Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

I’m grateful for all the difficulties I’ve had that have taught me how to think critically about information that I hear and read, and not be swayed by everything that might tug at the heartstrings. All those difficulties taught me how to stand firm when getting pushback on uncomfortable truths.

The journey for sobriety has taught me that I would rather stand for what is true and/or right on my own, no matter how harsh, rather than be surrounded by people who are my “friends” because of something that isn’t true and/or healthy (whether physically, emotionally, or intellectually).

I’m grateful to understand that “to thine own self be true” means to not lie to yourself. When you are completely honest with yourself, no matter how hard it is to admit, then you are free.


You have been so supportive of everyone, you make a real difference being here thank you too for your caring and kindness.


Good morning :yawning_face:

I’m grateful for my cuppa coffee this morning thats fer sure. :wink:

I’m grateful my higher power spoke to me in a meeting last night, even if it was to humble me. It really pissed me off what another member said, but I sat with it long enough to realize I needed to hear exactly what was said. Its none of my business what his motives were for saying it. My business is only if I received the message. Im grateful im growing both emotionally and spiritually enough to hear what I need to even through a message I dont like.

I’m grateful @maxwell Maxine recognizes how trying to keep up with and reply to everyone can be so overwhelming and is choosing not to do that to herself. :hugs: p.s. Maxine, my husband saw rocky, who he now thinks is a Rockett, running up the tree with a large mouth full of grass. Must be padding his or her nest. I never checked the undercarriage :face_with_hand_over_mouth: forever rocky to me, grapenuts or not :sweat_smile:

I’m grateful for my walk to work and @Dazercat for recommending insight timer. By the time I get to work im in an amazing mental space so thank you!

Im grateful to be a recovering alcoholic and drug addict.


I grateful I found this website and to be 2 years 8 months and 7 days sober!


Grateful you are here and for your sobriety! Welcome :hugs:


Today I’m grateful for the minor injuries clinic and the nurse who was able to assess and treat my infected finger pretty much immediately.


I’m most grateful this morning for Norma pics and videos and she’s 4 weeks today and I will get to smooch on her Friday. I’m grateful to see videos of my son being a dad. I’m grateful my daughter told us she’s feeling some tapping in her belly. Hopefully that’s Gus :blush:

I’m grateful I’m inside this morning already had a great cup of coffee 2 hours ago. Walked the dogs. Got my hot green tea and the Ol Burner on my lap. I’m grateful I don’t drink because I just can’t imagine getting up so early each morning with a hangover.

I’m grateful for my alone time in the afternoon. Happily non resentful alone time outside on my deck. I’m grateful I love my wife. I’m grateful just like people I reckon I need a short break to recharge. I’m grateful I realize how important that is now. Especially since we are alone together ALL THE TIME. :scream: Not that there’s anything wrong with that. I’m grateful for it.

I’m grateful for slogans and phrases. ”God help me to see this differently.” I’m gonna use the shit out of that one. I’m grateful I used it twice this morning before 7am :blush:

I’m grateful to understand that codependency is an addiction. And I need help. I’m grateful my sobriety is strong AF! I’m grateful if anything it’s stronger than ever.

I’m grateful for what I heard about meditation. And I’m grateful it’s so important in my recovery. I’m grateful to hear that when my mind wanders during meditation and I pull my mind back to my breathing, it’s a good thing. I use to be hard on myself because I couldn’t empty my mind. Makes sense. I’m grateful each time I retrain my brain to focus on my breath because it’s wandering I’m actually making my brain or mind stronger. Like exercise for my mind. So then I can use that in real life. So maybe when I’m stuck in codependent thinking or fantasies about picking up. I can eventually change my thinking a little bit easier each time.

I’m grateful for the desert.
I’m grateful I caught one of my Night-blooming cereus last evening and I took a pic just before it opened. It’s blooming this morning and should be dead soon. I’m grateful I find it so fascinating. I’m grateful I will be posting it on the nature thread.

I’m grateful for my morning time chatting with my wife over coffee before we walk the dogs before 6. I’m grateful I can do my devotionals, readings, prayers and gratitude now.

I’m grateful my shares help other people. I never thought of it that way when I first started. I’m grateful I’m just trying to not pic up and not be a codependent maniac and I’m just sharing from my heart. I’m grateful it makes me feel really good if it helps other people. Because you know…. #fuckaddiction.
I’m grateful for my Home Thread. I’m grateful I get to go to an Al-Anon meeting tonight.

Try not to get worried, try not to turn on to
Problems that upset you, oh
Don’t you know
Everything’s alright, yes, everything’s fine

Everything’s Alright.
Jesus Christ Superstar


Congratulations on your 949 days.
Welcome to the best thread on the app Stillsober.
This app, and especially this thread, has gratefully kept me sober 2 years 8 months and 6 days :blush:


Today I am grateful for the opportunity to start fresh. I am grateful for my Family. I amGrateful for my Daughter. I am grateful for support.


Grateful for this clear morning of my 142nd day clean and sober. Grateful and excited I get to go up to the treatment center I graduated from in April to support my fiance in his recovery today. Grateful for this role switch up that I get to be the supporter today, I get to give back. Uber grateful that I pay no attention to the nay sayers and am holding out hope for him, for us, for recovery. Grateful that I’m still going into this with my eyes wide open, but heart wide open as well.
Grateful for the challenges that I face daily that make me appreciate and value my sobriety and recovery.
Grateful that I woke up today clean and sober and that if I continue doing what I’m doing I’ll be going to bed clean and sober tonight. :purple_heart:


I am grateful I got on my bike for some hours even only E-Bike but with the wind this was tough enough.
I am grateful I enjoyed almost 3 hours of yoga. I like the element air. I really enjoy it.
I am happy I found a nice app to train my brain a bit.
I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for awareness of season slowly changing. The mornings are changing, how the light is. It’s getting foggy also.
I am grateful it’s been cloudy and rather cold this weekend.


Isn’t that the coolest thing, to see your son being a Dad! It’s such a proud feeling. :heart::innocent:


I’m grateful it’s Sunday. I’m grateful I’m trying to mark some things off my list. I’m grateful if I don’t finish today, it’s not the end of the world and I’m not a failure.

I’m grateful I got Max out right before the rain. I’m grateful he knows exactly what to do outside and he rarely stalls. But DO NOT forget his treats, he will turn into a cement statue until he gets one and moves again. I’m grateful I remembered his treats. :grin:

I’m grateful I found a new show on Apple TV that I think I will like (Black Bird), I’m on 1st episode.

I’m grateful I can always come here day or night and someone will make me feel better. Enjoy your day everyone!! :hugs:


I’m grateful to wake up sober and did so 5 days now. :grin::+1:
I’m grateful to get things done at home today and feel peaceful.


Good morning fam-dam. :heart:

I am grateful that my happiness is not guaged on other people, places or things; that I can find pure joy within me now where ever I am. I am always grateful for curiosity, today it is curiosity of my body sensations. I went to a movie with my daughter yesterday and I started feeling fluttering in my tummy and a tingly sensation in my extremities. I recognized the feeling as a feeling I would get when I was going to get high!!! So I got curious, and the more I sat with the feeling the more I understood that I was excited, that the movie was exciting!!! I had only felt that feeling a couple of times in my life outside of drug use and it was always attached to someone I had started dating not a film. Lol I am grateful to be present in my body today and to be able to sit in sensations long enough to figure out what they are. Before I would have felt those tummy flutters and immediately named it anxiety and tried to get out of my head. I am grateful that recovery has given me tools to do things differently today.

I am grateful that I have let go of trying to control life with my kiddo. Let go, let god… yesterday I met her where she is at. Movies are usually unprefered tasks for me especially not a way I enjoy spending time with someone. But for her… they are perfect. I am grateful that my daughter is happy and healthy. I am grateful that she even wants to spend time with me, that she asks to hang out, that she cuddles me and watches TV at night, that she got her learners license and that I get to teach my daughter how to drive. If I was still drinking none of those things would be happening with my nearly 17 yr old… I am not sure she would have lived with me for much longer if I hadn’t quit.

I am grateful that I listened to the universe when she whispered to me that I was strong enough. She was right.



I’m grateful to God please help me. I’m grateful for recovery. I’m grateful for all my family, friends, TS and the grati-dudes.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are all awesome. Ya you!!


I’m grateful to visit my dad today, he was well.
I’m not grateful for Alzheimer’s.
I’m grateful he is well looked after and his needs are met. He’s comfortable. I’m grateful for all the caring staff. In fact I’m grateful for carers everywhere, what an amazing thing to do. A tough hard job but so ridiculously underpaid. I don’t understand why, it is such an important role in society.
I’m grateful for wild flower walks. Wild flower walks with ice-cream and my daughter, perfect.
I’m grateful for chit chat, for sharing ideas, for being in a place where we can listen and understand.
I’m grateful I love not drinking :sparkling_heart:


Hi Stella! Can I ask what the movie was? :hugs:



Stella, I really loved your share! I remember spending time with my son when he was a teen, it was such a wonderful time. Movies, breakfast, etc. I’m so happy you and your daughter are doing that together! The teaching how to drive was a tad stressful for me tho :grimacing:.

I’m grateful your daughter is happy, healthy and wants to hang with you and cuddles watching TV. That is such a blessed and memorable time you will never forget. It goes by quick, I’m happy you’re enjoying it all sober! Love & hugs! :heart: :hugs:


I’m grateful for rain storms
I’m grateful for beach days
I’m grateful that I can feel unconditional love for others
I’m grateful that it shows courage. That love will always hold more power then fear.
I’m grateful I was singing a love song in the shower and realized I was singing it to myself :heart:
I’m grateful for music and how it makes my mind go quiet and my heart come alive.
I’m grateful I randomly started writing poetry out of the blue. I’ve never been a writer but it started to come out of me and I let it. I’m grateful I allow my feelings. I’m grateful that allowing myself to feel shows bravery and resilience. I’m grateful for pain and that it is teaching me to find the roots and uncover them so they can begin to heal.
I’m grateful for my 314 days of sobriety