Drink(s) of choice?

Who didn’t have a 4loko phase hahaha. That shit is so nasty

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I had quite a love affair with Vodka. Although if I was out of that and needed a quick fix, Whiskey or Tequila would work. Anything I could just shoot back fast and hard.

Shortly before getting sober, I was at a local convenience store and saw something that gave me pause 4Loko Blue MoFo “Bartenders Series”… I remember thinking “I was in the Corps and have been in the deepest dive bars there are, and I wouldn’t want to be in the bar that was serving Blue MoFo…”

I was strictly wine and beer. Live 5 minute walk from two microbreweries and the American Legion Hall. I live smack in the middle of East Coadt wine country. Hard stuff made me an stone idiot real quick, so I avoided it, plus scotch tasted like window cleaner in an ashtray to me.

My drink of choice these days is white tea over ice, or pomegranate juice in seltzer. Love the stuff.

4loko is hard to drink, but nothing is worse than a Steel Reserve at room temperature! :nauseated_face:


Bacardi and coke in high school. The smell of it makes me remember all the times i almost died drinking. Moved on to cheap vodka.

East coast wine country? Are you in upstate NY by any chance?

Are you trying to make us sick lol.

I did the same. Always drank beer. Next choice was wine. I would drink liquor but with a lot of trouble lol

Trying, yes. But I think @C-sun beat me to the punch. :joy:

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Was born on cinco de mayo so i was always partial to mr. Cuervo and any of his cousins, but i wouldnt turn down anything someone handed me lol. Couldnt touch vodka tho, sat down with a half gallon of 5 o clock vodka and cheap orange juice
One night when i was a teenager and could never stomach it again. got to drinking those bud light lime a Rita beers when i was at work tho cuz i noticed no one could smell them on me and my boss has a bloodhound nose for booze, plus they had a little more alcohol than regular beer.

@DryIn785 i remember when those nasty things came out…tasted like someone pissed in a Budweiser but we drank em anyway, they were cheap as hell

Anyone remember Boone’s farm?


Once and only once in my lifetime. My very first hangover. One of only a handful of them

Boone’s Strawberry Hill was the first thing I got drunk on :mask:

Bourbon. Didn’t have 2 pee so much when I drank straight liquor. Classy.

I went through a million phases over the last 28 years. I had my Tequila straight phase, my Tequila mixed phase, my scotch phase, my Amber beer phase, my red wine phase, my white wine phase(s), my bourbon-sour phase and my cheap whiskey sour phase, both of which were made with lemon juice and sweet’n’low, then I got lazy and switched to mixing cheap whiskey with raspberry-lemon water flavor, then I got even lazier and drank decent bourbon straight. All along, through all phases, I love me my stouts and porters. Any malty beer. Pretty much the only thing I hate is IPAs. I hate hoppiness.


Literally anything

Northern VA

Boxed wine. Cab Sav or Shiraz. The more expensive boxed wine if I was feeling classy!

Whiskey and more whiskey, only thing I would drink

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