Feeling so down

Thanx for sharing. I will definitely get the book. That sounds great. Congrats on you! Well done.
Exercising helps. This. Is true. I love jogging and I will continue with this. You are right. And I hope with every day passing the craving gets less. Thank you for your inspiration.

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I will also add, your depression will get better once you get free from the booze, but it may not disappear completely. A lot of us mothers struggle with some depression to begin with, and I feel like it stems from a sense of losing some identity. We get so busy becoming moms and wives (and working on top of that sometimes) that we forget what we even like or who we are anymore. I think the best way to combat that (and your alcohol addiction at the same time) is to replace the booze with a hobby of something you like to do. Do you like to hike outside? Maybe bike? Paint? Write? Or try out a new hobby that youā€™ve always wanted to try and see if you like it :blush:


Day was good and yes it was midnight haha. I dozed off and maybe that was the more sane thing to do. Actually, now that I think about it, I think the day was pretty terrible for me honestly. These are the days I have a lot of time but end up catching up on nothing so the feeling after is terrible.

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Probably that was the best thing to doā€¦ Do you have friends you can meet to kill time? Any hobbies? Anyone to talk to not to be alone?

Now it is evening again. We are all having dinner at my parents house tonight. This will be a struggle again. Saying no to this glassā€¦ But I know I have to resist the first one. Then it will be fine. But it is hard howeverā€¦
But this time I need to stay strongā€¦ Thanx all for listening

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Day 3 of being sober is going to end. Iā€™m so proud I made it so far. The evenings are hard. But this app. Gives me so much power. Itā€™s amazing.
Have a great Sunday evening


You are doing great - and starting to see the benefits. Well done!

Killing time is pretty easy for me with family and some friends. My cycle of acting out is triggered when Iā€™m stressed out or face shame triggers I.e. triggers that tell me that Iā€™m not enough, Iā€™m a hopeless addict, Iā€™ll never amount to anything, I keep letting people down.

So the goal is to not coast and be intentional about getting the work done. I know itā€™s pretty dysfunctional and thatā€™s where I feel like can be pretty unmanageable. Iā€™m slowly working my way up

Thank you for that information helpful as i was starting to feel abit down about the chocolate and thought is it gonna get better or will i just put food in my mouth to substitute for the alcohol good to know thank you :blush:

Good morning everyone. Starting fresh in a new week. Bought the audio book ā€œthe sober diariesā€ and Iā€™m surprised how many parallels this book has with my life. @Moochie: Iā€™m recommending it for you too!
Just looked outside. It is still dark but it has snowed. How wonderful to wake up my kids now and to see their happy facesā€¦
Have a great Monday!

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Morning! Hope youā€™re doing well!

Yes very well. And you? Hope you have a not stressful day. And keeping up your goalsā€¦

God this is hard. Another day is going to an end. 6.30pm. And Iā€™m craving for this glass of wine. But I want to be strong. Almost 4 days sober. But it is so hard. Why is our mind so so tricky???
It is really a battle

I just made to overcome the craving although back in my mind it is still knocking somewhereā€¦
But my little son just kinda saved me. He asked who is bringing him to kindergarten tomorrow. Me or dad? And then I remembered how wonderful it is to wake up fresh with no hangover in the morningā€¦ Small things that are helping meā€¦


Itā€™s the little victories! You really do need to play that tape through everytime you want that one drink and see what will happen and how you will feel the next day. It makes the right decision that much easier.

Good morning. Day 4 of being sober. Glad that I didnā€™t give in yesterday night. But it was hard. And I know when the night comes today it will be hard againā€¦
Wishing you all a nice dayā€¦

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How are you doing?

Hello how are you? Im going as good as i can im on day 3 which today has been a little hard when i returned home from work being the first day back since going sober i did really crave the drink but i just cleaned and cleaned the craving has died down a littls now. How are you going? I must say my mind tried to play with me abit and i did almost cave justifying to myself just one but i have stayed strongšŸ˜Šā€¦ thank you for asking

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Yes i have seen a view people on here talk about its on my to do list for sure :blush: and snowing how beautiful is becoming summer for me very humid

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