Derailment void / Off topic 2021 to present

We still like discussions :stuck_out_tongue:

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Consider GOD the abbreviation of Group Of Drunks. Weā€™ll happily be your higher power :slight_smile:


Google Minnasota model.
Itā€™s the same 12 steps without the God issue.

Yet youā€™re an addict like all of us.
Men is not your enemy mate.


Welcome! I personally donā€™t consider myself religious but spiritual. For me, I feel like I needed to believe in some form of a higher power because I needed to admit to myself that I was powerless over alcohol and I needed some other thing to turn to, to help restore me to sanity and stop. When I didnā€™t go this route it seemed it was all willpower and I proved to have none of that. Iā€™m really interested in other methods though, just to gain more knowledge about different types of recovery. I would hope most people would support and love anyone who is trying to better themselves and recover from addiction. I know I do! :+1:t3::call_me_hand:t3:


That respect works both ways.
Topics like this only divide into atheists and non-atheists.
Not productive when the focus should be on similarities. Weā€™re all addicts.


I donā€™t think they were saying men are the enemyā€¦ I believe they were wanting to find a group of people who believe the same things they do. And thatā€™s a great thing to have


I feel like we have already said they we do respect other peoples beliefs and how they are achieving their sobriety. This isnā€™t supposed to divide peopleā€¦ they were reaching out to find other atheist on this forum and I think that is great


@anon42928441 and @emi
Of course. Just donā€™t pay too much value to differences in peopleā€™s believes or lack of it.
Some AA groups are very focussed on God, others are not.

Personally I avoided AA a long time because of it. Ended up a Buddhist nevertheless.

Sobriety simply changes perception and beliefs.


Does booze kick your ass? Seems like thatā€™s a higher power. Why not find or choose a positive power?

My first higher power was the Department of Corrections. They told me where to go, when to go, and what to do. And they helped me get sober.

I donā€™t believe in a religious higher power, and I use the word ā€œGodā€ strictly as a shorthand.

Nature, physics, metaphysics, whatever it is, itā€™s going to be what you need to get sober.


I really do not believe this is what the OP wanted . They were reaching out for others who believe the same as themselves. Not to have others chime in and challenge what they or others believe is along the lines of pushyā€¦ I think we should be happy and exited for anyone who is wanting to change their life and better themselves instead of questioning how they are doing it and making them uncomfortable. Letā€™s be happy for each other and respect others beliefs. That is what a community is about. And finding like minded people is so important in this journey.


Yea! It always struck me as kinda odd when people try to say GOD is an acronym or something. I still donā€™t think any one person/entity or group of people is capable of making me stronger when itā€™s ME who has to want it. I kinda take pride that Iā€™m doing this on my own (with my doctors of course) without any ā€œotherā€ being telling me to. I chose to be strong as hell this time! Yknow?


Of course no disrespect to anyone who believes or anything. Iā€™m all for 100% religious freedom as long as you arenā€™t hurting or converting! Just sayin what works for me. :black_heart:


Also, random thing but! Youā€™re so stunning! I want those eyeliner skills haha~! :sparkles:

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Thank you!! That is so sweet :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: lots and lots of years of practice haha

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We are moving next month and Iā€™m hoping to set up a cute vanity so I can do more makeup! :kissing_smiling_eyes: I have some amazing Juvia palettes I wanna use more~! Hoping now that im not drunk 24/7 my hobbies will resurface lol!

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Yes!! That sounds awesome! I saw Iā€™m your bio that youā€™re from CO? What part? Iā€™m in the springs!

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Oh heyyyyy! Iā€™m right on the southern border in Tdad! :smiley: I love going to Springs for a little day trip now and then for the Asian market~! :fish:

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Oh okay nice!!

My car is my higher power!! :sunglasses::heart: