Daily Meditation Challenge

Here we are flo!!!

So we were going to choose from one of these two or you could do the one at the top of the thread which is beginner I would say. It was the one we did in Dec.


Great, thanks!


Happy with my 15 minute body scan just now. Not too distracted :pray::raised_hands::hugs:


15 min mantra meditation :white_check_mark:
The words really helped me, easier to stay focused today with that. Namaste

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Start a new thread please.
Every time I come one this thread I get a video that I have to close out that someone posted. So I will not be joining this thread. But I would like to be part of whatever the hell is going on next month.


Hope this is OK to ask here. Just wondering if anyone would know what to focus on exactly when mediating on clearing chakras. I found a 20 min music meditation video for clearing all 7 chakras. Not even sure if this is what I need lol. I normally do guided mediations off my Balance app, which I quite like. But I haven’t gotten there yet to silent meditation or even to music. I need some sort of direction. I would like to try some meditations around clearing chakras. But looking for advice :slight_smile:

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Love body scans! They even the best ever!

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Same I stopped coming to this thread because of that random video.

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Starting a new one now!!!


There are specific sound frequency meditations for each chakra, I am pretty sure I told you about Insight Timer a long time ago so if you still have that app search “throat chakra” or whatever. Does this help? I am not sure it really is what you wanted.

You can basically search anything there.

Maybe… “complete energy cleanse sound bath”

Something like that my bring some interesting options up for you.

You may also find something you are looking for on the thread that Sian has going on.
Sound therapy - share your gongs, singing bowls and higher frequency vibes!


Oh okay! I have been using insight timer! It’s fabulous! I had no idea that there were sound frequencies for each one. I wasn’t sure if I should be like thinking about the chakra, where it is, the color, imagining it clearing… that sort of thing? Lol I will keep looking for videos :slight_smile: thanks so much!


Great day today- 1 hour meditation on Insight Timer app.

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