Looks lovely! I like your plants a lot.
Brilliant!!! Looks fantastic!
Old porch
New porch and front doors
Cheapest bid from a contractor was $14,500… I did this porch and 225 feet of new privacy fencing for $8,000. I’m not fast at these projects but I’m good enough to do it on my own. I put the lattice on today, only facsia and landscaping left.
Looks pretty damn good to me!
Thanks! I added a few more pics from various stages of construction. It was a lot of work but fun!
The not so pretty part of remodeling. Wire holding up pipe is temporary! Just turned on and no leaks. Not bad for a system admin! Prob could have done a better job wiping solder joints been a while since ive done it. And yes its a crawl space my fav!
Holy wow!! Gorgeous!!!
Edited to add…take that you voracious deer!!!
I am jealous! Its awesome
It was quite the project. Lots of bubbly water was required. but now I have lots of perennials for tea this winter!
Thanks @Thirdmonkey and @SassyRocks
Looks like a gorgeous piece of property! I was a big gardener when I was younger and lived in New England (born and raised)…come from a family of gardeners. I tend some herbs now as well. Lavender grows incredibly well here and seems not to be eaten by the deer, so I grow a lot of it as a border around our flowers. I have a lot of other herbs as well for cooking. Mostly flowers and herbs now. Tho I do have lettuce growing up on the porch in a stand up planter. Still harvesting it, which is nice. Lettuce is definitely the gift that keeps on giving.
That looks amazing!
Beautiful work
It’s a lot easier than it looks. All clicks together like a big jigsaw. Luckily YouTube had a guy explaining it from start to finish
Thank you. The wife is happy. Makes me happy!
Fantastic. Herringbone looks fabulous on flooring.
This looks lovely!!
It’s also a pain in the arse to clean as I found out today!