Derailment void / Off topic 2021 to present

But the post wasn’t directed at you specifically. Which is why if you do not agree, you probably should’ve just moved on. At this point it just seems like you’re looking for an argument.
It’s beneficial to no one’s sobriety :person_shrugging:




Ok I guess you will spend a lot of time unhappy if you feel the need to jump on a new person just because you don’t agree.

I am in no way religious but not every religious person is the same, the atheist post kindly asks to please be respectful, you could try doing the same.

Writing things like this as you did on another post is hateful and disrespectful “It’s all well and good until someone includes ‘الله اكبر’ (‘Allahu Akbar’ aka God is great) in a post, right?”

We are here to get/stay sober not tear down other people because of their beliefs (or food choices/taste in music/dog breed)

The original post hasn’t broken the app guidelines.


Thanks for clarifying I thought is stood for Other People than myself. Ok carry on I am intrigued with discussion and promised my husband I would improve my listening/hearing skills. I am too quick to react


You’re soooo cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Someone called me an OG at work and I had to google it. (JFGI - just fucking google it.) Original Gangster.
I think it’s a kind way of saying I’m old. :joy:

EDIT: this can’t get moved to derailment because it’s already there! Yipeeee!


I am more likely to understand/learn from your post if you can explain why what I wrote is hateful and disrespectful.

It appears to imply that the forum would have a problem if someone used the Arabic phrase God is great.

It’s just another religion and using their own language, saying things like “it’s all well and good until….” certain religions make a comment is still hurtful to those who are of that religion.

There are shit people anywhere you go religious or not and tarring anyone just because they have different beliefs to you is small minded, if someone came on ranting and saying derogatory comments relating to religion they wouldn’t last long but posting an opinion or how it helps them is not forcing anything down your throat, you don’t have to eat it.

I understand that and could have been more careful in my wording. My post was directed at the Christonormative society that is the USA, not the OP or this forum.

Edit: it’s also worth mentioning that my post was flagged and reviewed by at least one mod, who must have deemed it adhering to forum rules or it would have disappeared :man_shrugging:t2:

To @M-be-free49’s point: 99 out of 100 of my posts are respectful, empathetic and hopefully helpful to others. I acknowledged the mod commentary in the original post and stopped adding fuel to the fire immediately after that.

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I thought it was Old Guy :older_man:
Callie was the one who straightened me out a while back :laughing:


Wassup Old Guy??? :rofl::rofl:


Having some of my own old “wisdom” in this thread I’ll throw in my “unofficial” 2 cents.

Every post/topic isn’t about you… unless you posted it, it’s not about you. What is it that makes us think it’s about us??? Ego, that’s it. Have some humility and check that ego.

If you feel like this post is directed at you, it probably is… or is it?? :thinking::wink:

edited to add see?? Now I’m posting here, time to check my ego. The derailment thread isn’t about me.


Great advice Dan.

My unofficial 2 cents…

This forum, much like Life, is like a buffet. Take what you want, leave the rest. If you take issue with the way the mashed potatoes are cooked, confronting Chef isn’t going to change the way they cook 'em in the future.

Spending precious thought cycles on futile endeavors is an exhausting waste of energy and the only person it really benefits, is your own ego.

So you have some potatoes that left a bad taste in your mouth, leave em on the plate and move on to dessert.

And this is coming from an ENTP personality who loved to argue with anyone about anything! :laughing: It’s taken a lot of mindful practice to learn to choose my battles wisely.


Especially if chef happens to be the person you share a bed with. Then it could be downright dangerous




Lovin sober retirement :older_man:


There’s more than one thread specifically about the topic of atheism on Talking Sober, and there are dozens and dozens and dozens of threads - countless threads maybe? - where the topic has come up and has been constructively and helpfully discussed, with a focus on healthy human recovery experiences:

There’s also loads of atheists here who are focused on constructive conversations about recovery from addiction. It’s one of the things I love about Talking Sober. The crucible of recovery clarifies our minds and helps us connect in ways we couldn’t before, because we were so alienated from others (and from our own selves).


Thank you for eloquently pointing out what was missing from the original post, very helpful!

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I’m glad that for the majority of the time you are helpful.

The original post looked to me like a very young person but this is an open forum and literally anyone in the world can create an account.
There has been many a catfish for want of another word coming on and stirring things up.

I have been here many years now and have seen a few people claim they are upset by a post and leave for a while or forever, it makes me sad as for the most part this forum has a great group of people willing to help.

Hopefully we can leave this where it should be, a thing on the internet that someone doesn’t like and never has to read again :pray: