Empowered Women Empower Women đź’Ş

I would love this to become a girls group thread for ladies to come and vent, talk, ask for advice, and just get to know all the wonderful women on this app.

I hope this takes off as much as other threads on this app does!

I’ll start… Eleanor Roosevelt once said “A woman is like tea bag - you never know how strong she is until she is in hot water.”

Does this quote resonate with you? And just for fun, since we are tea bags, what kind of tea would you be? :teapot:


That quote absolutely resonates with me! I never knew how strong I was until about two years ago when I started experiencing the debilitating effects of bipolar 1. Paranoia, acute anxiety, suicidal ideation, hospitalization, the whole nine yards. Even through all that, I was able to hold on to just a tiny shred of hope that things would get better. And thank God I did, because while I was hospitalized I was put on a medication and therapy regimen that turned out to be a miracle. For over a year and a half, I’ve been me again. The ordeal made me realize I am a whole lot stronger than I ever thought I was! I’m so proud of myself and thankful to my strong support system that I made it through to the other side.

If I were a tea, I would be sleepy time tea. Chill, warm, soothing and sleepy LOL


My empowered woman pushing me to be empowered is Jane Goodall. She has been my hero since I was a child and she just gets kinder and more focused with age.

I like this thread idea. I’m Emilie and I’m here tackling an alcohol addiction but noticing all the other side addictions popping up as I go.

If I were a tea I’d be my favorite Lady Grey.


I absolutely love this topic and do hope it take off!
Your quote definitely resonates with me! I found /am finding my strength in these past few years. I have come down with some health issues that (not explained fully and I have refused all medications for past year as the meds were making everything worse). I have had to close my business, slow down in life, moved in with my brother and renting out my home…etc etc. All things that I thought would break me but I am still here and fighting for a better life. Fighting with a positive attitude and learning to love myself through it all.
In this journey I was forced to look inwards and change so much. Quit my addictions, got healthier in my eating habits, let go of materialistic things.

I would be a Licorice Spice Tea


Hi everyone! Great idea for a thread Faith!
I can really relate to ur quote and absolutely love empowering others.
I spent 22 years in addiction, survived working in the sex trade, survived an awful 5 year relationship filled with violence, addressed my mental health concerns thru medication and DBT therapy, got clean and sober and now am becoming the best version of myself that i can be. I am now focusing on my health so that i can live as long as possible to care for my son who has a brainstem tumor amongst other medical conditions. The one thing i am sooo grateful for is that I have not become “hard” or bitter due to my life circumstances. I do my best to remain positive and optimistic 🩷 i guess thats my little introduction lol
I dont drink alot of tea but if i was to be a tea, id probably be an apple cinnamon spice tea. Soothing, warm, and just a little spicy lol


YES!! Despite it all, we should be PROUD of ourselves for our perseverance and how we have been able to prove to ourselves that hell yes we can do this!! Thank you for sharing your story and I hope to hear more of it on this thread!! You’re doing an amazing job :heart_hands::muscle:


Thank you so much, that means a lot to me. :sparkling_heart:


Emilie! Thank you sharing part of your beautiful journey and welcome to this awesome community. I’m still new to it myself and I’m finding so much help already. You are doing the right thing for yourself!! The struggles will make the wins so much more satisfying. :heart_hands::heart_hands:


It’s good to remind ourselves: “if I can survive this, I can survive anything.” You are proving that!! I’m so sorry to hear you are dealing with some health issues, but it seems you are using your time productively/positively rather than harping on “what’s ifs” and “whoa is me” Thank you for continuing this thread and I’m so excited you’re here!! :heart_hands:


Apple cinnamon spice tea… yummy!! Wow, you’re so brave for telling all us wonderful women your harrowing story. You ARE A SURVIVOR. That’s the most badass thing anyone can ever be. Your son has an amazing role model, and I know he is so proud of you! :clap::clap:


Awe u made me tear up there :face_holding_back_tears: My son is my main motivator for being clean and sober. He doesnt know my story or that Im an addict (hes 8 years old) but id like to think that he is proud either way. Thank u for saying that.

What about you? How are you finding recovery so far?


Not even double digits yet, oh my goodness!

& thank you for asking!! So far, I’m having a wonderful time. I’ve had my days, but I can feel my body, brain, & soul recovering back into the girl I once was before my addiction. It’s an everyday battle, but I CHOSE to be sober every minute of everyday, and I am so proud of myself for that :relieved:


@TrustyBird Jane Goodall is such an inspiration! What a beautiful human. Not much of a tea girl here, but I’m gonna go with Calm tea. It’s a goal, as opposed to reality :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Great thread ladies!


Thank you for being here!! I’m so excited to hear more from you!!!


Great thread faith ,thanks for it :+1:if I was a tea I would be chamomile but as the lady before me said it’s more of tea goals than actual reality I would talk about myself but I’m very emotional today and just reading the posts already on here have made me cry so I’ll leave that for a time I need to vent or take advice lol


Hey love - you are doing great – each day sober is a day won. I find sobriety to be so very rewarding (it is not always great and fun times but WAY better than being drunk / hungover etc.

Grateful to have you here with us fighting this fight. We really do find our inner strength in sobriety and in that we find how amazing this beautiful life can be (with all its ups and downs). :hugs:


Awe i’m sorry friend – sorry that today is so emotional for you. Sending hugs and love your way.

We are here for you whenever you need :hugs:



My body is acting up today and the pain is severe which sucks but I did manage to go for my walk and swim today. Cried during both. Luckily it was dark for my walk and in water during swimming so i could let the tears flow… still feel like i’m ahead LOL.

I do know that numbing myself will not solve anything and only make things worse. So onto another day sober :muscle:


These things can be very emotional, especially if you are already having a day. Keep coming back to this thread I’m so excited to hear more from you!! :heart_hands:


I’m sorry your body isn’t being nice to you today!! That’s awesome you were able to tough it out and still get your workout done. That’s queen behavior :relieved::princess: