I really hope they don’t sell either. The building is unique and I’m really over all the new soulless buildings being put in. And to be honest, if I ever decided to go to a meeting that would be the place.
Well since you asked! Lol
Grateful for my sponsor and my AA home group.
Anxiety attacks are coming back strong in the mornings. Can’t sleep…1:15 A.M. here.
Dealing with my job which is imploding. My wife and daughter refuse to move for a new job until my daughter finishes high school. That is in 2 years. I just don’t know if I can wait, due to my company imploding…ugh.
I’m speaking with recruiter’s about positions and I’m applying. I have to get out of my situation. Very stressful and intense working environment. I’m the CEO, so the pressure is off the charts.
If I take a new job, I would move separately from my family for two years…crazy, but I may not have a choice.
I took a DNA genetic test to see what anti-anxiety and anti-depressants work best in my body as well as a folic acid test. Amazing science and I’ll be speaking with my psychiatrist this week about the results. My anxiety is through the roof, so I’m thinking the medication I’m on is not the right one.
Grateful to be with my family and grateful for my pets
I hadn’t been meditating lately, need to get back into it. Reading the Bible and Big Book consistently and that helps. Learning how to pray too. Just heard about this site Daily Stoic. Pretty cool! https://dailystoic.com/
Im sorry to hear you have some difficult decisions to make, that as you said may become actually not a choice in the end. I do hope it works out for you.
Definitely alot of pressure to deal with
I read about that test to see what meds will work best, i hope you get the right help through the results.
Iv tried 7 antidepressants over the past 2 years, i dont think the dr knows what to do with me any more .
I had the mental health team appointment on friday morning, wasnt the greatest they want to try a different medication and reading this post i may suggest they do this test for me, as it is hard taking medications that may or may not work but also mess with chemical balance in our brains whilst beating an addiction is scary for me, all of us.
I do alot of research, the way id been feeling lately my dr prescribed benzos, iv never had a problem with them but use them scarcely as im always nervous and anxious and know they arent a long term solution.
I really hope your appointment goes well, and in a perfect world everything ends up working itself out at work.
Il check out the link, never heard of it before. And if you ever need a chat and im around you dont have to wait for me to ask how you are, my ears and support is here for you
My spouse is going to take the DNA test. In the meantime he just started a med with a very low dosage at night. Hope it helps him. At this point, he’s not easy to live with on a daily basis.
Lol We should have a TS “party” for his return. Like a thread of everyone’s favorite Derek moments or quotes. For example, the time he told me to get my head out of my a**, jk jk