Day 5-7 of the fabulous challenge
Day 5-7 of the ultimate challenge (day 7 is rest thankfully)
1 round of 10 min workout challenge
Did squats for situps. Still dizzy so sit ups not gonna happen for a while
Day 5-7 of the fabulous challenge
Day 5-7 of the ultimate challenge (day 7 is rest thankfully)
1 round of 10 min workout challenge
Did squats for situps. Still dizzy so sit ups not gonna happen for a while
Day 7 working hard with the little general trainer dude. My whole body was quaking at one point, oof.
Charles Darwin, Voyage of the Beagle
The earthquake, however, must be to every one a most impressive event: the earth, considered from our earliest childhood as the type of solidity, has oscillated like a thin crust beneath our feet; and in seeing the laboured works of man in a moment overthrown, we feel the insignificance of his boasted power.
I love that you are doing what feels right way for you.
I’m also looking forward to see if I feel stronger end of this month.
I missed thursday and friday because I didn’t plan time for working out. I did catch up this morning and did three sets of 10 min workout. It felt rough but I did it! Your social pressure is helping me keep up with this.
Working out does make me feel weak. Ever since I was a kid I have been ashamed I’m not strong or athletic. I’m trying to get rid of that shame, stop comparing myself to others and look for fun ways to move. Planking is not one of them, at least for now.
Thanks for everyone for being here. You are doing great!
For sure…we all have a different journey and need to first listen to our bodies. Find movement in any way you like. A friend of mine does light yoga and 1/2 hour dancing around in her living room.
We are all doing great
Day 7&8 done!
Thanks day 6 Done. Yes I am ignoring goal numbers and doing what I can. Hubby asked me yesterday as he watched me exercise what prompted me to do this. I explained challenge here and have set a goal to do everyday. Was expecting some smart ass remark but instead got “good for you”. Another thing is even though I am losing weight steady Belly needs some tightening and boy do I feel it working.
Day 8 done, even though I’m stiff and sore from yesterday’s workout. I want to ask Romeo “Wanna bet?”
Wm S, Romeo and Juliet
Courage, man; the hurt cannot be much.
Day 8 of the fabulous challenge
Day 8 of the ultimate challenge
1 round of 10 min workout challenge
10 min workout day 9 done.
Great work everyone … I’m gonna drop out of the challenge but will be cheering you all on from the sidelines.
Keep up the amazing work
You are always here in spirit my friend. I keep you close!
Day 7 & 8 completed for me. Just confessions from an “OLDIE” Taking on the Ultimate Challenge and here is my tasks. Push ups from the knees and my goal 1 to 2 full pushups by end of February. Sit ups are crunches but doing the reps. Goal a full sit up eventually. Bicycle was easy peasy as legs are strong and always have been. Laterals I am working on form but meeting the goal. Planks I can see improvement since 6 days ago but have a ways to go to hold for a minute. I weighed Monday as I don’t do often because it can affect my mood. I was up 3 pounds from last weigh in but lost .6 this morning. Everything feels good. Work is paying off and yea it is work.
Thanks friend
I see you making some amazing progress. Form is the most important and its great that you are focusing on this and getting what reps you can. You will see the results too. The increase in pounds could be due to muscle gain. Glad you are feeling good - this is the goal!
So far up through day 6 caught up and 2-10 minute rounds 🩷💜🩷
Flex those muscles … nicely done!
Had a lot of aggression to get out lol Thank you 🩷💜🩷
Day 9 done ! Side plank? Are you kidding me? Laugh real out loud. Maybe because of hip surgeries I am not able to accomplish this although can lay on either side comfortably. . I will keep trying and maybe strength will persevere. Progress shows some definition in my arms . Yess!!
9 days is awesome … you keep putting in the work my friend…your body will continue to get stronger
Holy crap I’m caught up other than a couple sets of sit-ups I threw on rest days! Jello feels funny 🩷:purple_heart:🩷
Great job!