Derailment void / Off topic 2021 to present

Had the same thought.

Also didn’t love the “DM me if you want me to help you get sober”. Seemed a bit messaiah-y. Why not offer help publically as we all do. So we can all take what’s needed and leave the rest.


Attraction not promotion is our code. You’re doing a poor job at both. I get it though, I was super gung-go when I was new in sobriety too. I probably acted very similar to you. As I progressed I learned what that statement meant. I learned a lot from the people on this forum as I’m sure you could too, provided you are actually willing to listen.


Yes we are in the Derailment void. Yes rules still apply. Keep it civil. Flagging something is better than fighting.


Next stop derailment graveyard!


I remember when we supposedly had access to that place but a user mentioned it and it got taken away… I’d love to read the things in there :laughing:


90% is probably me being an asshole




I don’t need you to feel sorry for me. I am strong in my 6 years of sobriety. I don’t push an agenda on new forums. I meet people and talk with them one on one. It isn’t your message of AA. If you were suggesting PMs after 3 days here and your approach was Recovery Dharma, our reaction would be the same. Our forum hosts some very new and very vulnerable humans. Immediately asking people to PM you for the answers to sobriety simply is not how this forum has ever been run. We earn trust here.

You are more than welcome to stay and get to know us and we you. Many a person has come in hot and gotten a rough reception. Some leave, some stay and read and meet us where we are, some become active and assisting members. The choice is yours. I wish you well no matter what you choose.


I don’t think you would actually. It is not the best of humanity.

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No, when someone joins the forum and asks people to start PMing him, we are wary and rightly so.


I think it is not the That but the How that is rubbing ppl the wrong way.


I’m cool with just recently being shot out of a Spiritual cannon into the 4th dimension and being both right and wrong.

FACT- the forum wouldn’t exist (check AA influence on treatment centers and disease classification history) if Bill , Bob, and AA no. 3 didn’t scour the country for drunks to save. That chain reaction unfolded all the way to right here right now baby.They were a little ridiculous at first. I’m cool with learning to navigate better and making some mistakes.

At least I’ve commenced to take vigorous action. We discovered in early days we can’t make someone get sober or not. We try though. And WE stay sober. Lookup the Baltimore MD drug study. People who go out and sponsor are 80% more likely to stay sober than those who seek mentorship. Human reliance fails. No human aid.

The guy who said I’m doing a poor job kudos to you. You’re probably right. I’ll try to work on that. In the meantime Im gonna keep on trudging the happy road to destiny.

I won’t get better by refraining. Step 1 is abstinence from drugs and booze. No Step suggests I stay abstinent from vigorous action. I have Faith in God He will help me get better and more practical.

AA Steps and God. All day. All long. Have another way? Bop till you drop. Easier softer ways do nothing for me.

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You go ahead and do you, that’s cool. We can respect that as long as you don’t expect us all to agree. I found sobriety another way, after 40+ years and it works for me. Please don’t diminish what is one of my proudest accomplishments. We are all unique individuals with unique life experiences and DNA. We can recover uniquely as well. We all get to decide what works for ourselves.

I think the vast majority of us know that the building block that made this moment possible was those two middle aged white upper class guys all those years ago. And I think many of us are eternally grateful for the beginning. I also know for myself, and perhaps some others, we look for other ways to enhance and fill up our sobriety and recovery journey. YMMV of course. Loving and finding meaning from one way, in no way diminishes another way.


I have another way…Recovery Dharma. There are many ways to get you sober. I started with AA. I much prefer RD, for many reasons.


Ah, the void delivers a again.

Not sure what the fuss is about though as I recently learnt from this very forum that osso buco is what will get you sober and keep you sober.
Seems I, and many others, have been doing it wrong for a very long time.


Been coming here since 2016 never asked anyone to pm me all i do as im a AA guy is try a meeting and wish them well ,but i know there are plenty of nice people here who have chosen a different way not a softer way ? to sobriety, bye the way im longer sober than your sponsor , but as i say i wish you well on your journey


If that would have been the tool for me and I would have known of this 4 years ago, I’d be eating this everyday now. :upside_down_face:


Listen that dish sounds delicious so I’m on board with that


Moving to conversation to something new…I AM GOING TO BE A GRANDPA!!!


Congratulations Scott.
First one?