First day clean from cocaine

Great job keep going! Almost 2 weeks! Today I am 7 months clean from cocaine. Never could have dreamed that this could happen! Have faith you can do this!


Actually pretty bad! I started to go out with my drug-friends again and felt back in the addition… i even used ketamine and ecstasy lasf week so i m pretty down…
I m starting again… day one! Can we keep up? I would love to have someone who is in my same situation to whom talk… i saw that you can even send private message on the forum! Maybe we coukd use those


Congratulations on day 1! I’m on day 2 clean from Percocet. It does get better, you got this! Xx

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I’m right there with you. I work with a couple friends who I would get pain meds from. Trying to stay away from them. I’m on day 2 :heart:

Sure… I try to visit this site pretty much every morning and before I go to bed so, if you wanna chat I’m totally down. Some times I also feel I’m annoying to the people around me when I talk about my using and how I feel since I stopped or how I should not drink anymore or how I’m struggling with anything related. They don’t make me feel annoying, but I feel like they don’t really understand or I just feel redundant because the people I keep close mostly doesn’t have any problem with alcool or drugs. All this to say… if you wanna talk some times I’m down.

Keep it up 1 day @ time :slight_smile:

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You nailed it. People who aren’t in recovery do not understand us at all. It’s not their fault, because unless you’ve been here you will never truly understand. This is why many of us go to meetings. I can walk in a room pretty much anytime during the day and instantly have 30 friends.

People are good with my decision. But at some point there’s always a “but I don’t understand why you can’t just have one?” Or like yesterday “but it’s not better if you quit totally, because you restrain yourself so much that next time you drink you will for sure get wasted or drink for weeks”… and I’m like … yes…this is exactly why I’m not drinking dude. I can’t drink because I’ll drink myself to death, because this is how I like to drink and I can’t do anything else. And then I just lost the dude, he doesn’t get it. I’m out lol.


My parents always wondered why I couldn’t just stop. They try to understand, but for them they can just stop. I can’t I needed treatment of every variety lol

Hello everyone!! Day 9 for me!! Have a good day


yo get alot of support in this forum, and we belive in you - wish u the best off luck! I actually got my first NA meeting as well godnight :slight_smile:


Congratulations! Keep going. Thinking back it took me quite some time to actually take the step to stop. After that I had so many days “1”. I would relapse and feel bad mentally and physically (from the coming down). I made an effort to really remember the discomfort and how awful I felt when I thought about doing it again, I would close my eyes and almost feel the horrible aftertaste and the physical discomfort, reflux, restlessness… that has definitely helped me. The game changer for me was when I traveled for 2 weeks last November and experience in this trip so many amazing sober things and meet so many great sober people and I told myself that for that trip I would pretend to be sober, I would imagine I don’t have a coke problem and when I came back hom from my trip I just continued this mindset and it worked. I cut off a lot of the people that uses from my life and I don’t miss them or what we used to do when out, that drug bond friendship that lasted until the after party. Today is my 225th day and I am very happy and grateful. After various attempts it finally worked, something clicked. Never lose faith. Just keep going.

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Thank you for your support… what you wrote is abslutely true.
im really embarassed to say that I’m back at day two… again i went out with my drug friends… i m gonna have to cut them out… i ll keep you updated!!!


I had to cut them in environnements that was tempting and easy-drug-going: AKA avoiding bars and late night chilling … i say that because for me it was hard to imaging cutting all my user friends because that’s a lot. But instead I try to see them in different contexts and I refuse only the tempting zone places. So I’ll go dinner, see a movie, ask to go for a hike or going at the spa, shopping, wtv… and if really it always leads to using even in these contexts then … you go to the next step I guess. There’s no easy part in this I figured.
Keep it up and don’t worry about being on day 2, we all struggle to find the right balance and the right place we want to be …

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Thank you!! I ll try with your strategy!!! I think it may actually work for me!! I relapsed because i was out until late night, it was already three a.m. !!!

First attempt at quitting cocaine and I am only on day 3 my birthday is Tuesday I am feeling nervous that I might try to justify using one more night been heavilybaddicted for 13 years deciding to quit with no treatment or aa meetings this app is all I have

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Your birthday is just another 24 hours, really. You’ve already decided it’s something you want/need to get out of your life, Sarah. Can you fast forward to the next morning and see how you’ll feel.? No one said it was easy but it’s a fight for a true, authentic, healthy Sarah, :grin::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thankyou for your support and your right it’s just another day

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Read through this thread, it’s older but it’s people like you who have been in your shoes.
It’s worth it and so are you, hun.:heart:

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Thankyou will do

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Avoiding the situations where you’re going to use is really important for Coke imo. I just avoided going out with those friends who do it. Even on my birthday. Dealing with the fear of missing out is easier than dealing with the addiction. And a whole lot cheaper.

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