Derailment void / Off topic 2021 to present

I know the rules and I’ve had my fair share of flags :sweat_smile:


Lol Jan, and why is that? :joy::wink:


Because I saw myself as a bit of a vigilante :sweat_smile:


It was originally though :man_shrugging:

You were allowed to post as long as your nipples were not showing I thought

I don’t really know, I’d never post one anyway
Nobody wants to see no Dad bod


Was it just the nipples? Because on the first thread where it mentions it, is says shirts required. #6 it is.

Lol Darren, you and your dad bod :joy:


Yer my bad then, probably was the whole time then, shows how much I read and don’t take notice :smiley:

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I mean I’m tempted to say, it’s because you’re a man, but that would be sexist. :rofl::rofl::rofl:



Ful sentence.

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I was once a flagged man haha. It was early on when I was trying to tell my story. I 100% did not think about that addition as I was battling my demons and at that time that’s all I thought about. The moderators were extremely polite to me and explained to me why. No harm meant by what I did and apologize if I did offend anyone. I totally get it!


I don’t need to read the rules, I get it. I was asking a genuine question. I respect the rules, people that know me don’t even see me topless I won’t be flagged that’s for sure. My issue is it seems that this addiction can be blamed purely on anyone and everyone the user deems inappropriate which could be varied depending on said user. Bare in mind I’m genuinely interested as I have not had much experience in this field.


What ?? Are you serious

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That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard lol


:thinking: wtf :joy: I’m gonna need you to change ya face :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:


So they were angry triggered? :joy: tough on them :woman_shrugging:t2: Haters I say lol

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Shake it off bro


I’m glad you said that bc I was concerned I was just a dirty old pervert. Turns out people just find other people attractive.


You big chunky lump of hunky you, Don’t walk into SAA you’ll do more harm than good. :joy::joy::joy:


At the end of the day addiction is the same, it’s a brain disorder

Webster definition- the fact or conditions of being dependent to a particular substance, thing or activity.,

In essence you can be addicted to anything, it’s just dependent on what anything is usually chasing an effect that releases dopamine and gives you the feel goods.

I don’t know what your DOC is/was. But I’ve landed here because of the booze. Mind you that was my Achilles but I dabbled in a bit of everything. But for some it’s the idea of seeing certain parts of the body exposed, or seeing a substance, etc.

Like I did a Narcan IM training for my friends outreach group, and most of them are recovering addicts. As soon as they saw the needle. It was getting some of them itching.

Likewise if I put a thread up and the first pic is me slamming back a 40 it might bother someone

For some here it’s sex, drugs, self harm, food, even screen time/you tube etc.,

Naturally we have the food thread but binge eaters probably know it’s not a good idea, to enter said thread., cause it says right on it, Foodies.,

Almost all meetups via zoom I go to they ask to keep a shirt on, just out of respect, kinda like no shirt no shoes no service,

I’m almost in a year for recovery and I learned a lot about addiction, myself and my behaviors how the brain works and how recovery is supposed to work, but I also learned in recent weeks I’m probably a sex addict too.

For me addiction was always a thing, it started when I was a kid with baseball cards, then shifted to whatever, I have solid traits of an addict, we become work aholics, which I do all the time, I’m doing it now, over consume in many activities, we act without consequence, another guilty trait of mine,

So what is a trigger is subjective, I said earlier I discovered I’m probably a sex addict as well as my other addictions, but for me it’s different, pictures and porn compulsive masturbation doesn’t do it, for me. It’s all about physical intimacy with a female. And it is a self destructive behavior. I fell into this trap of women find me physically attractive, and I always wanted a wife and a family, I’m incredibly loyal in relationships, yet when I’m single I’m like a dart without feathers, in reality it’s a sickness. I had a vasectomy done so I can have sex without pregnancy consequences yet I regret it. While I can’t speak for everyone, Everyone has their respective boundaries and vices, and TS set restrictions regarding these boundaries

Mainly because we had a few “brosephs” throwing up flex in the mirror selfies, like a mating call.


Thanks for the informative write up mate, appreciate it. Makes a lot of sense

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Mike is not an evil person. He has been away for over a month and in his defense I am pretty sure it was just no nipples when he left so… lets not go overboard.