Derailment void / Off topic 2021 to present

Just a kind reminder that there are gaming addicts on the forum too. Maybe put a trigger warning in the beginning of your posts? Although we’re already in the derailment void… :smile:


Sorry. Didn’t realize


No worries! :hugs:

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I considered moving the whole gaming discussion from derail to its own thread. :rofl:


Wow, this is something! A discussion that derails a topic in derailment void :smile::+1:t2:


Haha my bad y’all :sweat_smile:


I knew you would appreciate the quandary!! :blush:


I made a thread on gaming so feel free to put this derailed derailment conversation there :sweat_smile:

I would but i don’t know how.


No worries, it is fine. I added a trigger warning to your thread for the gaming addicts. If you seriously want one of us to move stuff over, just let me or one of the other moderators know. Thanks!


Oh it’s priceless LOL


The marketing strategy is really shit,

Yea keeps up the hype for a bit and i get the chip shortage during the pandemic didn’t help with a lot of industries but game consoles have been doing this for years I remember not being able to get a Wii forever,

But it makes no sense, if I can manufacture a in demand product now and get it to the shelves especially around the holiday season, I can make bank. Once they sit on the shelves they already cycled, i got paid for the units whether they sit with the retailer for a year or a day, cash in while you can, all your doing is making resellers quick bucks or potential buyers may visit your competitor for the same product,

I think they prefer the shelves being empty and sprinkling the sales over many quarters/years for investors but what do I know about any of that shit lol

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then you might wanna reconsider your engagement on here. this is a sobriety forum. ppl here wanna overcome their addictions, not glorify them. we also don’t tolerate trolls, just fyi.

welcome anyhow.


I honestly dont wanna quit but anyone i talk too tells me im the devil for being addicted to it so im not sure what to do

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If you dont wanna quit and are happy as you are, that’s fine then, good for you.

this is a sobriety forum however.


If you don’t think it’s a problem in your life, don’t quit. True addicts find that the things they are doing are ruining their lives. If that’s not the case for you, then you don’t seem to be an addict, or you’re in denial. One of those.


Why is your sober date such a huge secret?

Why are you defensive/angry in your reply? This is a sobriety forum full of very vulnerable people, so members questioning a new member who keeps promising the world to other new members if they private message is bound to raise an eyebrow or two…


Just saying…


I flagged your post for use of the word troll and for the personal nature at which you were addressing another user. We are all respectful on this site and i found that reply disrespectful.


But it was perfectly ok with you, that user also was outright domineering “look at you 10 months sober with all the answers”. That’s ok with you. Might I ask what you would call that? May I ask, how are we honestly helping others here? Like really. Providing temporary comfort and a solution are not the same thing. And are there any statistics or links to show it’s helping? I provided that. I don’t think I need to say much else.

Sorry that you’re missing out. I earnestly Pray you find what I have been delivered someday. I really mean it.

I’m not angry, I am passionate about this stuff. I do not yell and defend and criticize
But I will fearlessly carry the message because I am responsible for what someone did for me.

I don’t care what your opinions of me online is. I care that newcomers get a chance to live and be free.

And my work here’s done. I wish you all Love and Purity.