Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

I am grateful to be sober.

I am grateful that my cat Will is seeming more like himself everyday. We will go back for bloodwork and a possible referral due to seeing a “spot” on the x-ray that could be nothing or could be… praying for nothing. :pray:

I am grateful I took today off to catch up on sleep because this weekend was stressful.

I am grateful for all the time I have gotten to spend with my family in the past couple years especially helping to care for Mom and support eachother.

I am grateful for my sig otha and for his help with the puppy this weekend.

I am grateful for TS and for all the gratidudes. :two_hearts:


I’m grateful Brian found the strength to put it down and come back to us.
I’m grateful to understand what a bitch addiction is and it’ll do anything to get what it wants.
I’m grateful for tea by my bed.
I’m grateful for good sleep.
I’m grateful to be able to help a friend who is dealing with stuff. She has an ex who is addicted to alcohol. She tries to analyse his every word, message and behaviour. He doesn’t think rationally, he is far down the rabbit hole. I’m grateful to be there for her.
Have a great day :sparkling_heart:


Good evening.

I am grateful for hope, faith and unconditional love. I am grateful that I see that in this forum and the rooms of NA. I don’t only see it among my peers, I also see it in families that I experience through recovery such as Carolyn’s @ShesGotMoxie and Eric’s. I am grateful to see addicts living life on lifes terms helping addicts that they love. I am grateful for their hope, faith and unconditional love even though at times it must be utterly exhausting. I see you and I am grateful for you.

I was at a very emotional meeting today. Tuesday night “Never Alone” always seems to have very raw, real life, bad, bad shit happening to the people who are asked to share. Everytime I leave that meeting I am grateful that the room was full, and that 30+ addicts were safe. Even if it was only for an hour while they talked about their very difficult real life shit. Today I was grateful for the tears that flowed and cleansed the floor beneath our feet. I am grateful for the two babies that were there, both under two, whose moms were clean today. I am grateful for the courage I witnessed when a guy from out of town came who needed a meeting and just laid it all out on the table in tears. I am grateful he got his ass to a meeting and he got a phonelist for our area so he can hook in while he is here for the next 2 weeks.

I am grateful Brian is home safe. Love you. :heart:


I’m grateful for many things.

I took a nap and woke up eight hours later. :rofl: Now, Ill probably be up all night. That’s OK.

I’m grateful that Brian is here. That’s what I’m the most grateful for!


Congratulations on 100 days!


@I.cant.We.can I’m glad you’re back, Brian. Someone told me once, “As long as you get up one more time than you fell down, you’re winning”. You realize you and I have almost identical sober dates? P.S. I’m having trouble with the cigarettes too. :wink:


I’m grateful a lot of the same people are on this forum that helped me years ago

I am grateful I am safe
I am grateful my kids like school
I am grateful I found a nice guy.
I am grateful I woke up
I am grateful for planet fitness
I am grateful to be debt free - but I won’t be unless I work sobriety
I am grateful for having a work from home job even if the pay isn’t flash
I am grateful it’s summer
I am grateful I live simple
I am grateful for daily reading like keep it simple
I am grateful for AA
I am grateful for the serenity prayer


I’m grateful for you Brian, and I’m grateful you came back❤️


It’s good that you are back, Brian.
I must admit that I have no good words to add because I am bit shocked. Maybe because I don’t know what happened and also because you are like a rock here. It makes me humble. I cannot take sobriety for granted. It is not.


I’m so grateful you are back Brian. It took me years of a relapse to stand back up. Im truly grateful you are choosing to come back sooner.
I have no amazing words of encouragement but I will say I’m proud of you for coming back. It can be hard to do so sometimes and im grateful you did. :hugs:


Good morning sober fam,

I am so very greatful for…

My sobriety, day 101 free from weed and alcohol! The triple digit club seemed impossible 100 days ago but it IS possible
Meeting with my sponsor tonight to work on step 4
My hubby, even when he takes days to do the dishes when its his turn
Boscoe and his love
Strengthening my relationship to my higher power and working on this praying thing
The goosebumps i get when we pray together at the end of an AA meeting
A shift in prospective and an improved mood
Progress not perfection
All of you who share your sober journies. I love this community!

Let us go out and slay the day soberly!


Good morning all,
I’m grateful for the rain we got last night. I’m grateful I slept through it, and only know it rained because of the puddles. I’m grateful for my family, that we are all safe, healthy, and loved. I’m grateful for my family here, and all the love we have for each other. I’m grateful that I’m the grand scheme of things, my life is good. I couldn’t have said that in “the before time.” I’m grateful that I have dinner prepped, and the kids will be able to get it started in the oven before the parents get home. I’m grateful for the beautiful pink and dark blue sunrise I watched with my daughter on the porch swing- well, I watched it, she watched her phone, but she sat with me lol! I’m grateful for you gratidudes, each and every one. Everyone have a wonderful day❤️


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I didn’t have to talk a lot today.
I am grateful that I managed to get my workout done. Somehow.
I am grateful my apartment is cool. I am grateful the nights are cold now.
I am grateful I have no big obligations.
It’s okay to feel down.
I am better now reflecting on people relapsing in my meeting and also here. I am not scared. I have respect.

I am grateful to face this before my move. Before my last move I went back into unhealthy eating rituals. Like a valve. I sometimes think, fuck it. It don’t want to feel all these tiny things. I think feeling them is keeping me so er also because it won’t hit me as a huuuuuuuuuge emotion that I cannot handle.

I am grateful that I started the yoga teacher training. It’s a bit like recovery. It’s a journey and somehow I cannot pinpoint to how and why it’s changing me. It does.


I’m grateful I’m all over the place this morning and not sure where to post. It it just feels right coming here and getting my gratitude in along with my other shit.

I’m grateful I was very codependently triggered this morning and couldn’t snap out of it. It was so stupid. I was 2 weeks in the future. Wtf!! I’m grateful I eventually himmed and hawed and deep breathed and finally got it out there with wifey. We both realize actions over time will build trust on both our parts. But it’s very anxiety ridden thinking about talking to your alcoholic when things are going well.
I’m grateful for Shaunda. I think it was you that said sometimes we need to tell them how we feel. I’m grateful I get to work on how I feel. And not “you make me feel.” But……IF SHE DIDN’T DRINK I WOULDN’T FEEL THIS WAY!! Stinking thinking. I’m responsible for my feelings. I’m grateful we worked it out.

I’m grateful for Alice whiskers on my face at 4:50 am before the alarm. I’m grateful I had a good chuckle when the alarm went off at 5, the first thing my wife said was “Fuck!” I’m always up before the alarm. I wonder if she wakes up like that every morning. I’m grateful I wake up grateful for Alice and Daisy taking turns on my neck and chest and how sweet they are. I’m grateful I wake up every morning sober with an attitude of gratitude. I’m grateful that just comes naturally now.

I’m grateful I’m getting a late start on the day and that’s ok. I’m grateful I got to process a lot of things and it will certainly make for a nicer walk.

I’m grateful Norma Jo is 1 month old today and I get to meet her Friday. I’m grateful I’ll be sober.

I’m grateful it’s getting a tad easier leaving the pets behind at this vet. I’m grateful after this trip God Willing we won’t be traveling again until November.

I’m grateful I don’t golf :golf: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Dang golfers interrupting my gratitude on their golf course. The nerve :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I’m grateful for my golf course view.
I’m grateful for the saguaro.
I’m grateful for the bakers dozen gamble quail that came up for a drink and interrupted my gratitude.
I’m grateful for the overcast desert sky.

I’m grateful my wife does all the cat litter and dog poop.
I’m grateful we both thought last nights dinner I cooked sucked. :nauseated_face:
I’m grateful for you all.
I’m grateful for waterfalls, music, and humor.
I’m grateful I don’t do this anymore :point_down:
“Drunkenness is nothing but voluntary madness.” Seneca


I’m grateful I’m alive.
I’m grateful for my job that pays the bills
I’m grateful I have what I need and some nice things too.
I’m grateful for Max and Riley.
I’m grateful I believe and pray to God to help me with the pain.
I’m grateful Eric gets to hold Norma Jo soon.
I’m grateful for my grandboys.
I’m grateful I will get through this day and do the best I can. :purple_heart:


Love love love! Get it out and let it go!!


I am grateful for the literature written by addict for addicts in Narctic Anonymous. I am heading into my first therapy session for my ED right now and I am full of anxiety. This reading was just handed to me by the universe…

“When we refuse to practice acceptance we are, in effect, denying our faith in a Higher Power.”

Our literature tells us that worrying is a lack of faith; we must also include surrender and acceptance. Even though we don’t hear about faith until the Third Step, we can’t help looking at the evidence thus far. We were forced to stop using in the First Step, and accept that we suffered from a disease. This admittance was followed by action in the Second Step. Our obsession was lifted as a result of this action and that gave us hope, so there’s no blind faith. We took the action, and that process removed our obsession to use. Faith is the action that has to follow hope, without the action of faith, our hope turns to desperation, once again. Part of anonymity is not taking credit for our recovery. We can’t do this alone. The fruit of trust is a result of our faith; we need this in order to continue on this journey we call recovery in Narcotics Anonymous. When we forget who really got us clean, we start to run on self-will. We have to remember that God’s will has its ending at the beginning of ours. We can cease the recovery process when we stop practicing the principles of Narcotics Anonymous. Since addiction affects every area of our lives, we must live by spiritual principles in every area of our lives as well. Surrender means we don’t resist; acceptance usually follows. The longer we’re in recovery, the deeper our surrender must go. Acceptance followed by action is how we develop our faith. The proof is evident in the way we live. One of the aspects of Narcotics Anonymous is that we don’t have to do this alone because in reality we can’t.

In this moment: We will continue to look at the evidence of what has worked for us thus far. We will see that our faith is not blind faith.

I am grateful for the reminder to trust the process and have faith.


I haven’t checked in for a few days, I think. Things have been a bit of a blur, but grateful not of the drinking kind. Just a lot all at once.

Grateful I’m finding the discipline to work out in the mornings.
Grateful for the amazing soul of a trainer in the eliptical app, who shared her life story while running a marathon on a training program loaded to the eliptical, and encourages people that use that equipment all over the world in a beautiful way. How cool is that? Grateful that, messed up as it sounds, the virtual trainer kept me company while I’m alone :heart:
Grateful I have a job
Grateful I get to do something I enjoy and believe in, even if sometimes it is difficult.
Grateful for my family. Grateful I talked to my parents about nothing in particular yesterday, and that makes me happy.
Grateful for my hubby and kids. Love them above everything
Grateful for the healthy food I cooked. Simple, but does nourish me.
Grateful for good sleep.

Much love to you all. :heart:


Brian, you are amazing :heart: grateful you’re here with us!


I’m grateful to God please help me stay clean and sober while doing your will just for today. I’m grateful for my recovery and yours. I’m grateful for ALL my family, friends, TS and the grati-dudes. I’m grateful for food and water, and for working near the water. I’m grateful I can ask for help with this anger and bitterness, I hope it works this time as I already was asking for weeks and my patience broke. I’m grateful that I can make a plan to address the issues around working and spending time with people still stuck in their addictions and the mistake of not being fully aware or willing to admit that I was out twelve stepping alot trying to help my friends and other addicts without the proper support . I’m grateful that I can pray for Michelle the lady with the dog whom I have fallen for and am struggling to accept the way the relationship has gone. I’m grateful that school will start soon and that the stress and fear around that has been hard, hoping that just getting started will help. I’m grateful my Crohns has been ok but more stress awaiting the biopsy results. I’m grateful that I talked with my sponsor and made plans to visit this Saturday. I’m grateful I can work on getting back to more meetings and try to listen and learn more. I’m grateful for the support from all of you. I’m grateful that I can admit it’s really hard to have relapsed when I was being open and honest about what was going on in my life and it wasn’t enough. I’m grateful I know that I didn’t stick with the hard decisions and boundaries that are necessary like I have in the past. I’m grateful I can admit part of me still doesn’t want to, even though I know I need to. I’m grateful this to shall pass. I’m grateful for the courage to change. I’m grateful to admit even more stuff, that loneliness has been a huge issue lately, but now what, living alone for pretty much the first time ever, there was always, parents, siblings, housemates, girlfriend or common law wives. I’m grateful that my full blown yelling match iutside in front if people with Michelle on Wednesday night didn’t end me in more trouble, this was definetly enough and embarrassing enough that I caved, so there it is friends. I’m grateful to be moving forward if ever so slowly and to put more out there for God to help me with. I’m grateful that I can admit still waiting on I’D from the government is really pissing me off as well so I can apply for different work where addiction isn’t running rampant which is also hard because there’s alot of great things about working outside at the beach and water, with my friend. I 'm grateful I just heard from my sponsee and made a plan to see him tonight for a talk and figure out how to best help eachother.
I’m grateful that I am aware that working everyday has been too much. I’m grateful to acknowledge that not spending enough time with my parents or siblings lately is yet another issue. God give me strength and the wisdom and courage to apply the necessary changes.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Don’t forget to take a moment to just smile and breathe it feels good. Ya you!!