Derailment void / Off topic 2021 to present

I think this turned into religious ppl pushing there beliefs onto us honestly surprised it took them that long once again trying to shove atheist back into a hole at least we can stand up and say we are atheist and not afraid to be ourselves at least we aren’t pushing our beliefs onto them


Give the moderators a chance to clean it up for ya! You deserve a safe place like everyone else.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Atheist and Sober without god - please be respectful

Wrong button :joy:

I just want to say that I really don’t feel like this topic belongs in the derailment void because by doing that it’s kind of like saying that all the people that were here trying to contribute in a meaningful way are lumped in to the area of destructive threads due to some people that perhaps ineffectively communicated.

In essence it feels like the moderators have effectively silenced, pigeon-holed and stopped the conversation of atheist who were simply trying to communicate and build connections.

Also I didn’t feel like there was anything that belligerent in the thread and I do not see anything that I think should have been flagged. I believe that the flagging process and the way that this stuff is handled contributes to the frustration of this forum and the shortcomings of social media.


I stand corrected and apologize. I think i see how this thread is utilized. Thanks

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I considered moving the side conversation to a totally new thread, but thought that might just go south real fast. A catch 22 in trying to help OP feel supported, while allowing a conversation to continue unfettered.


The OPer did edit their title and OP. I also edited their title.

It’s a delicate balance without clear paths for sure

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@SassyRocks why was my comment towards @JokerLee moved to the void?

I moved previous comments that were off topic to derailment. I left your non derailing comment in the OP.

I also moved your question above to this Derailment thread…as well as my answer (this post!). :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes, it is a fine line and do feel free to bring concerns about moving, derailing, off topic, etc directly to moderators via a private message. We are happy to discuss how we implement the forum rules and answer any questions accordingly. :grinning:

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We don’t move things here because they are belligerent per se (tho we do often move belligerent things here). This is a catch all for off topic, derailing, dogpiling, etc comments…all of which are clearly spelled out as against the rules. In this particular case, they were all rather off topic. OP is looking for atheists.

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I’m not sure why this is in the void cuz I said I feel like this is a positive and helpful on topic statement but as this entire thread has made me realize I cannot stand social media

Not sure why you felt the need to post this at all. I respect you. You clearly can respect others.

Because it’s true

I am a Christian. I was raised religiously. My higher power used to be God. Now I don’t have a higher power and sobriety is still as hard. I find motivation in smaller things such as liking my sobriety dates. Being able to increase my health. Proper sleep. My job.
I’d say there are infinite ways to get sober. Just do what works for you but be open to considering advice from others. You don’t have to do everything someone advices. It’s your journey and I truly wish you a ton of success


It might be your truth.

This is why I don’t do social media I’ll see you all in six months or never I don’t fucking know

I am very sorry for contributing to your dislike of social media. I really can understand how you find it frustrating. I do as well, often, such as now. I want to help support the OP and other atheists. I want to help support other members who are showing their support, but perhaps derailing, I want to help support new people who are just confused, I want to help support all of our members. In doing so, I have clearly upset and bewildered you. I apologize and I sincerely hope you will stick around. It is such a fine line and so hard to make our community feel safe for everyone and follow our rules and guidelines. We are all just doing our best here. I hope you will will take care of your self as you know best. :heart:


I appreciate this so much. I think agnostics and atheists are in the minority and it frequently feels like it’s not a safe space, especially for those of us who have found sobriety outside of “the rooms.” It matters to me that there are people who will talk about their experiences outside of religious spaces (and I’m not talking about the rooms here, I know higher powers can be something beyond a god figure). So thank you.