Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

Awww! You’re sweet! :relaxed: I’m sorry I’ve been away; you can probably guess what happened. :frowning: I’ll be back later when I get my thoughts together. I’m grateful to have people that care about me!!


Hey, I care! So do so many others :hugs:. Yes, It’s okay, I was about to hit 45 when I decided maybe I wanted to start over :rofl:. Glad you’re back Mark, I also have been struggling, but being here is a start! Hope to joke with you soon :smiley:


I am grateful that the vet was able to get my cat in this weekend because he was still under the weather.

I am grateful for diagnostic tests that enabled us to see that he had a fever and elevated white blood cells.

I am grateful for antibiotics and hopeful that they will work, but scared shitless that they may not and if that is true the C word was brought up… wtf. He is my bestfriend and that conversation hurt.

I am grateful that this practice has helped me find the silver lining in moments and situations.

I am grateful that at this point Will seems to be responding positively to the meds.

I am grateful to be here with everyone. :two_hearts:


Praying for Will :pray::heart:


Definitely praying for Will :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:


Thank you guys! :cat::two_hearts:


I’m grateful for another sober day. 7 days now . Been doing a lot of reflecting though and it’s helping me understand why I drink. I can’t change others so I will work on me. Grateful for this revelation. Feeling good and positive. Taking it one day at a time.


Congratulations on 7 days!!! Thats so wonderful


I’m grateful I spoke to a fellow member of AA about old feelings coming back of wanting to leave AA again. I’m grateful I recognize it popping up again although I wasn’t expecting it to happen again so soon.

I’m grateful I can remind myself that it’s not just myself that am a sick person asking for love and tolerance. I am grateful that today I can remember all my fellow members are also sick and deserving of love and tolerance as they also work on themselves.

Im grateful my daughter came to me today and told me she was again battling desires to self harm before she did it. Im grateful when I got home from my meeting she was cuddled up in our bed instead of isolating in her room.

Im grateful for an understanding husband, her step dad is happily sleeping on the couch tonight because our 16 year old just needs her mommy and for that I am grateful.

Im grateful that today I am sober and can be her mommy and her rock when she needs me.

Im grateful I have this safe place for me to share these things without judgment and feel safe knowing I am supported from afar.


I’m grateful for this day.

I’m grateful for a Monday that, in the before time, would have been numbed.

I’m grateful to know that recovery, for me, will not ever be finished. I dunno why, but that gives me comfort. It’s not a hike where I will never get to the top. It’s a way of living. I’m glad I found it, and it me.

Grateful for this home thread. Grateful for 100 day celebrations tomorrow (psst @Cjp)! Grateful for vets - prayers for Will, yes. :relieved:

I’m grateful for my bed, to submit to exhaustion and know how I will wake up.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I’m so grateful she has you. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful that I have a good sense of humor.

No one else might be tho…too… :laughing:


I feel the same. It’s a journey. :innocent: Which I sometimes enjoy more, sometimes less.


Good morning sober fam,

Im greatful for my sobriety, 100 days free from weed and alcohol. Seems surreal to have this day count.
Im greatful for my sponsor and her support.
Im greatful for fellowship.
Im greatful for the hubby and Boscoe.
Im greatful my using dream was just a dream.
Im greatful for my job, please god dont let me fuck it up.
Im greatful for AA.
Im greatful for TS and everyone sharing their sober journies.

A new day to slay the day soberly


There it is! Super huge congrats on triple digits! :boom::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::orange_heart:


I’m grateful I don’t drink.
I’m grateful I’m not hungover.
I’m grateful for a marvelous sunrise this morning right now.
I’m grateful for the thunderstorms last night. Benson? Not so much :scream:
I’m grateful to get early gratitude in this morning.
I’m grateful to be up way before my alarm.
I’m grateful I got to get another thing done around here and :white_check_mark: off my list.
I’m grateful for Amazon and the new Hoover that showed up yesterday.
I’m grateful it was an historic day here yesterday. If you know you know :pray:t2:
I’m grateful for my Al-Anon meeting yesterday.
I’m grateful to learn more about the traditions and work my shares into that topic.
I’m grateful the fajitas I made for dinner we’re delicious.
I’m grateful for my alcoholic wife.
I’m grateful I can’t believe I just called her an alcoholic.
I’m grateful when she just got up this morning I was happy to see her.
I’m grateful I don’t know if she drank or not yesterday. Fuck me!
I’m grateful for my home thread of Gratidudes and to share my daily shit here with y’all.

”Gratitude is the ability to experience life as a gift. It liberates us from the prison of self-preoccupation,”
John Ortberg


Whoop whoop! Congratulations on 100 days!!! Thats awesome!


Congratulations On your 100 days of freedom CJ.
You’re so worth it.
Glad you’re here.


Grateful to wake up and instantly know it’s my 145th day of being clean and sober. Grateful for these numbers and the actual foundation of recovery that has grown along with it. Grateful that it clicked this time. CLICK. Grateful for that sound!
Grateful that in a house full of women that are dropping to this strain of covid that I feel great, and am negative again on the covid tests and can go to work. Grateful that Im busy and rarely home so my chances are greatly diminished for being exposed Greatful for disinfecting spray and Clorox wipes.
Grateful that over the last couple days the effect of this woman who chooses not to be clean and sober in our clean and sober house has lessened. Grateful that I’ve been true to myself with placing and enforcing boundaries with her and I’m understanding the concept of just doing me. Grateful for glass wall meditation. It helps.

Grateful that last night in IOP I had my second strong experience with empathy. Since being clean Ive twice FELT another person’s emotions and physical feelings before I even knew they were having a difficult time. Grateful it didn’t scare me this time and I was able to experience what I think must be a gift. Hopeful that I can learn to harness this and find out how it can be used to help.

Congrats on 100 days CJ!

Grateful to wake up clean and sober and know if I keep doing what I’m doing I’ll go to bed clean and sober tonight. :purple_heart:


G’morning y’all :slightly_smiling_face::sunny::sunflower:

I’m several days behind on your gratitude posts, and I’ll try to catch up soon. :yellow_heart:

I’m grateful my oldest son is detoxing from alcohol again. This is the third time, and I’m praying it’s the last. I’m grateful that after going through six of these detoxes with my youngest son, I have some experience and learned skills to be of help. These little mountain towns don’t have the resources of larger cities, so I’m grateful my son’s doctor knows me well enough to allow me to administer his medication and report his vitals back to her. I have to admit, I’m terrified this time. Detox gets a little worse each time, and it’s beyond stressful to see him go through this. Y’all please pray for his strength and mine.

I’m grateful my youngest son is 4-1/2 months sober and doing really well. :heart: