Derailment void / Off topic 2021 to present

And yet here you are doing the exact opposite of what you’re demanding of other people :man_shrugging:t2:

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My transference to the void is indicative of a coming flag so this shall be my last comment on the matter. Whoever responds after this may be granted the coveted last word, which is the holy grail of alcoholics.



Your last sentence got me thinking about a conclusion I often find myself coming to that at the root of a lot of excessive consumption of alcohol is the manifestation of selfishness and/or narcissism for some…It also seems to appear in situations where a person lists out a bunch of external factors which supposedly caused them to drink and never take personal responsibility for their decisions.

I definitely drank a lot due to sheer boredom, desire to fit into social norms and an inner mentality that I deserved a beer after working hard or something. Very selfish with zero consideration to the negative consequences it caused for both myself and those around me.


Can I “start” an off topic/void conversation here? Or is it strictly for moving from other topics :sweat_smile: inquiring minds want to know

Proposed off topic post.

What’s a good one week milestone celebration?


You always crack me up :blush: Thanks


A bubblebath with a book, music or whatever you like before bedtime. going to sleep sober and odoriferous :blush:

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A certificate. You can make it yourself!
You said celebration. Favorite meal.
Not what he really wants. Unless you want.
If he would wear it a nice relatively inexpensive bracelet. He has to give it up if he gives in. Then he gets it back if he gets to a week again. These are just ideas.
Editing to add: coffee!


This is a great void topic. I would say ice cream for I treated that to myself every night for the first four months. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Today’s my partners one week from getting high on his doc (he does use THC medically) and i want to do something nice for him. He wants me to take him to the dispensary. But since he uses that medically, i don’t really see that as “something for a milestone”
I like the ideas y’all gave.

Maybe I’ll set up a relaxing evening for him and get a small gift that he has to give back if he relapses until he reaches the milestone again.
That sounds like how chips work …right?

Also, in the spirit of off topic :sweat_smile:
I’m looking for some na meetings in my area but not in my area. I don’t want to know anyone already… Is that weird? Should i just get over myself and show up to the closest one?
Opinions please


Intially not at all. I was the same way.


At the price of gas…get your butt to the closest one…lol

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You have to give chips back??? Whaaaaat??


As far as the meetings go. I don’t think it’s weird. I lhad 2 AA meetings within 5 miles of me, but still drove to one that was 25 minutes away, because I didn’t want to run into anybody I might know. Wasn’t really embarrassed, just didn’t feel like dealing with anybody familiar.


No idea honestly. I haven’t gone to meetings… But i thought that’s how it worked… From TV shows :sweat_smile:

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That’s funny!!! You’re telling me everything on TV isn’t true?? :rofl:


:joy::joy:haha i guess so

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Currently he’s working towards a new Xbox. The fancy one. What milestone do y’all think “wins” this one? :sweat_smile: I’d say at least a few months right?

There’s a cheaper version…but idk which would be good for a milestone gift.

Id say a year but atleast 6 months

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