Day 2 for me newbie to the site

Day 2 after many years trying to quit drinking, i just hope this time is a better outcome as it gets harder and harder to get back to day 1.


Welcome Meg :wave:t2: Sounds like you want to make a change. We’ve all been there :innocent:

You’re in a good place to learn, there’s lots of threads here, scroll around and you’ll find lots of interesting resources.

Take care and don’t give up. You deserve a safe, healthy life where you can be your full, healthy, present self.


Thank you i will take a look around the site

Hey Meg, warm welcome to you, well done for choosing sobriety

Welcome Meg.
Congrats on day 2.
Part of my recovery this time is that I don’t think I got another one in me. I just can’t do another day one.
Have a good read around. Join in when your comfortable.
Here are two good threads to start:


Thanks for that

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Congrats on 2 days.

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Thank you very much

Welcome Meg! :heart:

Im on Day 5 after many, many attempts and failures. This last time was the time I decided this is my rock bottom and I dont want to die like this. This community has helped me so much so far. Everytime i have a craving or negative thought, i check in or read others comments to help motivate and inspire me to keep going. I never want to feel like I did again on Day 1.

You deserve the world. Sending you love and healing. You can do this. :two_hearts::dizzy:


“I never want to feel like I did again on Day 1.”
As someone on day one, again, i agree. I never want to feel like this again.

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Thank you, yes i hear you, it’s a horrible disease and it takes everything away including me if i don’t break this cycle, i need to get off the hamster wheel, well done on day 5.


congratulations on your 2 days! <3 :slight_smile:

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Congratulations, try the meme wars topic it’s helped me.

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