Day 1 AF-new to this process

Welcome Steph! :wave: Lots of wisdom here on Talking Sober, so it’s a great place to be :innocent:

If you’re looking for a specifically non-religious group SMART Recovery is one (if you’d like to check out some meetings; I know for me I always felt safe at a meeting; often that social connection helps :innocent:):

And there’s lots of good threads and resources here on TS too:

Resources for our recovery

Checking in daily to maintain focus #41

Post photos of your pets #4

Foodies Unite #4 (trigger warning food) DON’T GO BACON MY HEART!

And so many others!

Take it one day at a time Steph and stick to your resolve. Your decision is that being healthy and clear is your top priority, because every other priority you have (marriage, career, relationships, personal life) depends on it. That keeps things pretty clear: if something is your priority, absolutely your top priority, you’re going to try everything you need to try to get there, and you’re going to keep trying no matter what. You are strong and you are capable and taking action and now that you’re reaching out, you are connected - and that is a recipe for success.