🗑️Empty Spam

Empty Spam: fears, anxiety and bad images crawling in my head

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@Dolse71 I hope you are doing good my friend, I empty Spam:
Laziness, selfishness, stress


day 3 today and a 10 hour shift so no chance of a drink today. thanks for asking,


On behalf of Canada, I apologize.

Throwing in the bin: letting myself sink into the swamp of others’ goals, and getting to the end of the day then realizing I’ve neglected to take care of my own needs.

I will carve out time daily to complete tasks I know are a priority, for me, and are my responsibility.


Tossing in my need to be liked, my lack of patience and my soft shell that allows too much other in. :heart: Working on more compassion for my self and all beings.


Empty Spam:
Fear for the future


Fear, guilt, self-loathing


yes yes yes yes yes. shitting myself.

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Empty Spam: being angry


one day mate we’re going to rule the world but right now let’s just start with breathing.


Throwing the fear of failure in the bin.


Right!!! @Dolse71 today I empty Spam:
Fears about the future


self doubt, fear of the unknown.


Giving up, lack of hope


tonight I go to bed with no regrets, ill I’ll throw in being selfish and some slight fear but no regrets.

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A post was split to a new topic: Zzzzzz drinking post 2

Jealousy, and I even had to think about that, good day all in all.

Had some stuff swilling around my head for a while and I need somewhere to dump it. Thanks for this thread Paul!

Very much struggling to find the balance between effort and ease. Ambition and complacency. Improvement and acceptance. Confidence and self-doubt.

There is so much that I could change, but what should I? What do I actually want? What is important? So many questions where the answer is both everything and nothing.

Does that explain my resistance to putting the work in, why I am avoiding the healthy habits that I know help? Because I need answers before I know which choices to make?

Or is that just an excuse - a reason to avoid facing the realities of life? The uncertainties and decisions and hard times and good times.
That the place I have in the world is both important and meaningless. That these contradictions exist for everyone and that I’m nothing special.

What feels depressing today will be liberating tomorrow. The release of pressure to be or achieve something. But how do I define myself if not by my achievements or the approval of others? How do I release myself from this trap my mind has created? I just want to feel free.


don’t know if this helps but right now I’m thinking less, I’m not taking myself so seriously and if there is something I can’t be bothered to do I just get off my arse and do it. The only thing we gotta do is stay sober, there’s no rule book for the rest of life.

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being psychic, I’ve had that many conversations in my head today about what I’m going to say if so and so happens or if certain people say certain things, I even get angry about situations that never happened. Apart from an over active imagination I’ve had a great day.