Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

Congratulations Callie. Always grateful to see you checking in. Selfishly I wish you were here more. But I am so happy and excited for you. You keep doing what you’re doing. I’m so proud of you.


I kind of ebb and flow when it comes to my social media usage. It can cause anxiety for me so finding a happy balance has been important for me :yellow_heart: In my early days of sobriety I could not have made it through without being here daily. I’m grateful that it’s still a tool in my box, even if I don’t use it as often. I miss reading your daily gratitudes, restaurant reviews, food pics, memes, and fur baby photos. Thank you for being proud of me. I miss you :socks:


Grateful for your gorgeous pics too.
Those were awesome.
Keep doing what works for you.
You’re worth it.


Update on my new series, Black Bird. The premise is good, it’s inspired by a true story, but whoa. It’s…very…slow…:yawning_face: I’m on episode 5, not sure if I slept through 4 to get here. Anyway. I’m about to give up. I can Google the ending, lol.


Grateful for cats
Grateful for social media break
Grateful for living space


I have a story from today and im so grateful it happened and I get to share it. It may be long so don’t feel you have to read it lol

I enjoyed my mediation walk to work. I meditated on acceptance of myself, on having value and not needing to be right or argue to have value that I am a valuable human and an important being without having to have all the knowledge or being “right” in a conversation.

I work at a ranch and home store, a group of folks came in and were gathered in my area. The leader of the group was talking about loosing a friend to suicide, I had to walk away so I didn’t cry on the floor. I missed a good part of what was happening. Long story short, this group was there because a foundation called Jae’s foundation was buying these folks boots. This foundation is pushing to open up communication about mental health and suicide awareness. They all picked out their “jae’s” boots. Then gathered around for more talk. At the end they said they liked to end with prayer. Me being me ain’t about to pass up a good ole prayer circle whether I’m on the time clock or not lol so I walked right up and the leader said come on in shaunda ( it’s on my name tag ) they welcomed me in the big circle and then he stopped and said youre gonna leave here today with a pair of jae’s boots too. I embarrassingly said nu huh youre gonna get me fired I just came for the prayer. Lol
It was a very healing prayer and I needed to be involved in it. Im so grateful my higher power put me right there at that moment in time and I felt so valued and important being a part of it.
After everyone left with their nice new boots the leader and his wife came up to me and literally made me go pick out a pair of boots. Melted all of our hearts at work.
I just had to share that.

I am working so hard on not always trying to prove that I’m right or knowledgeable just to “feel” important. My walking meditation set me up for an amazing “God shot” at work.
I may have cried a little at work. Not about the boots, but at the value of the entire day and what it did for my heart and my self value.


Hi Shaunda, I loved your share tonight. You’re so kind and reached out to me earlier about understanding about me not being able to respond to everyone. But for you lady, I want to.

Suicide has affected so many and this group that came into your store was no coincidence. Yes, I believe in God, Faith and all things happen for a reason. They were there and chose you to be part of their prayer. God bless you for sharing. I appreciate you! :heart: :hugs:


That’s beautiful Shaunda.
Thanks for sharing.


I’m grateful for the weekend I had - taking care of myself. I didn’t check in more than a minute or two here and there for few days, and I missed you all badly. I was still working some overtime on the work project, and needed my breaks from screens. Lotsa slow ambles with the dog girl, time in my garden and kitchen, and time for reflecting. I’m grateful it doesn’t trouble me to spend time with myself these days.

I’m grateful I can let myself be sad about the recent hurts I felt from those two coworkers. I can see they are struggling with life, each in their own way. I’m grateful I didn’t numb my hurts. I’m grateful I know, or I’m learning, how to look out for myself without hurting others. We don’t heal by hurting another…

I’m grateful for the woodpecker this morning - bright red head! For the sudden heavy rain tonight. For any lunch that I can turn into a happy face…

I’m grateful for @Chiron’s reminder - to thine own self be true. The more I work on my recovery, the more I feel, well, like myself. Turns out I was here all the time under the layers and walls I put up. Still taking 'em down, a bit each day. :wink:

I’m grateful @Shaunda is taking her own steps again! I’m so grateful for the story about the boots. Speaking of boots, I’m also grateful for the beauty of @Bootz feet and her beauty trail too!

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Good morning sober fam,

Im greatful for my sobriety, 99 days free from weed and alcohol.
Im greatful for a restful weekend.
Im greatful for a restful nights sleep.
Im greatful for my pack: hubby and boscoe.
Im greatful for a job that challenges me.
Im greatful i have a ladies AA meeting to look forward to tonight.
Im greatful for everyone here sharing their sober journies.

Let us go out and slay the day soberly!


I am really grateful for my 144 days this my morning. I’m grateful I felt my way through a surprisingly social anxiety filled Sunday. Grateful for what this unexpected anxiety is teaching me about myself, grateful to see that it all stems from a rather unoriginal fear of not being enough, and very grateful that on some level I know that because of what and how I’m living and working that its just not true. Grateful that I got to go and see my sweetheart yesterday and the place I call Disneyland (the recovery center I matriculated from almost 5 months ago). Grateful to myself that I putzed around a few hours and stayed for my homegroup that meets there Sunday nights. Grateful for the understanding it gave me that I’ve been through a lot with people I cared about relapsing early on and making me a little skittish around the people of NA who truly are the last people I want to be skittish around. I think I broke through that barrier that has been temporarily holding me back from truly engaging last night. Grateful for uncomfortability before growth. I’m beginning to relish that uncomfortable spot a bit now because I know what’s coming. So grateful for that good, uncomfortable growth that keeps coming my way. Boy do I need it.
Grateful that my boy got called on last night to share, this first night of his in inpatient in an NA meeting and that he chose to speak, grateful that now all my people know he’s mine and that that challenge definitely belongs to me. Grateful for the understanding that and they will provide to me. Grateful to get to go spend time in that place, that treatment center where I feel so much comfort, that if I was going to be challenged on so many levels I got to do it there. Bound me even further to those grounds.
Grateful that my previous limitations are being challenged and worked through, it’s truly never too late to learn to live your best life.
Grateful to know in all caps that I NEED TO GET OVER MY FEAR OF ASKING FOR HELP. However I’m grateful for my independence. Grateful to enbark on an adventure of finding a healthy balance between the two.
Grateful to my HP, always, but especially right now for the confirmation that I’m loved, worthy, and enough.
Grateful next weekend I’ll have my daughters with me again.
Grateful I woke up clean and sober this morning and grateful to know if I keep doing what I’m doing I’ll be going to bed clean and sober tonight.


I’m grateful to be healthy and have a safe and loving home.

I’m grateful my husband came home safely from his trip.

I’m grateful that I did not drink and that the dreams of being drunk were just images in my mind.

I’m grateful for the time I’ve had this summer to work on myself.

I’m grateful for a job that I enjoy and that is challenging and rewarding.

I’m grateful for morning coffee which is even better on a sober brain and body.

I wish you all peace!


99 Days!! Why wait until 100 to celebrate :partying_face: 99 is pretty damn awesome! Congratulations and go out and slay the day!




I’m grateful for my life.
I’m grateful I’m sober.
I’m grateful for a cool desert morning. It’s only 82 f 28 c.
I’m grateful I’m happily sitting outside on my deck with Alice and the Burner.
I’m grateful we already got Alice fluids done.

I’m grateful for my Al-Anon meeting last night. I like the small Sunday night group. I’m grateful I’m going to give my Monday afternoon Al-Anon meeting another chance with an open mind.

I’m grateful for the “ton of bricks” that my codependency is an addiction. I’m grateful I don’t know why, but it kinda makes things a bit easier.
I’m grateful maybe now I can really seriously surrender.
I’m grateful after the meeting which was mostly men. Very unusual for me. And just what I needed. A guy walking out with me said “I know how you feel.” Regarding my share. I’m grateful that made me feel better. I’m grateful just knowing I’m not alone makes me feel better. It’s so strange but magical. I wouldn’t wish my problem on anyone. But knowing someone else is in my boat. Not even giving me advice. Which I wouldn’t want anyway. Can be so therapeutic.

I’m grateful I went out to brunch yesterday. I struggled. I knew if I go out to brunch she’ll drink. If I don’t go, am I trying to control her drinking? But I wanted to go out for brunch. But maybe if I don’t go, I’m not putting myself in an uncomfortable situation. That’s not controlling her. But I really wanted to go to brunch. I think my main reason for not wanting to go to brunch was she would start drinking. I’m grateful I went to brunch and didn’t try to control her drinking. She had mimosas, and ya know what? I was ok with that. Of course she did! I had a wonderful breakfast. It was so good. We came home. She had more wine. We took naps. Mine was a healthy nap after a nice meditation. And I felt good about the whole thing.

I’m grateful I’m fucking powerless over alcohol. Mine. Hers. Yours. Anyone. What a relief.

Im grateful maybe that thought process will be less time consuming as I learn to take care of myself.

Im grateful for my alone time. Especially
un-resentful alone time. I’m grateful I can use it to recharge.

Im grateful I’ve been married to my wife for 39 years plus now. I’m grateful we’ve had rough patches before. I’m grateful we always come out on top. I’m grateful I’ve always been a survivor. I’m grateful for my open mind and to continue to work on myself. I’m grateful there’s no other soul in the world that needs me working on them.

I’m grateful my wife changes the sheets every Monday and I never have to make the bed or deal with it. Or do any laundry. Ever! I’m grateful, me doing laundry is forbidden! :no_entry_sign:

Grateful for my Home Thread.
Im grateful I see Max’s cute face. Morning Maxine.

Why must everything I learn be so hard
Can’t you see I’ve given up
I don’t know where you are
Where are you
When black clouds come over me
they darken my skies
If its how I look at things
Give me new eyes.

John McAndrew
Give me new eyes.


I’m grateful I concur.
I brought balloons :balloon:
Congratulations CJ :pray:t2::hugs::heart:


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I checked my insulin pump to find a rather big air bubble in front to the outlet of the catheter. That explains my glycemia today. :thinking::unamused:

I am grateful to be alive. I was visiting someone I know from my old meeting and he told me of a death of a member. I was truly shocked as he was sober for a long time, only 54, and turned completely yellow in the end. I am grateful I stopped when I still had the time.

I am grateful that my mother seems to be rather optimistic about my grandma. I don’t have to tell her that I am not.

I am grateful for today. It’s all I have.
I am a bit disoriented, sorry for jumping back and forth. I admire people on here who come and write down a story of their day.


I like your style of writing. I’m grateful there’s room for everyone- the ones who write eloquently, the ones who are orderly, the ones (like me) who jump around thinking of their gratitudes, and everyone in between.


Good morning all,
I’m grateful it’s the first day of school for my kids, and I felt little to no anxiety because I was able to get them and me prepared for it. I’m grateful I have the day off with my husband. I’m grateful for the morning walk we went on before it got to hot. I’m grateful my houseplants are looking good, the greenery makes me happy. I’m grateful for my home group here. Everyone have a wonderful day :heart:


I’m grateful I don’t drink.
I’m grateful that because I don’t drink I was able to take the hubs to the Er at 1am. If I was drinking I would have been blacked out.
I’m grateful it’s just a kidney stone. I know it’s gonna hurt to pass but at least it wasn’t more serious.
I’m grateful for the break in the heat. We are only hitting 95-97F each day and the mornings have had a wonderful breeze and have been in the 70s.


I’m grateful for @DryIn785. Hey bud, glad you’re here :grin: