Empowered Women Empower Women šŸ’Ŗ

I hope you ladies are having a great start to your weekend! A little reminder for us all - I used food as an award for when I get my work done. Or I ignore my hunger because Iā€™m too busy or as a punishment to myself. Nowadays, I like to eat too much to give a damn!!

Whatā€™s your favorite meal or meals? I have too many but Iā€™m definitely always down for a burger and fries :yum:


I do love that image :heart: I love so many meals and love food / eating :heart:

My go to meal is a tofu stir fry :yum:

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If it has rice or noodles Iā€™m usually very happy , onions ā€¦onions are big in my life too


That sounds so yummy!! Do you make it or order it from a certain spot?

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Agreed!! I love a good bowl of buttered noodles - itā€™s cheap and filling.

Funny you mention onions. My boyfriend made dinner last night and while he was chopping the onions itā€™s like the smell filled the whole houseā€¦ but so did the tearing effect :sweat_smile: I was in the bedroom and I was still crying while he was cutting!!

It is delicious and spicy LOL ā€“ i make at home

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Love spicy :hot_pepper: :hot_pepper: send the recipe if you can Iā€™d love to try it!!

If you like kick, I make mashed potatoes with horse radish. Normally I just eyeball it but it adds a tasty spice to it!! Oh, and of course lots of cheese :cheese:

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Yum - that sounds good too ā€“ mashed potatoes with a kick ā€“ my kinda style :yum: :hot_pepper:

I cut the Extra firm tofu in small squares and pan fry on medium heat using light amount of sesame oil - i like em crispy so continue till the tofu is golden brown

In another pan I cook up the portabella mushrooms in light amount of sesame oil

brown rice noodles or udon noodles i boil and then coat in ginger and chili oil

cook up the veggies (i get a stir fry blend from costco but can improvise if needed)- always add more broccoli as there is never enough LOL. ā€“ cooked in sesame oil, chili oil, chili paste, soy sauce, lots of ginger powder

Mix everything together and enjoy ā€” usually takes me about 10 min to prepare :yum:

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Canā€™t wait to make!! I donā€™t cook (thatā€™s why Iā€™m with someone who loves cooking) but that sounds so easy!!

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super easy and yummy - looking forward to hearing what you think

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Cozy sweater
Pumpkin patch
Fall movie
Caramel apple
Pumpkin spice
Fall candles


I like soups and fishā€¦I love spaghetti and meat sauce or meatball subsā€¦Thai fat noodle with tofu and veggies :two_hearts:






Good morning ladies! Letā€™s make this day a great one!! :hugs:

Ladies!!! I need your help!!! Iā€™m Reflecting on an old friendshipā€¦ I met them in June & we spent all summer together. The thing is, they would make weird comments to me with sexual undertones or just plain flirty. Iā€™ll admit, I had a little crush on her, but once I really got to know herā€¦ that was it. Oh, and I have a boyfriend that I live with who Iā€™ve been with for almost 4 years!!! Anyway, my friend ended up crashing on my couch bc they were going through a ā€œbreak up not break upā€ with their boyfriend. Unfortunately after a few days an emergency came up where I wouldnā€™t be home for 3-4 days and my boyfriend works afternoons/night so we doesnā€™t get home until midnight. She didnā€™t have a key to my place to I kindly asked if she had anywhere else to stay. She said ā€œyep no problemā€ - if she said no I was fully prepared to give her my key so she could let herself in instead of waiting in her car for my boyfriend until midnight (when she gets off at 6 pm normally). Anyway, a few days later I texted her to check up and she ghosted me! All the while she was sad posting on social media - I know this sounds like teenage bs but it hurt my feelings!! Then two weeks later she texted me ā€œhey long time no talkā€ and I havenā€™t texted her back. That was about two weeks ago. I donā€™t want to be friends with them anymore and they smoke and drink to cope with their problems and I actually didnā€™t get sober u til AFTER I stopped hanging out with them bc we would smoke alll the time and when I would try to quit and then go back to it she never tried to stop and help with my urges ā€¦. am I being a bad friend?


Nah, just do you. It was a lot less complex in early days for me to keep my focus on babying my sobriety, nurturing it. Life is short, cultivate friendships that bring happiness, peace and ease. Or better yet, cultivate that in yourself for a while to build your self up. :star2:

And while it is wonderful to have friends and family who actually know what support is and practice it, not everyone is always aware or able to do so. Thatā€™s why it has been so important for me to be my own biggest fan and to cultivate those friendships and groups (like here) where I do have supportive friends.

If you do end up reconnecting, it would be important in my experience to have a conversation with her about what you are working on and how support looks for you, as well as how you could support them in their own goals.

Just my experience. Take what you need and leave the rest. :star2::people_hugging::star2:


You are not being a bad friend! If this friend needed a place to stay and you opened up your place and then they ghosted you cause you were unable to accommodate for 1 night then that is BS and a red flag.

Being around this friend does not help your sobriety and in my opinion - your sobriety should be first priority. You have only know this person for months so it is not a long term bond or connection. I know that in my sober journey I came to find out who was going to help me succeed and be there for me no matter what and who was just along for the fun ride. Of course it hurt to let go of friendships but ā€“ I HAD to shed a lot of people from my life as I am learning to take care of me and put my needs first.



Thank youā€¦ I needed to hear that!!

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Ok girls I think this thread has just become my own personal bitching thread. Sorry, but I have to get it out. Ive always felt more comfortable venting to women. My day was ok, nothing at work went wrong, but I was in my head all day and at the end of it we got super busy toward closing and I got flustered. I think Iā€™m PMSā€™ing too because I have been so mean to myself since I left work. I didnā€™t make any big mistakes - in fact I donā€™t think I made any mistakes today!!! So why do I feel like this? My house is a wreck, and when I try to clean I get overwhelmed. My boyfriend was raised with a mom who cleaned after him so he never learned how to do it. When I ask him if he can, he cleans, but itā€™s a half ass job so I feel like I need to go behind him and do it myself but itā€™s just so much that I shut down after ten minutes of trying to clean. I just order a shit Ton of food bc Iā€™m starving, still need to shower, and my house is still a wreck. And I need to go in early tomorrow because I didnā€™t finish my tasking for today so I have to go in early tomorrow to do it because my actual day starts.

Anyway, the highlight is I donā€™t want to smoke and I did NOT go to the bar to drink to ā€œunwindā€

How was everyone elseā€™s day? Tomorrow will be better I know!! Thanks for letting me vent