Derailment void / Off topic 2021 to present

I can’t :heart: for another 45 minutes…but i was thinking this too. I’m not even far enough to buy MYSELF one :sweat_smile: (not that i care about gaming systems haha) i don’t know enough about them to decide what’s the best value…

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Series x for sure, it has way better hardware. I agree with at least 6 months, probably a 1 year reward.


I agree with what others say. If it’s going to be a reward. Though I’m not sure having others dictate “if you get to x many months here’s what you’ll get” is a best method. Maybe suggest something like counting the money saved by not using, day by day. Then when that amount gets to the cost of a system like that it’s time for the reward.


I love this! I was going to say we can put away $50 /month (even though this is a fraction of the savings honestly, but still what is affordable-ish) and once it gets to the price of the console we can buy it.
He said if i was celebrating him not using…can he get a Xbox. But i think that’s too big of a purchase right away, so i said let’s wait a few months… It’s something to look forward to kinda…


yes exactly! A lot of people track their savings from not using, it’s even a function on the tracker, and have been able to buy things or finance big purchases. I think it’s a great motivator. I hope he’s open to the idea. Maybe you could print off something that shows him the numbers and then he has it on paper.

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I feel like this thread is truly the junk drawer at this point of random posts. So I’m going to contribute. Im Looking into actually buying a book form of the Big Book instead of just reading random PDFs I’ve downloaded and came across this!

Check out the price tag on that baby!

Here’s a link in case any formerly drunk millionaires happened to read this lol.


“The gold lettering at the bottom of the spine shows some light wear.” That better be real gold for that price. :grimacing:


Probably why I’m not married or a shitty partner I’m a get it myself kinda person,

I see something I like I get it myself,

A good week reward, what’s his favorite thing to do? Favorite meal, pastime, things like that something simple that appreciates his milestones.


My husband and I are gamers.
We started looking for the new Xbox the day they were released. It’s been impossible.
Everywhere sells out instantly.
That said he got impatient and bought the S(white) and while it’s super nice and cheaper. There isn’t as much space on it and you can’t play a physical copy of any games. They have to be digital. Meaning he had to rebuy any game we had a disc for.
I opted to wait for the X(black) and have been waiting a year. We have not been able to get one because they are in store buying only and don’t last on the shelves.
Yesterday we found one at target. It came with 3 games so it was way more than just the system but it’s worth it. I can’t wait to hook it up after work tonight.

You can tell I’m learning with my addiction @Englishd i didn’t set it up at midnight :rofl:

I guess the point of posting was the black is extremely hard to find still so you are better off putting money up and start looking when you have at least 700 because there is a huge chance you won’t find the system alone only in a bundle.
The white is perfect for my husband. Except for the no disc he loves it because he isn’t nearly as into games as I am. Lol


That’s such horseshit.
I don’t “game”, really. Just FIFA, and rarely. Actually sold my XB1 a few months back, never use it.
But I’ve seen how people who are really into gaming are just getting their arms twisted more and more for profit, especially with in-game purchases becoming more or less required…after you’ve already paid $60+ for the game to begin with.


So I used to play Destiny. I was part of the Beta team to play and got to get my copy almost a year before it went public. I loved it. I played up until they started doing new DLC every 6 weeks. You have to pay for a “season” on these games now. It’s horrible because I can’t even lie I have probably 2 grand into the game and don’t play anymore. The original is only half the story now because they had to vault things because the game got way to big. Same with Destiny 2. Only the newer parts are available.
I kept up with it until the last 2 years. It’s getting bad now. You pay $100 for the base game with the deluxe version. Then you still have to pay $100s more to keep up. About a year ago we bought ALL the stuff we had missed and we couldn’t catch up. Even with a full team of people basically pulling us through. Our power level never got high enough because we were so far behind.
It’s super sad because Destiny is what I did in the beginning days of getting sober.

Bungie sold it and now it’s not the same🥺


Haha i could have bought it when I posted the screenshot above :person_facepalming: now it says sold out :rofl:


He plays Diablo. And some other crap( lol ) but always comes back to Diablo. Spent hundreds. And now Diablo 4 is coming out (or maybe is out) and he wants the new console to play it…

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Yea they do restock every couple weeks or so and never on the same day as the week before so you never know when they will pop up again.

As for his game I would definitely recommend the black one. I am guessing he has all his games on disc form if he plays Diablo.
The new one comes out in June this year.

I hate to be that person but I would not buy a 600 toy for someone’s else for being sober. They can save the money from not using and buy one and I would definitely buy the game.
But as an addict I’ve seen people make it to a milestone because they knew they would get “insert item here” and then once they got it they didn’t last being sober because they didn’t have anything to work for.

I will say it was me. For a long time I would think if I can make it to a month I will buy myself this really expensive thing I wanted then I would celebrate with a drink because I got to buy it. And then I would start drinking again.

But again that’s just How I think. Now at almost 6 years sober I don’t even think about milestones.


You make a good point… I just didn’t want to rush into a huge purchase for his instant gratification a week sober. Maybe I’ll buy it when it comes back in stock and give it to him as a gift randomly

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I think they’re deliberately withholding stock to keep sales strong over a longer period of time… it makes people buy because they don’t know when they’ll get a chance again unless they buy from the shitty people who buy to resell at a huge markup.


Probably spot-on. Fabricating scarcity and FOMO is widespread marketing at this point.


Auto industry is doing it too… can’t even order a car how you want it built (like color, trim level)… it’ll come crashing down on them though


Tw gaming

We have so many gaming systems i don’t really see the point of getting new ones …

I have an Xbox, a 360, five Xbox 1s, a couple Wii that aren’t hooked up, and 3 smart tvs… Aside from the regular flat screens. And I think they’re just a waste of money. All my kids want to do is go on YouTube, and I barely have time to turn a game system on, and if i do, I usually just watch a movie :sweat_smile:

And the Xbox live is $60/ year per person
Plus the stupid unlimited gamepass thing is $16 a month per account…

It’s a giant waste of money.

That’s why I was hesitant on buying the new one. What will we do with the one that works just fine? Lol