Derailment void / Off topic 2021 to present

Hi . I live in Toronto, Canada. I’m and alcoholic and an addict. I’m 27 years old . I just graduated from a rehabilitation center called the Renascent here in canada . I’m trying to promote this zoom meeting because we need some more support. Me and a few other people are putting the meetings on for guys who are still in treatment. We simply just want more support.
I completely understand where you are coming from


Okay, thank you for being forthcoming. I think it would make us all feel a little more comfortable if you interacted and hung out for awhile before posting zoom meeting links (additionally, dropping 4 links in quick succession is against the forum rules and considered spamming).

As you well know, when in early sobriety we are all very vulnerable and as moderators, part of our job is making sure Talking Sober is a safe place for all forum members.

So, welcome!! Hope to see you around! And thank you for getting back to me.


I know!!! I’m a bad kitty mom. :sob::sob:

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No you aren’t!! That could happen to anyone :joy: Sneaky little guys


Curiosity killed the cat… they made the phrase up for a reason! Little Tony will be fine, a new lesson learned for him! :yum:


Thanks!! I felt terrible…but he is no worse for the wear.


Curious he is!!! So adorable!!


He is adorable, Tiny Tony and his big sister will be buddies at some point! :crossed_fingers:t2:


Good for you! An interesting assortment of foods…but no huge amount of each. Early sobriety can wreak havoc on your diet … but all for the good!


Wait, there’s a picked cucumber challenge?? That sounds more my speed, how do I get on that one?

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You are too kind Mbwoman (is that for MOTORBIKE,MELB.WOMAN??other)

I sure hope it settles down. I certainly don’t want to continue to be 80+kg, but l don’t want to give up my newfound sobriety to be thin.

It’s the 4 courses of antis that l have been on that has wreaked havoc on my body, truth be told. :heart:

Thanks again for your advice! :+1::kissing_heart:

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Hi jbm, l feel personally responsible for the ‘pickle challenge’ mixup and the consequential move of our thread!
The ‘pickle movement’ all started with a response l posted about why alcoholics can’t moderate their drinking by liking it to a pickle not being able to change back into a cucumber !:cucumber: (l got the quote from AA’s book Living Sober).
‘Cherry Kisses’ and l then started this silly little thing about pickles- we call each other pickles, we say we’re pickled, we talk about how much we love pickles; ‘Hoofhearted’ even wrote and composed a ‘Pickle Song ‘:notes: for us!!

So, l guess it’s something we throw into our posts sometimes!:woman_shrugging: The mods have obviously seen something random and out of context, so moved the conversation here.

I only saw your post here, so not sure what it relates to? I would be happy to answer any questions you have.

Some of us are doing a 30 Day Plank Challenge, so whether you got confused pickle with plank??!!:cucumber:

But l suppose we could do a ‘pickle challenge’? If you love them, maybe you could propose something?

Love to hear your ideas!!:+1:




Wow. I was just making a dumb comment, didn’t realize I’d stumbled into the controversy of our time! Do I have to wear an arm band or something when I’m commenting? Some kind of warning system to let people know that I could mention pickles at any minute? Cause I will. I’ll rock the pickle band!


@Lisa07 there should be a badge when you get thrown into the derailment thread :sweat_smile: It’s like landing on the jail spot in Monopoly… do not pass go, do not collect $200!


I was actually thinking of you when I found this :rofl::rofl::rofl:


A badge should definitely be added but I’m loving Eric’s meme better. Now I’m thinking a badge with that meme as the logo. :joy:


It is a unique meme Eric! :rofl:


Eric has some great memes!


And yeah we’ve done OK for a couple of losers :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:, I’m proud to be in the same sentence as you. Well done us.

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