Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

I am grateful to be sober.

I am grateful that last night was a good night at work and I checked on my fur babes with my blink camera to see what the were up to. :pouting_cat::pouting_cat::dog::eyes:

I am grateful for cooler weather and less humidity. I feel like I can breathe easier and I have less anxiety when it’s cooler. :heart::maple_leaf::snowflake:

I am grateful that my sister and dad have been tag teaming helping mom. I will pitch in more this weekend now that Will appears to be doing better and i will be off work.

I am grateful I can get the antibiotics in him 2 times a day.

I am grateful for a girls trip with my sister for a night on Monday if all is going well on the home front.

I am grateful to be here with everyone taking things one day at a time. :two_hearts:


I’m grateful it seems Will is on the mens :kissing_cat:


Congratulations on 2 years sobriety!!! Thats wonderful!


I’m really struggling today to find things I’m grateful for but:

  • I am grateful for my recovery
  • Grateful to he 12 years free from tobacco
  • Grateful for Brian @I.cant.We.can for coming back, being honest, and getting back on track

@Butterflymoonwoman you are not alone in struggling to find gratitude. Thank for the example, I wasn’t going to post this evening but that doesn’t make for training the mind and heart very well.

I’m grateful to see other people sober.

I’m grateful I have any critters to watch at all.

I’m grateful im home from work.

I’m grateful for my family.

I’m grateful I didn’t pull into the liquor store tonight when the memory crossed my mind of how much physical pain relief I could have if I just pulled in.


Good evening all,
I’m grateful for a pretty easy day at work, and that they let me go a little early so I could pick up a cake for my son. He’s 16 today! I can’t believe time has gone so fast. I’m grateful I’m not losing anymore time to alcohol. I’m grateful for a good dinner, delicious cake, and nice comfy bed soon.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


@Misokatsu Two years! :muscle: Congrats!

I’m grateful to be alive! I’m grateful to be in recovery!
I’m grateful for choices.

I didn’t give myself many choices as a drunk. I chose to drink to find some illusion of happiness that didn’t exist at the bottom of a bottle, or I chose to drink to numb my discontentment with life. A life that alcohol didn’t enhance in any way.

I’m grateful for all the good opportunities I have today. I’m grateful for the clarity of mind to think before I choose. I had a good crab opportunity fall into my lap with two sober co-workers. A 100% sober crab boat would be a first for me.

I’m grateful for nature. I’m grateful how aware I am of what’s happening around me in nature. I take it all in. I appreciate it. I no longer take it for granted.

I’m grateful I don’t take recovery for granted. There isn’t a job, a friend or a relationship that is worth making more important than my recovery.

I’m looking forward to sober Grandpa selfies!


Congrats on 2 years!!


Hi Dana, I didn’t do any gratitudes today, but when I read yours, I wanted to tell you I’m so very grateful for you, and your support and love you have given me. Sometimes it’s others that are grateful for you. :heart: :hugs:


Omg… ur making me tear up. I love u lady! I’m grateful for u! U always make me smile and laugh. Hope ur feeling better today!


I appreciate you so much, you have no idea. Love and hugs my friend :hugs::heart:


Well fuck i was going to go to bed without doing my gratitude but @maxwell and @Butterflymoonwoman inspired me lol

Im greatful to be a greatful recovering alcoholic.
Im greatful im learning patience with the process
Im greatful my hubby didnt drink when he went out last night
Im greatful for the beautiful full moon tonight
Im greatful for the memes thread
Im greatful for the busy day at work
Im greatful for fellowship with other alcoholics.

Sweet dreams sweet peas


Hey! Are you feeling better tonight?

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I’m grateful to come on here and read @Claire_Quit
@Sunflower1 @JasonFisher i can wait for grand pa pics either. It hasn’t been real yet until I hold her.
@maxwell and @Butterflymoonwoman supporting each other. I just am grateful to watch others supporting each other with so much love.
And Fuck. I wasn’t going to do gratitude tonight either. @Cjp but Clair dragged me into with the tag and my wife is of course passed out on the couch in the hotel room. I’m grateful I know I got so much work to do with my codependency addiction. Sometimes it’s so fucking hard. I’m grateful I can come here and dump my sad feelings and it really does help. I’m grateful I’m ok. I’m grateful I’m sober and no way I’m going back to that again. I’m grateful I’ll be ok. I’m grateful I get to meet my granddaughter tomorrow and see my son and DIL.
Seriously I’m alright. It is what it is.
Sorry to be a downer.
I’d be grateful if someone played a meme or commented on there so I can put down some :joy:
I’m grateful to be watching Friends.
I’m also grateful I broke my 11 day sugar streak on a great dessert. But I didn’t really enjoy it. And not because of breaking my streak again. Just didn’t enjoy eating it. I’m grateful I didn’t finish it. That never use to happen.


I’m grateful for that full moon I saw over Dallas. Fucken aye! It was the biggest fullest full moon I ever saw going in and out of the skyscrapers as I was driving. So freaking cool. :full_moon_with_face:



Never could I ever have imagined I’d find such an amazing source of strenght, support and empathy in an online forum, with people I’ve never met and live all over the globe.

I’m so grateful for TS. I truly believe it’s been one of the key elements that is making my sobriety work this time around. This thread in particular, because it keeps me accountable and forces me to think hard about my perspective on things.

I’m grateful to you all, the source of support in recovery I have access to and rely on greatly.

I’m not grateful I’m painfully shy, and feel like it takes ages for me to speak to or connect with anyone, in a way that seems so easy for everyone else. I feel stupid that I panic to simply ask someone to join them for lunch at the canteen (it’s a rare occasion when that happens). You’d think I’m still 11 years old, and not more than 4 times that age. This is just to say that if I don’t communicate as often and freely as others do, it is simply the way I’m wired. I don’t like it. But it’s how I’m built.

But I AM grateful I learn every day to live with this shyness and introversion. I’m effective at work in spite if it. I’m functional in social occasions in spite of it.

Alcohol was a crutch to overcome shyness in social occasions. I’m grateful I’m learning thaf it’s ok to be uncomfortable. It’s normal. Losing my natural inhibition with alcohol is not a good thing. It also makes me lose perspective, common sense, and good judgement. I’m grateful I see that now.

I’m grateful sometimes I push myself to do/say something to demonstrate to people I’m not so close to that I care about them/think they are amazing. So here it goes.I was away for a bit and not sure of the moderation rules that apply - so I’ll keep it short.

So I’m grateful today to observe all the love, care and dedication you show each other - and me.

I love you all. :heart::heart::heart:

Grateful for you. Grateful I’m here. Grateful you post when you’re happy and when you are not. You are an amazing group of human beings and I don’t think I’d have made this far without you. @JasonFisher @Butterflymoonwoman @Dazercat @I.cant.We.can @maxwell @Cjp @Shaunda @anon74766472 @M-be-free49 @Bluekoolaid and all of you who post, respond, pour your hearts here, just know I look forward to opening this thread every day. It means a lot to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

PS: @Dazercat I’m rubbish when it comes to memes, but here it goes…:blush:


Grateful for my continual sobriety
Grateful for kids who get excited over the little things
Grateful for a husband who doesn’t mind a lazy dinner
Grateful for house, towels and dry clothes after getting caught in a downpour
Grateful for yummy spicy curry
Grateful for legs that can cycle around
Grateful for work life balance


This morning I will be grateful that

I woke up

My body works regardless of the pain.

The weird silence, all birds and squirrels must be somewhere else.

I can work.

I have a job.

I’m still have a willingness to be sober.

My family, warts an all.

That somewhere along today I will find value again.


I am grateful to be sober.
I really sensed today that the next week won’t be so easy. I said final goodbye to two colleagues who won’t be around next week. I hate saying goodbye.
I stood strong in front of my colleagues who independently wished me all the best. I wanted to block it, saying hey, I won’t leave until next week.
Next week will be my last day here. Chapter closed. Move. I got sober here for real.

I think it’s time to let me be sad. No matter how much I dislike the company I liked most of my colleagues, somehow. We had our ups and downs and we were good colleagues.

I am grateful I can see and feel this now. I don’t want to waste it with numbing myself. Is it?

I am grateful for yoga. Element air is doing me so much good.

I am grateful the evenings are getting cooler and shorter. Soon I will complain about the ugly November weather.

I am grateful I don’t know what war really means. I am grateful I have enough.


I’m grateful for this thread.
I’m grateful for you guys that I tag last night. I needed your fresh unread gratitude. I’m grateful it felt like you were right there with me.
I’m grateful @Alisa kept my meme game alive last night. You got some game gurl! :blush: :pray:t2:
I’m grateful my wife won’t be getting trashed the next few days we are here. I’m grateful I know in my heart she’ll be good and she’s not the type to sneak it. I’m grateful I know my happiness cannot depend on whether she drinks or not. It doesn’t. But it sure affects me when she’s trashed. There’s a difference. I’m grateful I can work on myself about this. Because I can’t work on anyone else.

I’m grateful I’m in a high rise hotel overlooking the city in Dallas. I’m grateful I know I sound and feel like a spoiled brat when I think this hotel sucks. But we aren’t here for the hotel. I’m grateful I can see the dog relief area down below on the 9th floor. So I’ll give them a couple of stars for that. I’m grateful for the room service coffee. I’m grateful it’s starting to kick in.

I’m grateful I know I got a shit ton of blessings in my life. I really am grateful for them all and truly know I’m blessed in so many ways for some reason.

Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 12:7-8:
So to keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to harass me, to keep me from becoming conceited. Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me. But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."

“The thorn is our flaws. Without our flaws–if we are perfect and complete–we won’t think we need God!"

I’m grateful for the Bible. I’m grateful when I’m really stumped or miserable or even happy or whatever. I can relate somewhere to my favorite self help book.
The Bible. I’m grateful in doing so, it brings me faith hope, (without expectations,) and strength, to know I must keep turning my life and my will over to God in all situations.

I’m grateful to get this day going. Already feeling better. Grateful for that. I’m grateful to actually really become a grandpa today. Gonna need the tissues for sure. Good thing I’m packing my bandana or 2 when I strait crying with tears of happiness and joy.
I’m grateful that’s just what I do. 🥲
I’m grateful God is in my heart.
:pray:t2::purple_heart: :cowboy_hat_face::angel::older_man:

I will celebrate my opportunities for goodness today. They’ll bless me in turn.
Todays Hope.