Drink(s) of choice?

Coke a cola. Or anything that dosnt F my life up and leave me sleeping in my own piss.


Well for me I suppose it was different stages in my life. In the Navy it was beer and wine after the Navy it was more beer more wine then it was liquor all the vodka I could get then I had a lot of ulcers finally I switch to Whiskey and found that was my love I was a definite Jack and Coke girl I used to pride myself on how other girls would make fun of me as they sip their pathetic Twisted Teas here I was all acting manly and strong and hardcore like Joan Jett or some stupid s*** but really I was just an alcoholic I am an alcoholic and honestly whiskey for me was the devil.

Wine (Cabernet)
Bourbon or Jameson
Beer (APA or standard lager like Bud or Stag)

I drank for a lot of years. Beer was something I could control for the most part. I never got into trouble or blacked out. But when I was introduced to whiskey all that changed. I wouldn’t drink every day…but I would binge…and I didn’t stop until I blacked out most of the time…I don’t know how I could think that was ok!! I’m coming up on my two years…and now I think about drinking and its not really that attractive anymore…

Wine and beer, with an occasional bout of bourbon and vodka. Mostly wine.

I agree!! Water , te and coke

Rockstar Pure zeros. Grape, orange, watermelon. Barq’s diet roop deer.

When I drank booze it was vakda. Any vakda would do.

Whiskey. I tried to get myself into mixed drinks so I could nurse them through the night but I’d end up ordering shots alongside them.

Plus the gas station by my work sold little bottles so I could down one on my lunch and toss it in the trash there afterwards. Beer was never my thing, I’d get full before I’d get drunk.

I enjoyed sweet wine as well.

Now I drink entirely too much coffee and tea.

I got really into Sake

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Vodka. And if I cant get that, anything.

My drink of choice was White Russians, i was spending about $35 a week. when i stopped drinking i lost about 13 pounds and 2 inches.

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Mine was any type of dry white boxed wine because I couldn’t see how much I was drinking and nor could my husband, who is a “normal” drinker…ha! I quickly graduated to Franzia because it was bigger and cheaper than other boxes. I was killing a box of Franzia in two days. I feel disgusting even thinking about it. I did keto off and on and switch to vodka due to no carbs. That was a terrible idea because I just didn’t eat and drank vodka for dinner. When I would run out, I would drink pretty much anything though.


So maybe I’m breaking the rules commenting since my DOC isnt booze… But whiskey-sipping or with ginger beer(but I’m a picky bitch), dry white, and more recently vodka water with lemon.

I do not think rules apply here unless they are of the sobering variety. :rofl:

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In high school… red dog beer. College cheap vodka and beer. Late 20’s was budlight or the cheapest bourbon and coke I could find. early 30s was four loko… before they took out the caffeine. Last 5 years budlight hurricanes or bud Ice. I guess my last 10 years of drinking myself into oblivion I waw gonna do it quick and for less than 10 dollars a night.

Oi. 4lokos… man. I think we all had a 4loko phase… usually tasted better coming back out than it did going down.

Royal Canadian Whiskey and 2 liter of cheap cola. $10

I was the devil reincarnate when I drank 4loko. For some reason I would always eat $20 worth of McDonald’s then steal everything in sight. The night always ended with someone crying.

Now I’m on a Gatorade kick. Gotta get them electrolytes. Even though that body armour sports drink is waaay better.

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Love me an ice cold Mellow Yellow. You know what I’m talking about @Englishd!

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Now you are speaking my language. I wish they had it at the hoodmart down the street

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