Day 1 down

100% new to this. Day 1 was completed but sleeping last night was terrible. Only slept 40 minutes and woke up with the shakes and nausea. Any tips on how to help? I’d like to hear other peoples first few days. Kind of scares me a little not going to lie.


new start maybe a meeting might help helped me wish you well

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Went to one yesterday, that’s what got me even more motivated. It’s just the withdrawal symptoms that seem to worry me.

They will pass i used sit on my hands at meetings when i first went , maybe a trip to your doc might give you something short term to get you through , drink plenty water and try and relax with some music or long walks occupy your time and try some vitamins D was helpfull to me AND OF COURSE MEETINGS WISH YOU WELL


I’m not a doctor, if you are truly scared about your withdrawal symptoms you should go to see one as soon as you can. Otherwise To help you detox you should be drinking massive amounts of water and herbal tea. Milk thistle is really good for your liver and detoxing as well. EmergenC powdered drinks have all the vitamins and minerals you need to be healthy too. You can do this!! Congrats on your first day, once the withdrawal is over your sleep will be amazing.


I did see one a few months back and was told I can take a Xanax to help with symptoms if needed. Hopefully it will be okay! Thanks for the input!

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My first day (18 days ago!) I had some shakes and really bad anxiety. The shakes were gone by the second day, I had two anxiety attacks that day but since then I’ve been doing really well.


Yes the shakes are bad and the anxiety for sure. Just want to get past those days! :persevere:


I took a lot of CBD and that helped immensely. Careful with Xanax, it’s very addictive. :hugs: You’ll feel loads better tomorrow, I swear.


I had a lot of anxiety and trouble sleeping in the beginning.

Things that could be helpful:

AA meetings! Get a sponsor and connect with new sober friends.

Go shopping to stock your fridge with lots of
alcohol free beverage options

Make a list of all the reasons you chose to quit drinking.

Make a Dr appointment or a psychiatrist/ therapy appointment (check on your physical and mental health)

Make a list of all the fun things you can do sober with a clear mind.

Confide in a trustworthy, understanding, and supportive friend.

Read a book about sobriety or download an audiobook.

Just a few ideas… I’m still in my 1st month of sobriety so maybe some of the people with some more time can help add to my list.


Welcome!!! Hang in there and go easy on yourself. I found the first 4 days the hardest and survived them by just doing nothing but reading and learning about sobriety. Your sleep will improve and you will soon be having the deep, restoring sleep your body needs. I also had bad anxiety, but the longer I stayed sober, the better it got. I wish you the best on your new journey!!!


Welcome! Day 1! You can do it! Withdrawals suck, but like many said, drink TONS of water and def get some EmergenC packs. They work wonders. I would NOT recommend Xanax, but that’s just my opinion. Ask your doctor for Zofran, it’s a nausea pill that you take daily and it helps with anxiety. Just a thought!!


Hey oneday! I made it through day 1 as well and had trouble sleeping last night. I am trying to keep my mind in a neutral place to avoid a lot of the anxiety, but so far it has been a little hard to do. When I look at things, I think i expected these first few days to be rough in terms of sleeping and anxiety, so I could better prepare mentally for them, but it is still hard. Congrats on your day one complete and you wanting to be on this sober journey! Just take it easy on yourself these few days

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Yes that’s how I feel too! I am expecting the first few days to be tough - doing some research, what they warn you about is pretty scary! But I’m young and overall healthy besides the alcohol abuse, so hoping things go okay.


Welcome! The first few days and weeks are the hardest. Just stick with it and things will get easier, I promise :slightly_smiling_face:

In the meantime, check out this thread :point_down:

What was anyone’s experience in the first month of sobriety?


Welcome…the first days can be rough. There is good news: if you do not pick up, you will never go through this again.

Be active. Read as much as you can, and participate. Be open

You deserve a sober life


I actually really enjoyed reading that. Thank you! Trying to stay motivated it’s only day 1. Reading stuff like is helpful

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Maybe try some chamomile tea or melatonin to help get some sleep. Chicken noodle or tomato soup if you can eat. Try not let yourself get overwhelmed with detoxing, can be frightening but if you think you need to get into a hospital. Just remember that you will get better as the days go by, putting that poison in our body has some pretty harsh effects. Wish you well in your recovery.

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Yeah I will be trying chamomile tonight. Laid in bed at 10:30, eyes shut and felt so tired, but didn’t fall asleep until 4:30 and only slept until 5:30 am. Crazy. Definitely researching about it and hearing the severe symptoms is scary. But after hearing everyone’s stories on here, it doesn’t seem too many experience those so that is how I am just trying to not freak myself out. Much appreciated!


Ive had some pretty bad detoxes, hallucinations and phycosis, hospital and detox facilities can help alot when its neccessary its a rough experience but like Scott said we dont have to go through it again as long as we dont pick back up.

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