Derailment void / Off topic 2021 to present

Oh my! I just learned something new! I went to copy it for google translate and it had a tab for translation built in. Instant apple translate! Now all I need is to respond on a translator and copy on the thread if I want to reply. This app is freaking awesome!

¡Dios mío! ¡Acabo de aprender algo nuevo! Fui a copiarlo para el traductor de Google y tenía una pestaña de traducción integrada. ¡Traducir instantáneo de Apple! Ahora todo lo que necesito es responder en un traductor y copiar en el hilo si quiero responder. ¡Esta aplicación es increíble!

Edited to add:

Omg it does both ways. What a marvelous piece of technology!!


Yeah, I think that’s built into the copy/paste menu for Android and iOS now. You just select, and translate is also an option. It’s really neat! :grinning:


Although what I never noticed, on Android at least, it also somehow auto detects when the language is not your default. It only appears when it’s a foreign language.

So smart!

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It’s beautiful, Eke! What a wonder that no matter what we can make people feel welcome here. Finding this is literally making my eyes leak. No language barrier in recovery!!


Closed for cooling off. Please remember that dogpiling and attacking; as well as disrespect are against forum rules.

We are here for sobriety, support and community. Life is rough enough without us having a go at eachother.

speaks someone who dosnt go to meetings i bring up my years because i have achieved them . i have experience not history in AA , why dont you go to meetings then ? you speak in the past tense . if you go to meetings then i can understand but dont lecture me when you dont even go to AA. you have a good day maybe try ameeting wish you well


I don’t see anything stupid or dumb in what you’ve just wrote :wink:
I think everyone here believe in good and evil (or bad I would say)


Never feel dumb for following your own heart Dan. And don’t think your stupid. Everyone can believe what they want. We’re all free in that. We just shouldn’t try to force our world view upon others. It’s al personal and no one should tell another how to think and what to believe.

Personally I think there’s good and bad in everyone and it depends on so much factors what comes out most of us. I don’t believe in heaven and hell unless those are places right here on earth, places both of our own creation and places we can end up in through no fault or achievement of our own. But that’s me. You do you. Freedom of thought. Just like freedom from drugs and booze actually :sunglasses:


I think there is definitely some really powerful symbology associated with religion (from modern day back to ancient mythologies) and I can see why that speaks to people.

For me I don’t know, I feel like there is enough crazy in this realm to start adding in extra ones :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: but also I never got that deep into heavy narcotic use so I am coming at it from a different place.

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@dalex77_2 @Astro moving here as it’s not on topic for atheist sobriety, but no harm no foul! Feel free to continue the conversation here or I can set up a new thread if you prefer :slight_smile:


Yes I heard about the heat over there. Stay safe! :hot_face:


I also love John Cleese, and Life of Brian is one of my favourite films. :star_struck:

I definitely don’t think you personally are appallingly dull - far from it - but I was looking for a clip that was funny and touched on the, how shall we say, classically British range of emotions. I mean, even the classic “stiff upper lip” is based on what? Enduring suffering.

Keep calm and fan on through this heat wave :innocent:



Omg this made me laugh.


This dance is becoming a ballroom dance.

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Did I miss anything ? :slight_smile:


Hi, there. You say you were “sober”, but you failed to work a recovery program daily. Being “sober” is not being “in recovery”. White knuckling it for 10 years is like being an amateur and walking a tightrope over two skyscrapers without a safety net. I’ve been in continuous recovery for over 28 years for one big reason: 12 Step meetings and working and living a recovery program every day.
Without my Program and an interest in a spiritual life, I’d be just another nervous walking disaster area with a messy life and fleeting joy and satisfaction in life.


How do you know she was white knuckling it may I ask I use 12 step meetings but people can get sober without them it’s not the only way not everyone who is sober and not using 12 step recovery meetings is miserable