Derailment Void

And a regular now

The fucks I give are slim to none lately so I might pop in here and there :slightly_smiling_face:


I found the whole soberity is to handle living life and not manipulating the outcome ,learning that whatever happens we never have to pick up again ,and this takes courage, determation,faith, empathy for yourself and others ,ones persons scenario is never gonna be somebody else’s,but will get soberity to learn how to live again.:pray::heavy_heart_exclamation:we learn from others and others learn from us,I send you all love , strength…like @SassyRocks were people from all around the world with different views and opinions now if we can disagree and be adult and discuss it without it getting nasty ,just move on take what you need leave the rest . @CaptAZ soz that was meant to be for forum not directed at you bjust wanted to clarify that’s​:pray::pray:


Love you Emm! So true!:muscle::grin::heart:


Back atcha @anon12657779

Today we live life on life’s terms even if that means we have to sit in our own pain emotionally,or spiritually.we both know that this is not a easy task but we also know and willing to accept that there is another way and we never have to pick up that first drink or drug again , whatever the outcome,i like to pass the message on that we can live in hope and not in fear .on a lighter not I do love a good read of the derailment void :wink:


April, you know I respect you and enjoy having you around, but I think this comment, specifically the “10-year old” part, either came out very wrong or it can be pretty offensive to adults who suffer from eating disorders. I’m pretty much 100% sure that that was not at all your intention, so maybe change it so it won’t be as offensive to adults with eating disorders?

I am Totally not getting why in the context of her whole post that could be offensive


Gotta take this into account: “ It’s a positive step… In comparison to what all our lives were most likely like before…”

It’s basically comparing with owns experience , as I read it, if I can say


It seems to me as though she (most likely accidentally) implies that only 10-year olds get an eating disorder. But of course, that’s what it seems like to me and I tend to misunderstand things(not self-criticism, simply stating a fact).

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The rest of her post is some really great stuff. It’s only that 1 sentence that I either misinterprited or that was accidentaly formulated a bit wrong


Absolutely, don’t be scared to share your opinion around me, I’m always open for feedback


I’m sorry if it was and I sincerely didn’t want to diminish your experiences.
like @anon89207786 said it might just be some misinterpretation.
I did suffer for almost a decade of eating disorders too …and alcohol was a way to escape this obsession and shame that surrounded food and weight and fat etc…

I just think taking a sentence out of its whole context/post isn’t the way we should interpret things or a person … Because we can understand what she meant from the whole post, and obviously that wasn’t meant to be offensive, but more-less an exemplification of how experience learned from of a decade of active addiction can be use in another sphere of behaviours like eating.

Sorry didn’t want to put oil on fire, just trying to put things in perspective.

Although let’s go back to the gym :slight_smile: going for a swim in an hour to clear up the mind!


I don’t think what I posted was off topic. Just because we overcame potentially deadly addictions like alcohol and meth obviously doesn’t mean we are beyond danger to engage in other self-destructive behaviours, it’s not black and white like that. eating disorders are extremely common, addictive and prevalent amongst ppl like us who feel the need to flee reality and control stuff. There are lost of threads on cross addictions here on TS aswell. So yeah, I don’t think I need to prove this any further.
Of course I wish you all well on your journey.
April, sadly your defensiveness, diminishing other people’s experiences and aggression speak for themselves. I think you’re being a bully here when there could have been discussion everyone could have benefitted from. It’s never a good idea or even a neutral move to disqualify other people’s input as off topic and ridiculous, it’s a rhetorical sledge hammer. But you seem to really need this.
Be safe everyone. Have fun and stay healthy and sober! :pray::muscle:




I hope I didn’t offend. I was just posting where meaning originated. I understand if you’d be offended. My paternal grandmother was an Irish descendant.
Love ya, buddy :kissing_heart:


Been Irish twins for as long as I’ve known it. I’m older than the middle brother by 362 days, so we’re Irish twins too.


geez I think this sniping about the twins is a bit nicer then that one

Indeed I am from Arizona, Half German, quarter Irish and quarter polish.

I’ll let anothet mod deal with it. I don’t find it offensive