Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

Good morning all,
I’m grateful this thread is getting so much love! I won’t be able to acknowledge all the wonderful things that need to be acknowledged, but I read them and the brought me joy. I’m grateful for a day spent with my parents and sister, Granny, my kids and nephew. We cooked and laughed and talked and reminisced and it was a really good day. I’m grateful that today will be good too- we will straighten up the house, do some groceries, and then head to the book store. I’m grateful my kids love to read. I hope everyone has a wonderful day❤️


I’m grateful for my readings about Faith this morning. I don’t know what today is going to bring.
But if I have Faith in MY Program everything will work out. How it works out ? I don’t know. But it will. I’m grateful every once and awhile I think :thinking: if I just quit or take a day off from my Al-Anon program I won’t be thinking about my qualifier and how much she may or may not drink. I’m tired of this shit!! As I’ve written before. I always have to work on me :grimacing: I’M NOT THE ONE DRINKING!! :scream: Or being a fuck up. I’m grateful I realize, probably not for the last time, I was doing that old song and dance again. Poor me. I was legitimately sad. Very sad yesterday morning. Depressed. Im grateful I put on that Recovery Show podcast. It felt like the guest speaker was talking to me personally. I could relate to every fucking thing she said. And now this morning I’m grateful I’m getting all this shit in Todays Hope about having Faith in my program. I’m grateful I’m just going to have Faith in “My Program.”

Side note: a little brag if that’s gratefully allowed.
I wrote in to the Recovery Show podcast and Spenser, the host, nicely commented on what I wrote with a little of his own experience. That was so cool. But yesterday another listener wrote in about what I wrote in to Spenser weeks ago. Her name was Faith :scream: I’m just listening to these questions from listeners and I hear my name mentioned and a little of my story. How fucking cool is that :scream: And I just realized or remembered that lady’s name was Faith. :pray:t2: I don’t know…… Just thank you God for giving me EXACTLY what I need. Exactly when I need it.

I’m grateful I don’t drink.
I’m grateful I’m not hungover.
I’m grateful to get up before my 4:45 alarm.
I’m grateful for last night’s gorgeous sunrise. Some one was showing off last night.
I’m grateful for the roadrunner getting a drink at my pool.
I’m grateful for my saguaro mountain view.
I’m grateful for my program.
I’m grateful we got nothing on the schedule this weekend. Not even Alice fluids.

I’m grateful for the 3 hours on the deck away from my wife yesterday afternoon in the desert heat. It was a good thing. I’m grateful it wasn’t a resentful angry I don’t want to be near her thing. I’m grateful I realized we’ve been cooped up together in close quarters for 3 weeks without any space or breathing room to separate us. I’m grateful I can have
un-resentful alone time and enjoy myself.
I’m grateful my deck is cool in the shade.
I’m grateful the placement of my deck at the house gets plenty of shade from the desert sun. It makes it bearable
I’m grateful for TS, Gratidudes, PMs, and every little bit I learn from each and every one of you.
I’m grateful I don’t drink. And grateful I don’t want to :wink:

Todays Hope.


Good morning family. :heart:

I am three days behind on the gratitude thread but I can assure you I have had a rolodex of gratitude flipping in my head. I only made it to this…

and then I just couldn’t contain my gratitude to read through anymore posts, I will get back there.

I am also grateful to know that I don’t ever have to feel that feeling of “meh” again. Most days I honestly feel like I am glowing, I don’t know if it’s possible but it’s how I feel. And what a difference from the dark cloud I carried for so many years. When I got to apathetic I knew I was in trouble.

Gratitude was a topic at the meeting I was at last night, so was The shape of our thoughts and Step one. There were three newcomers there and what amazing topics to compliment a step one share. I am grateful I was asked to share my experience, strength and hope. The room was packed last night, full of out of town guests (we had road tripped), newcomers, and one guy that was coming back. I am grateful for the body experience I have everytime I hear something that speaks to my spirit, my body tingles and gets covered in goosebumps, its incredible.
I am grateful for reading…

“The body and mind are not separate. The body and the emotions are not separate. The body and the spirit are not separate.The self is like a diamond, and each part is a facet of the same essence. The energy of our consciousness is just as precious when it takes the form of skin, or organs, or blood, as when it is revealed through a thought or an emotion. Our bodies are materialized spirit, and therefore, they are as spiritual as anything and everything.”

On Wednesday I will be having my first therapy session with the eating disorder therapist. I am grateful that all of the powers greater than me are working together and timing things right. All of the books I am reading, my step work and therapy sessions are coming together around the body, relationship with self and love. I am grateful that when I let go things work out.

I am grateful that the first day of my mom’s COVID seemed tame and I am hoping today is too. Grateful my dad, kiddo and I are all negative so far.

I am grateful that even though I have been super busy I have still kept my home clean. What a difference to before, my home was derelict…


I got teary-eyed again…but this time in gratitude :heart:

Thank you so much for your beautiful, kind, and thoughtful words…I needed it. I had 48 very difficult hours and I’m grateful I kept my head clear, even when my heart was far from calm and my mind far from peaceful.

I’m grateful I allowed myself to cry. I needed it. I don’t cry often (unless triggered by certain songs) but needed to release the worry, stress, anger, frustration.
I’m grateful I felt everything and didn’t try to numb it with alcohol to cope
I’m grateful I didn’t drink - I’m grateful I don’t drink
I’m grateful I’m learning every day from you all on how to stay sober for good
I’m grateful for everyone in this group - you make me stronger even without knowing it
I’m grateful my husband is finally with our kids.
I’m grateful everything feels more manageable now.
I’m grateful I talked to my mom and dad about fixing up their oven and the possible need to buy a new one - why can’t the handyman fix the darn thing? Doesn’t seem unfixable, it’s a good oven!
I’m grateful I exercised today, even if my legs are not grateful for it right now
I’m grateful, so grateful for my sober life - going into month 5 and counting…

I’m grateful I get the chance to finally be…me. With all imperfections, difficulties, and no additives masking anything. (Well, with sugar yes, but that is still part of the imperfections that I can live with for the moment)

much love to you all :heart:


I’m grateful to still be on the path.
I’m grateful to be ok if I miss a couple of days here. I’m grateful to catch up on posts.
I’m grateful for courgettes, blackberries, apples, plums, rhubarb. All free from my garden and my friends. I’m grateful my mum taught me to bake and cook, thanks mum. I was thinking of her whilst baking and I listened to Doris Day Que sera sera, which we played at her funeral. I had a little moment. I’m grateful for memories, imagine life without memories.
I’m grateful my dad’s home have opened up again and I can visit him tomorrow.
I’m grateful for not drinking today or wanting to :sparkling_heart:


Sober saturday gratitude

Im greatful for my sobriety, 97 days free from weed and alcohol
Im greatful i had to drive another alcoholic to the ladies aa meeting this morning, kept me accountable
Im greatful we went to lunch after the meeting, i got some numbers. There was alot of sobriety years there.
Im greatful Boscoe got a haircut, he looked like he was neglected which is very far from the truth
Im greatful my relationship with my mother is 100x better. I love her so.
Im greatful for the hubby even if hes an asshole and gets on my nerves
Im greatful i get messages of hope and joy from the AA fellowship.
Im greatful almost everytime we close a meeting holding hands i get a deep sense of spiritual love and acceptance and goosebumps
Im greatful my mood is improving
Im greatful for my personal growth and growing with my hubby in sobriety.
Im greatful for each and everyone of you who share your sober journies here and make me feel part of a community!

Still time to slay the day soberly!


I’m grateful it’s Saturday, I’m grateful I picked up my Rx, I’m grateful they had my favorite donuts, fresh. Glazed croissants, yum. I’m grateful I have AC since it’s been an unusually hot/humid summer. But I can’t complain, the south and west have been on fire. Other states have had devastating floods. I pray for all of them.

I’m grateful for Max and the change I’ve seen with him the past year, and can admit now it’s because of me. He is happy, he has a crooked smile (missing a lot of teeth). He looks for me when I’m in another room. He walks very slow unless it’s breakfast or dinner, then his little legs can move! I believe he knows how much I love him, and he feels loved. I said no more dogs after Jake passed. A year later, I filled out an app with a new rescue. I left it at that, said if it’s meant to be, I will get a new pup. The next day, the foster mom called about Max.:heart_eyes: I’m a true believer that things happen for a reason.

I’m grateful for all of you here, I haven’t had time to read everyones shares, and I know I probably can’t, but I do the best I can. Part of my previous relapse was the overwhelming feeling of not being able to keep up. I realized I can’t do that to myself. I work full time, have other responsibilities. But without you, I’d still be lost. Love and hugs :hugs: to all this weekend. You’re so special in my journey of life :heart:


I’m grateful for you CJ and am happy to read your mood is improving. :hugs:❤‍🩹


Im greatful for you @maxwell and max and riley. How are your cravings?


I’m grateful for 4 days sober and my family. Feeling good.


Welcome Liz.
You found the best thread on TS.
This thread helps keep me sober.
Stick around if you’re willing.
Congrats on the 4 ODAATs


I’m going to get the error of consecutive posts after this, so this will be my last. I can only tag 10 more people here (already tagged CJ in a previous post), I want you to know you have all touched my life, helped me keep going, and you’re always in my heart. :purple_heart: Without you, I’d still be a lost soul drowning in alcohol.

@Dazercat @Butterflymoonwoman @Twizzlers @Its_me_Stella @I.cant.We.can @SassyBoomer @BrianP @Lovelyoutlook @Miranda @SadMemeQueen

There’s so many more, and I’m sorry they limit me to 10, but I want to send some love your way today. :heart: :heart: And let you know, you have touched, inspired, and helped another person (me). And for that, you should be proud. I hope you have a beautiful rest of the weekend! :sunflower::rose::tulip::pray::innocent:


You have done the exact same for me :heart:


I almost caved but I stood strong and said no to that inside voice and I’m so glad I did. I will definitely use this thread. Thanks.


And @Shaunda your Rocky and new arrival of Scrappy stories, always makes me smile. Your honest shares are so inspiring, big hug for you lady! :hugs:

@Daishippai my Canadian/living in Italy/moving to Switzerland friend (hope I got that right). Good luck on the selling of your home fast. Congratulations on Day 3 or 4? We will be sober twins no matter what days we have!!

I promise myself not to stress about everyone I missed. I :heart: you all!


Hi Liz, congratulations on 4 days! Keep it going, I’m happy you’re here! :heart:



Im grateful for shelter, food, water , friends and family. I’m grateful for feeling.

I’m grateful for this community and seeing people from all over the world Bettering their life. I’m grateful for the different ways people write and talk , or communicate. Grateful to see so many stories I can relate to . I grateful I get to see all these cool places people live … and the music I never heard of . I’m grateful for everyone who posts and shares . I’m grateful there is 24 7 support. I’m grateful this is the only social media I need .

I’m grateful for being a alcoholic. So At least I know what I have to do .

I’m grateful God woke me up today

I’m grateful I’m sober and won’t wake up sick or Withdrawing tomorrow


Congratulations on 4 days! Those first few days are the hardest. One day, one hour, one minute at a time. We’re here for you :hugs:


I’m grateful to God please help me rest well tonight. I’m grateful for my recovery and it’s blessings and challenges. I’m grateful for all my family, friends, TS and the grati-dudes.
God bless you all. :v:& :heart:

p.s. You are amazing. Ya you!!


I’m feeling extremely grateful on my 143rd sober Saturday night.

I’m grateful I have vivid memories.
I’m grateful I didn’t completely destroy my brain.
I’m grateful its healing.

Today, I remembered a good day of my ruined relapse vacation. We toured the island and explored all the art galleries. My inner artist was so inspired. I remember telling my date that I planned on shifting my life into a direction that I could focus on art.

I have done that. I have made huge progress towards that goal. I’m grateful.
I wanted to create a less demanding lifestyle. I have done that. I’m grateful.

I have had many opportunities that have tried to distract me from this goal. I haven’t allowed myself to be distracted. I’ve stayed true to myself. Im easily distracted. Im grateful to have not allowed it to happen.

I’m grateful I remember so vividly how horrible I felt, mentally and physically after my last drunk.
I’m grateful I remember how horrible I felt coming off drugs from my previous attempt at getting clean and sober. I felt like my bone marrow was trying to crawl out of my bones. I’m grateful for that memory.
I remember how disconnected from reality I felt and how scared I was.
I’m grateful for all the memories of how horrible I felt each time I felt like I had come really close to drinking myself to death while I was by myself on the farm.

I’m grateful to be clean and sober today!