often. My mom passed from lung cancer in 2005. I’m grateful that treatments are always getting better.

I’m grateful for @Shaunda squirel antics. I’m grateful for @Twizzlers and @Butterflymoonwoman reaching out. I’m sorry Eric is having some depressed days, I hope they pass real soon my friend. :hugs:

I’m always grateful for Max for his unconditional love and silliness. I’m grateful for Riley’s big mouth, the older she gets, the louder she is.

I too have been having down days, I know they will get better. I just don’t want to do anything or move. I want to work on my rose diamond painting, but haven’t had the energy for the past week. I’m grateful it’s not going anywhere. I’m grateful for all of you. I hope everyone enjoys their weekend. :heart:


They sure are!

Sorry to hear of your mom’s passing.
Thank you for keeping us present.


Today I am grateful for having 11 days of sobriety under my belt, even though it’s taken all of my strength.
I am grateful for my health and my ability to walk 5.5 hours to keep fit and motivated instead of drinking.
I am grateful to my Mum for always supporting me no matter what, and it hasn’t been easy for her.
I am grateful for the few friends that check on me to see if I am OK.
And I am grateful for this app for the strength and motivation I get from all of you.
Thank you :pray::heart:🛼


Grateful for cats. Grateful for beds. Grateful for holding myself to timers. Grateful for the fancy new paintbrush i got. Grateful to try a new thing on this table. Grateful for writing and my big desk. Grateful for therapy. Grateful.


I am grateful it really cooled down with a heavy thunder and lots of rain. The rain was too heavy for earth to absorb it, though.

I am grateful I don’t stress to get up. A little bit maybe atm. Trying to figure out what to do. It’s very windy outside.
I am grateful for clean water, for having a home which is safe.
I am grateful I keep on learning. I often think that what I did of self reflection before I became sober was superficial. I tried to cure myself and thought I can heal and still numb (drinking in moderation :joy:) myself like normal people. What are normal people, anyways. The majority. Which then defines what’s acceptable. I doubt it.

I am grateful for the clouds.


Thank you, Billy :heart: I hope to have a strong relationship with my kids - as you do with yours - when they grow up. Being a good mom is the most important thing to me, and a fundamental piece of my sobriety.

Very trying 36 hours, I think there is something wrong with my tear ducts. Can’t seem to stop the waterfalls.

I’m grateful I don’t drink
I’m grateful I didn’t drink yesterday
I’m grateful for coffee - even more grateful after not enough hours of sleep, to make it the way I like, calmly, in a cheap coffee maker that leaks a bit when I pour, but gives me a ton of comfort first thing in the morning, every morning.
I’m grateful for my kids and that I talked to them briefly yesterday. Not long enough, but I hope they were reassured of our love and the fact that we’ll always be there for them.
I’m grateful for my husband
I’m grateful for my fluffy dog
I’m grateful I can call my parents and not talk about any of this, but be comforted that my mom is baking a cake and my dad is finally doing physical therapy.
I’m grateful my flimsy Faith allows me to pray for everything to be ok.
I’m grateful I have this group


I am grateful to be sober and almost done with the work week as I could use some time to recharge.

I am grateful for my sig otha. One of the cats seemed a little under the weater tonight so I am grateful for him being there to keep an eye on him. I really hope he feels better in the morning. :heart::cat:

I am grateful for my family and that I will see them later today.

I am grateful to be here with everyone. :two_hearts:


:joy::joy::joy: I’ve been there!

I hope you’re feeling better…and that you felt a bit better after writing on the gratitude list.

No matter how bleak things look or how hurt I feel, writing my gratitudes and reflecting on what I have to be grateful for makes a huge difference in giving my heart a bit of TLC. Sending you love and hugs.


Thank you for taking us along in your run in the wilderness!

Living in an arid desert and being a runner, I absolutely loved your description…Grateful for it!


This morning I’m feeling super grateful for this app and self awareness. I know I’m going to a triggering social event today (not the event itself but certain attendees that I can’t avoid) but I KNOW that and all I have been thinking is - it’s gonna feel great not to reset my counter!

I’m also grateful for my job. I’m supplying florals for the event today and while I was picking out plants I noticed a ton of butterflies on the jasmine. I sat there and watched/took pics for 10-15 mins in the peaceful environment.

I hope everyone finds at least one thing to be grateful for today :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Good morning :yawning_face:

As I woke up sore with bruised feet from re-entering the work force, society and life in general I looked back over my fitbit so see how much I was walking now compared to a few months back when I wasn’t able to leave the house.
I am soooooo grateful for the healing of my body! I’m grateful I have minimal issues with vertigo and other symptoms and can drive, walk and be a part of normal life again. I was stuck in depression and self pity the last year believing my life was over an I was headed to a long term care facility because I was literally being assisted walking to the bathroom most days.
If this doesn’t make me feel grateful for life then I cant imagine what would!
I’m grateful the symptoms started easing up in March and I was able to restart physical therapy again in June and was gifted rhe determination to push on. I believed her when she said we had to retrain my brain and I trusted in her knowledge. She was right!
I’m grateful my higher power gifted me the willingness through any means to push forward and overcome this!

Edited to add a quote
Courage faces fear and thereby masters it.
Martin Luther King Jr