Derailment void / Off topic 2021 to present

Well this is fun :star_struck:


Well technically a tart must be right!

Glad I didnā€™t bet the farm or no more cheesecake for me.

I will stick to the disco memes. Haha

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Well it was on the internet. So it must be true :wink:

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And I bet thereā€™s more than one way to make a cheesecakepietort

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Yes you could buy one already made!

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That was a great topic. Gone too soon. I guess the OP thought we were having too much fun. I am curious what made them come here and post, 7 years later.


Are you taking about the why are there threads post? I was just coming to see how it was progressing :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Yeah, thisā€¦ Great responses though.


Not here to argue, but thereā€™s indeed a dedicated Christan thread as well.

Since this is the second thread made of op with what I see as mostly religious propaganda, it maybe should be considered to get moved into that.
If start a new post about atheism, food, coffee memes, or selfies it gets moved to the right thread, so why not this?

Iā€™ll by it, if itā€™s a ā€œMy story threadā€ or a post in the check in thread.

But to tell the people that left their thoughts in this, that thereā€™s indeed an atheist thread, and let the Christian crusaders make as many posts as they want or feel like with this kind of content without allowing any kind of critique doesnā€™t really seem that inclusive to me. Especially not in a global forum.

Dedicated threads is created to keep some kind of order in the forum, and it also make it possible to avoid triggers. When the first thing I see when I log in is a post that says ā€œOnly God can Judge youā€ there sure is a trigger I canā€™t avoid.
Did I need to click on it? Of course not, but since it was a new member I choosed to do so. And here we are. Of course I can mute it as well, but is still wanted to share my thoughts of it.

Once again, Iā€™m not into offending someone or to argue. I just want to know what the thought behind that idea is.


Speaking as an ex-moderatorā€¦

For me moving and combining threads is a balancing act on a very thin line. In my time, my opinion was simpleā€¦if we took the hard line of moving all threads based on subject matterā€¦this forum would have only a handful of threads and stories would be lost. (For example sober anniversariesā€¦why dont we just make one post for thatā€¦a quarter of the threads would be merged into one)

Behind the scenes, which only a very small few seeā€¦conversations are had when posts are moved. Many times, what seems like a generic post that is similar to so many other postsā€¦are actually being authored by someone sharing somethin deeply personal to them.

So, as a memberā€¦I have two options. 1) leave a thread about something that i disagree with aloneā€¦orā€¦2) debate and argue about it, destroying what the OP was trying to express.


One last point. If a new member is posting about a religion, and if there are sooooo many Christian threads. Why not just move on from it and wait until the person starts interacting on other threads. If there are so many other threads, then those people will be along to help that person in a way that they have in common.


Yeah. Also as a former mod, quite true.

Sometimes itā€™s a delicate, ā€œWeā€™llllll just leave this one where it is and let things find their way naturally.ā€ Even threads on the same topic may notā€¦ mesh with the existing discussion.

Thanks for doing what ya do, mods. :heart:


@MrsOdhā€™s valid point has not been addressed in the above: why do we need countless God related threads and only one atheist one?

For me, I responded to the OP because of two reasons:

  1. The text posted wasnā€™t even the OPā€™s, it was some generic text without any reference to the OPā€™s situation, their sober journey, questions/advice they may have etc.
  2. Anyone wanting to argue that Christianity (and other religions potentially, I simply do not know enough) does not judge should really dig a bit deeper and remember the millions of people who have been ostrasized and persecuted for their race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality etc.

Every time we log into a site like this we can scroll through and find 10 threads within 5 minutes, which are triggering to us individually, depending on our beliefs or personal problems. We canā€™t hide every thread, nor can we make sure every topic has an equal number of threads. If you see something you donā€™t like or thats triggering, just scroll on by. Regardless if itā€™s a new member or not. Let someone else do the welcoming on that one


Respectfully, I choose not to stick my head in the sand and to be an ally instead. If that rubs certain people the wrong way, so be it.

Itā€™s not about sticking your head in the sand. As long as nobodyā€™s beliefs or ideals are being personally trashed itā€™s about just moving along. Iā€™m personally not religious but I could care less whether someone comes on and announces who their God is and how they choose to follow them. I just scroll by.


You do you and I respect that.


Can I ask who youā€™re being an ally to?

From the title of the post was pretty obvious that it was going to be god related, and you choose to open it.
It doesnā€™t show if a post has been created by someone new to the app before you open it either.

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Thereā€™s your answer, @BJM. And the title of the post clearly indicated that I am supposed to trust (only) God for judgement. That was enough to make me want to respond.

I know better than to wade in, butā€¦

@Dirk, I see you here, posting helpful replies to newbies and others and Iā€™m sure Iā€™m not the only one who notices and appreciates!

Hereā€™s my take on things. People, often original posters (OPs, Iā€™m of an age where that used to stand for Ocean Pacific :sweat_smile:) might post something that - not only doesnā€™t resonate with me, but actually irks me. Doesnā€™t align with or help my recovery. If it falls within the rules of the forum though? Well, Iā€™ve learned to just excuse myself from the thread. The former mods are right that like tends to find like on this forum, and those that lean on the judeo-christian tradition often gravitate towards each other. Several starter threads as this one dwindle offā€¦

I think the OPā€™s post falls within the rules of the forum. They posted about what works for them, and much as it might not for me, it doesnā€™t take away from my ability to do and read what works for me. Earlier today I posted on the Recovery Dharma thread. For those whom that program would not work? Well, they ignore that thread.

This place is kind of like a microcosm of life. Is there room for all of us, or at least most? How can we make that room, so that we are all free to spin around and swing our arms without hitting each othersā€™ noses? (Not to make light of it. Visuals help, and this one was given to me by a dear professor of mine.)

I hope this helps somehow. :orange_heart: