Empowered Women Empower Women 💪

Vent away…and also FYI…this can be turned into a PM if you prefer a bit more privacy. The people already on it would be included (and could opt out) and you could add others if you wanted. Just wanted to share that.



I didn’t know that !! Thank you for mentioning that. I hope you had a great day!! Thank you for reading my rant :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Deep breathes my friend. PMS can have us all out of sorts and can add to the stress life throws our way. As Sassy said - - Vent away. This was the purpose of the thread. Venting and getting it off our chest is therapeutic.

Being OCD I do have issues with a messy / disordered home but I have had to learn to let shit go cause I can’t do it ALL. Right now your first priority is you. You take care by enjoying your meal and then rest! You need to relax and recharge for tomorrow. Believe me the house work can wait (sorry that your BF can’t help out the way you want but maybe he can tidy up so its not as much of a eye sore).

Hugs Faith :hugs: Hope your evening is enjoyable and relaxing!


You are so sweet every time!!! Where have you been all my life?! @SassyRocks you too girl!!! I just got out of the shower and am cuddling my fur baby while I eat dinner. I’ll be passing out shortly to get up bright and early tomorrow :sweat_smile:


Thanks love …glad you got that shower and will relax for the evening. :people_hugging:

I’m exactly the same Jas! Love alllll the fall stuff tho :maple_leaf::fallen_leaf::brown_heart:


The fun part about being a woman…once you’re done with PMS, then the perimenopausal hormone swings kick up! Ah, the joys. Hope your tomorrow is better!

I’d be English Breakfast tea. Cuz it’s my fave


Any true crime girlies out there? I’m about to start the Netflix show about the menendez brothers by Ryan Murphy!!!


Do love true crime! How was the show?

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Still watching but so far so good!! Depressing and dark but very good.

Do you have any good like reenactment sort of true crime show recs?

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I recently watched the Dahmer one on Netflix and the series about the Boston Strangler on Hulu – both were great IMO.

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The guy who made Dahmer made the Menendez one!!! I’ll have to check the other one out. Thanks!! “The Act” which I think is on Hulu is about Gypsy Rose. That one is binge worthy

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Thanks for that trivia… i’ll check out both :pray:

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Ryan Murphy also created Glee. And his first big show was Nip/Tuck, which was amazing for its time.

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Just doing a quick check in with your amazing ladies. How is everyone doing? How is your sobriety journey going? Do anything fun over the weekend?


Hello, can I join? Not feeling very empowered right now but normally am pretty good. I think I would be a peppermint tea :blush:


Hi Faith! Hi ladies!! How are you all?!
Recovery is going well right now. Havent had many cravings to use. Just focusing on my health and losing all this sober weight i gained lol

Weekend was busy. I usually work Saturday and Sunday but this past weekend i spoke at a gala for Pediatric Cancer and then stayed home the next day to grocery shop and clean the apartment. It was more of a mental health day i guess.

I have been having quite a bit of anxiety lately. Moments of being on an emotional rollercoaster too. Just feeling all the feels.

How are you all doing?


Welcome welcome!!! So happy you’re here

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Sounds like productive weekend!! Fight that anxiety girl. It sucks and she likes to stay as long as possible. Thinking about you and your little boy :heart_hands: kick this weeks ass!

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Having a hard time validating my own feelings & being nice to myself today… I’m posting this as a reminder for myself and all you wonderful women :relieved: