Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

I am grateful to be sober taking it easy before work.

I am grateful I have been able to get the liquid antibiotic into Will 2 times a day.

I am grateful that I have a shorter work week.

I am grateful for my blink camera so I can check on Will while I am at work which helps with my anxiety about all of this.

I am grateful Brian made his way back here with the gratidudes. :two_hearts:


Lovely written share @Bootz


Iā€™m grateful for the calm day
Iā€™m grateful for food especially mangos.
Iā€™m grateful for shelter and my bed
Iā€™m grateful for this cool 4am music mix I found that helps at night
Iā€™m grateful for tonightā€™s sunset and the walk I took
Iā€™m grateful I feel healthy
Iā€™m grateful for my program and support
Iā€™m grateful I can play the tape on all Decisions
Iā€™m grateful for animals
Iā€™m grateful for this community


Evening gratitude,

Im greatful for a productive work day
Im greatful for some quality time with my hubby and Boscoe. He works most nights so we get some time wed night amd all day sat.
Hubby bought my flowers. Balloons, and a card to celebrate my 100 days of sobriety :slight_smile:
Im greatful my pack took a long walk tonight and we got to see the fullish moon rising
Im greatful that although im anxious today i could keep things in perspective.
Im greatful for our basic needs being met.
Im greatful for clear communication.
Im greatful for this forum.

Heres to hoping i dont have using dreams tonight!

Edit to add shot of the moonā€¦


Iā€™m grateful for my happy customers who fill my cup and soften the blow of the mean ones who come in just looking for someone to be a jerk to.

Iā€™m grateful for an amazing daughter who rode her bike to the mall for me today and bought me some yummy smelling hand lotions while they were on sale.

Iā€™m grateful that I know I dont have to stay lost or stuck in self pity today.

Iā€™m grateful that I know I dont have to have the answers.

Iā€™m grateful to be alive today.

Iā€™m really trying to be grateful for scrappy, this new invasive squirrel. I havenā€™t seen rocky in some time. This dude, or dudette, has an attitude problem. He/she runs down the tree at me and grumpy little phoebe, who by the way doesnā€™t even notice scrappy, like its gonna rip us a new one. Its currently ripping out patches of grass and making its nest nice and comfy in our biggest tree. I miss my nice rocky and his clamoring in the mornings. I will adjust to scrappy, or it will adjust to me. :woman_shrugging::rofl: until next time, when the saga of the squirrels continuesā€¦


I am grateful I woke up hungover free.
I can remember last night. I am grateful the night is over. I got me thinking and feeling the upcoming stress. Saying goodbye.
I am grateful I only have to pay half month double rent. Thatā€™s great.
I am grateful my grandma liked it daily nursing care. Seeing other people will be good for here, hopefully.

I am grateful I am in recovery.


Iā€™m grateful to God for guiding me through a productive day, clean, sober and gamble free. Iā€™m grateful for my recovery and its many challenges and blessings, more blessings to hopefully come again as there have been many before. Iā€™m grateful for ALL my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. Iā€™m grateful I am safe in my bed. Iā€™m grateful that many times today the struggle and cravings were really bad as I am attempting this detox while still at work and home surrounded by people active in their addictions, but I did not cave. Iā€™m grateful I was able to talk politely and briefly with Michelle, pet the dog Stella and walk away, really, really hard to do though, usually in the months Iā€™ve been here we are hanging out at these times. Iā€™m grateful all this will pass. Iā€™m grateful for the walk I took tonight listening to my country tunes and still have the bluetooth playing them now. Iā€™m grateful for the beautiful full moon tonight. Iā€™m grateful I went and sat in silent meditation and prayer on the boat dock at work this evening for at least 15 uninterupted minutes, so healing. Iā€™m grateful the boss let me run the business for the day largely by myself and it made the eight hours go by better as I was busier that way, we have a tratcor I get to drive its pretty fun, I will get a picture of me loading or unloading the trailer of sea doos into Lake Erie tomorrow. Iā€™m grateful for all the support and welcome backs from you all, you all matter, donā€™t forget K.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are totally Awesome. Ya you!!


Iā€™m grateful for this day. Iā€™m grateful it was hard.

The thought - not a craving - occurred to me that the bad day would go away if I got blotto-ed tonight. Iā€™m grateful I didnā€™t wanna get blotto-ed. It doesnā€™t just make bad days go away, but makes everything good go away tooā€¦ Grateful I walked off the bad day, chatted with my pal with the cabin. (Sheā€™s trying to manually/non-chemically remove invasive plant species around her cabin - talk about hard days! Lotsa laughs we had though.)

Iā€™m grateful thereā€™s a new day tomorrow.

Iā€™m grateful I have vacation coming up. Confession: it got over-peopled and over-planned and now Iā€™m not really looking as forward to it. Grateful I can just sit with this, this wish to just stick close to home. Still repleting my energy, I think, from all the turbulence some few months back, and oh - do I need my own time and space to fill my energy stores. Was told thereā€™d be room in a large tent for me, for part of this trip. Though Iā€™m sure my friendā€™s friends are great people, Iā€™m grateful for my 1.5-man (oops, person) tent, just big enough for the dog girl and I. If I need some M-space, Iā€™ll make my retreat.

Iā€™m grateful for strong coffee (tomorrow morning!). For the gentle tunes playing now. For the crazy big dragonflies that visited me on my patio tonight, like small helicopters, really! For the warmth of summer here - intense and short. For bath salts that smell like the forest.

Iā€™m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


We have so many squirrels here. Im grateful for them all, except maybe scrappy. This one has an attitude :rofl:
My little ole English neighbor feeds them peanuts.
They bring me much joy thats for sure. Especially my rocky. Funny how they all look so much alike but we can start telling them apart, especially by behavior! :sweat_smile:

I will learn to be grateful for scrappy also. One of us will learn, eventually :roll_eyes::rofl:


Grateful for some down time yesterday, for an evening of doing not much. Also grateful to be back to a busy day of running from one thing to the next. Grateful for some peace amid the storms, for the few good people that are around me. Grateful for the many mini phone call throughout the day from him in treatment, for getting to watch the recovery awakening. Its even cooler from this side. Grateful that Iā€™m on a one way journey through recovery and that at this point going backwards is not even something that at any point looks enticing.
Grateful for a gratitude list that helps me snap out of the blahs and back into perspective. Grateful for MY room, for my bed, for my shower, for these things that Iā€™ve earned and paid for that canā€™t be taken away. Grateful for stability, that Ive actually made it to the point in recovery where yeah, Iā€™m just a tad bored. What a luxury that is to be bored! That means no cops are chasing me, no warrants are over my head, no bushes are going to be my home tonightā€¦yes, Iā€™m grateful to have gotten to a point of a little boredom. Grateful for the options this gives me! From this side of boredom I can go find things that I want to do to take away the boredom and futhur enrich my recovery. Grateful for options. Very, very, grateful that the option of relapse is not one thatā€™s tempting me nor am I considering.
Grateful for the spiritual awakenings that have moved me away from the edge of relapse.

Grateful to wake up this morning of my 147th day clean and sober and to know that if I keep doing what Iā€™m doing Iā€™ll be going to bed clean and sober tonight. :purple_heart:


@Bootz Iā€™ll learn someday!


Iā€™m grateful to God please help me stay clean and sober while doing your will just for today. Iā€™m grateful for my recovery and yours. Iā€™m grateful for ALL my family, friends, TS and the grati-dudes. Iā€™m grateful to be in the car on the way to work. Iā€™m grateful the sun is shining which warms the water and combined will help fill my soul tanks (shout out to Emm) Iā€™m grateful to be looking forward to sitting on the dock again in silent prayer and meditation a at some point today. Iā€™m grateful for the dog Stella coming over and giving me some kisses while I was waiting for my ride to work. Iā€™m grateful for daily readings, prayers and meditation. Iā€™m grateful for music and exercise.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Donā€™t forget you rock. Ya you!!


Good morning family.

I am super grateful for the therapist that I have been placed with at the hospital. I am grateful for her DBT and Trauma training and for the fact that she was just placed in this position at the ED. She seems to have a fresh view on how to approach this whole thing. I am grateful for the subtle difference in the way she worded things that changed so much in my mind. I am grateful to be open-minded today and willing to recieve new ideas, relook at old ideas and at least try to throw away ideas that are not serving me well.

I am grateful for the moderation team of this forum, the many different views and the way that people work together without selling themselves out. It is not easy to be in recovery, ( which every one of us is) learning how to live without dope and booze ( which everyone of us is) and work together to keep this forum running as smooth as possible for a bunch of other recovering addicts. I am grateful for the support that I recieve on views and for the suggestions I recieve when maybe I miss something big. I am learning a lot by listening and watching the OGā€™s of the moderation team while I piddle around in the background doing smaller stuff. I am grateful for their experience and dedication to this forum.

I am also grateful that we have simple rules on the forum like, ā€œdont derail threadsā€, it is actually a forum rule. Threads get really difficult to follow when we have newcomers or when people just want to come read (letā€™s use this thread as an example) and there is back-and-forth banter. This type of conversation does not belong on a thread unless itā€™s on a specified thread for ā€œgood morningsā€, or ā€œhow are you today?ā€, we do have a check-in thread for that type of conversing already. I am grateful for private messaging and group private messaging where good mornings and back and forth banter does not plug up the flow of the forum. I am grateful for the derailment thread.


Emm, I love this

Have been on the same boat and the same note lately, often. Itā€™s a beautiful thing to be able to find grace and gratitude in difficult situations. I hope to continue to try hard to always do that.

Wishing your cup of coffee tomorrow is full of comfort, good vibes, calmness and gentle energy.

Grateful Iā€™m tired, at the end of a productive day. Exercise. Work, lots of it. Walking the dog. Iā€™m feeling the ā€œgood tiredā€ and grateful for it.

Grateful my hubby and kids are having a very special time together. grateful they are making the best out of a not so good situation. Love them more than anything.

Grateful Iā€™m learning to be alone and be ok with it. Learning to appreciate solitude. Have a long way to go.

Grateful I donā€™t drink. Grateful I told the little voice that says ā€œyouā€™re alone, you have no plans, why notā€¦?ā€ to shut up. ā€œBecause my life is better without alcohol in it, thatā€™s why. now leave me alone, I have some learning and growing to do. Itā€™s about timeā€

Grateful for all of you :heart:


Iā€™m grateful that @Dakotahjae made me realise something, so thank you.
Iā€™m grateful to be coming up to 5 months soon and am also in that fortunate position of deciding and choosing what to do with this next chapter of my life.
Iā€™m so grateful that my whole outlook has shifted. Iā€™m 51 so not over the hill just yet but wanting to explore more places and not be content with what Iā€™ve got (which isnā€™t bad).
Iā€™m grateful to be in a position to make changes, my kids donā€™t need me (much) anymore, I have my health and some very small savings.
Iā€™m grateful to realise that I wouldā€™ve been in the constant loop of work, drink, work, drink with no ambition of ever getting out not all that long ago.
Iā€™m grateful to have opened my eyes, my mind and my arms.
Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m here :sparkling_heart:


I am grateful for gentle reminders. I do put forth effort, but i realize I fall short at times.
I truly am grateful for all the moderators do to keep us all on track and keep things running smoothly contributing their own time to do so.
Iā€™m incredibly grateful for this forum and especially this particular thread. It has kept me looking for the positive and I feel haz really been vital in changing my perspective.
Im grateful I found all of you and daily getting refresh my gratitude through you, especially on days when Iā€™m feeling a little on empty.


283 Days without drugs or alcohol

Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m sober
Iā€™m grateful when I feel those moments ofā€¦Iā€™m going to be ok / everything is ok ā€¦ even if brief

Iā€™m grateful for the people who teach me this new way of life and the hard lessons i learn .

Iā€™m grateful for the food in my fridge and the roof above me / many times I did not have this and I remember what it was like .

Iā€™m grateful for my psychiatrist for letting me explain my mind and not feel bad. For letting me finish my sentences. For not making me feel like a number or just money

Iā€™m grateful for books and funny you tube podcast to help me take a break

Iā€™m grateful for change even when it hurts

Iā€™m grateful for fruit especially mangos and watermelon.


I am grateful to have completed two years of sobriety
I am grateful my husband notices when I am off it, and cares enough to try to help
I am grateful my kids want to spend time with me
I am grateful to have time to finish my work
I am grateful my shoulder pain was temporary
I am grateful to have the money to eat out or shop a little with no worries
I am grateful for my cat who is bonded closer to me than anyone


Iā€™m grateful for afternoon gratitude.
Iā€™m grateful we got the pets off and we got Alice a full tank so they donā€™t have to worry about her.
Iā€™m grateful I slept good and long before a travel day.
Iā€™m grateful when I got through security at the airport I wasnā€™t running to the bar to get all liquored up for my trip. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m feeling pretty great, sobriety wise, about traveling, and flying, now if we could get rid of the crowds of people, that would be nice.
Iā€™m grateful itā€™s a non stop flight.
Iā€™m grateful after this trip we donā€™t have to go anywhere til November. West coast baby shower. Yā€™all are invited :joy:
Iā€™m grateful tomorrow grandpa is gonna feel REAL, when I hold that baby.
Iā€™m grateful I offered to cook some home cooked meals for the kids and they seemed so relieved and excited. My son was telling me, I donā€™t think weā€™ll be able to go out to dinner when youā€™re here. No shit! :scream:
Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m sober and I just want to serve their needs.
Iā€™m grateful I felt a bit better today. Lots of shit was annoying me yesterday. Little shit at that. I guess it was just one of those days.
Iā€™m grateful I got my walk in this morning.
Iā€™m grateful I have tons of pet and baby and trip pics I can look at.
Iā€™m grateful I wonā€™t have to get up at the butt crack tomorrow morning.
Iā€™m grateful for room service.
Iā€™m grateful for this gratitude thread. :chipmunk: and all.
:pray:t2::purple_heart: :airplane: :angel::older_man:

Gratitude is one of the most medicinal emotions we can feel. It elevates our moods and fills us with joy.
Aishaā€™s Scrapyard


I need to drop in here today.

I am grateful for my family who support me
I am grateful for friends who want to see me
I am grateful for the beautiful landscape that surrounds me
I am grateful for being well fed, clothed and sheltered
I am grateful for this forum and having a space to share my struggles, as well as celebrating the successes of others
